Author Topic: DBMA's view of the movie Fight Club  (Read 7397 times)


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DBMA's view of the movie Fight Club
« on: May 30, 2006, 08:22:42 AM »
After watching the rambling ruminations video and the knife ruminations video (as well as reading Guro Craftys pieces)

I was wondering what people (in particular Guro Crafty) thought of the movie fight club and how (or if) it fits in with the DBMA philosophy.

One of the most pervasive themes of the movie is the emascualation of the american male. As well as the concept of no winners or losers, trophies etc...

Dog Pound

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DBMA's view of the movie Fight Club
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2006, 11:19:52 PM »
I was listening to a book on tape while driving down to the Dog Catcher Camp.  It was titled Wild at Heart by John Eldridge.  It is a book about manhood from a very enlighten Christian perspective.  

Eldridge makes some of the same points as Fight Club.  Manhood is transmitted to a boy by men.  A mother cannot do it.  Men don't want to be nice, they want to be dangerous.

At dinner that night, Crafty was musing, ruminating, and opining about a great many things that could all be traced back to "One night in Mexico ...," and the subject of manhood came up.  Crafty and Eldridge share so many paths of reason and conclusions, I think they must know each other.
I don't know how many of them it would have taken to whip my ass, but I knew how many they were going to use. That's a handy little piece of information.
- Ron White