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Topics - Yar

Pages: [1]
Hey all. Long-time lurker first-time poster.

My brother lives in Tulsa and trains at a MMA/JKD place.  He is a little more frustrated every time I talk to him. It is always drills and pattycake and never hard dirty work under pressure or free-form exploration.

From what he tells me, it's a worthy get together as there are several people beyond his experience but it never goes anywhere. There also seems to be a little snubbing going on back and forth and a lot of the classmates are too young to train with much realism.

We come from a strong backyard tradition and I feel for him. He introduced me to my current teacher and it has meant the world to me. We are all about working hard on ABCs and then dialing up the pressure to find what works and be better people.

Is there a group in Tulsa anyone could recommend to him? He's a family man in his 30s who lives clean and trains for real. I would love to point him in the right direction as he has for me.


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