Author Topic: blocking the forehand & backhand horizontal slash..?  (Read 9842 times)


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blocking the forehand & backhand horizontal slash..?
« on: August 05, 2004, 12:30:11 PM »
does anyone have any advice on blocking these specific strikes as these are extremely powerful and fast? I've practiced doing the four walls block as shown by Top Dog in vol.4 but as he stated "not many people do them correctly". I've tried  the blocks in training but my training partners stick would for the most part go right through my block. Am I to block this strike completely..? or simply let it pass and not get hit.

So if anyone has any advice on blocking these strikes I would really appreicate any words.

thank you for your time, Paul


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blocking the forehand & backhand horizontal slash..?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2004, 01:44:54 PM »
either slide in and catch the weapon hand b4 it swings completely (this requires timing), OR step back and watch the stick swing thru, then step in and whack him.


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nothing is ever blocked
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2004, 05:32:16 AM »
Nothing is ever truly "blocked".  It is either absorbed, redirected or dodged - or, a mixture of the above.  To block, in a literal sense, means to stop - and the only true way to dead-end a horizontal one or two is to jam it completely - which would be akin to catching it in the early phase of the strike before it has reached its peak, or - offstepping the strike to catch it after peak phase - in which case you really haven't blocked it at all, rather -you allowed it to dissapate to a catchable speed.  Nevertheless, you didn't block it at it's peak.  To "block" it at its peak speed, hand-to-hand and stick-to-stick, would take near perfect timing - a luxury not usually granted in a full-contact stick match - good in practice, but seldom in fluid fighting.
My suggestion, having done, literally, hundreds of hours of full-contact stick fighting wearing riots helmets, fist gear, and utilizing a host of other full-speed contact gear and sticks, in realistic settings and training - while employed as a former special operations response team member, is this - you can learn the perfect block for not only these strikes but others as well, but don't bet your life on it -
"He who strikes first, if he strikes hard enough, may not have to strike again."  LOTR - Gandalf.
I'd spend more time on striking harder and striking first.


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blocking the forehand & backhand horizontal slash..?
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2004, 07:22:33 AM »
Woof Paul:

Not only can sticks move fast and hit hard, but they can be very deceptive.  Perhaps I misinterpret, but the picture I'm getting is of you standing there waiting for the strike to come in.  In training this is a good way to get an idea of just what your block can and cannot deal with, but in fighting this is incomplete and can be a formula for a lot of pain.  

In fighting I think of two categories of blocks-- reactive and proactive.  

A reactive block is just that.  Its a fight and it is entirely possible to have strikes come at you that cannot be evaded or jammed.  In such a moment it is block or get clocked.

The word block has a connotation for most people of force against force, yet the word also is often used for parries, deflections and the like.  Perhaps if you start thinking of your blocks like this it will help you put more body angulation/head zoning and more footwork into your blocks and have better results.  Also, think of your blocks as wind up for strikes.

The matter of proactive blocks, called "attacking blocks" in DBMA (please forgive the commercial, but see our video DBMA#4 "Attacking Blocks") is a separate point.  An attacking block is used when one can read the angle that an opponent will strike on and one enters into his bubble prepared for the strike that he will throw.  Being prepared, one then takes advantage  :twisted:

Does this help?

Guro Crafty


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blocking the forehand & backhand horizontal slash..?
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2004, 09:36:48 AM »
jojo, zinja and Guro Crafty...

thank you all for your insight, advice and perspective on blocking/deflecting, zoning and reacting

to the fore/back hand horizontal slash. all of you have been very helpful in regards to my concern about this particular technique.
while practicing I do try to zone out a bit so that I don't catch full power of the strike and I tend to move/lean my body back just a tad in case that the strike goes through at my attempt to deflect/block the strike. as to trying to come in and jam this particular strike that is something I
really feel that I cannot do.
1. my reaction time is rarely fast enough
2. trying to read one's body language for me is not eventful as the backhand horizontal slash chamber sometimes may look like one is getting ready to fire of a backhand slash to the collarbone.
so with those 2 variables in mind I just need to practice practice practice, hope for the best that my practice becomes a natural reaction from the practice.

Guro Crafty....
by any chance do you teach a regular class at Hermosa beach where one can drop in from time to time. my reason for asking is that I am not able to afford the personal training for a weekend or a seminar for that matter at the moment and I really would like to learn directly from a Dog Brother if possible. Any suggestions. I live in Oakland, CA right up far north from you.

kindest regards to all and once again much thanks...!
-p a u l