Author Topic: training tapes  (Read 6978 times)


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training tapes
« on: September 30, 2003, 01:28:12 PM »
woof all, i have been training since june with the real contact stick fighting tapes and will be going to the november gathering and to begin my personal training under guro crafty. he recently suggested that i purchase the attacking blocks tape, the krabi krabong tape and the combining stick and footwork tape, which i did and just got them yesterday. i post this to just say iam thrilled to death with all of these tapes and super glad to have the new three!!! iam already a member of the dbmaa and recieved the granfathers speak tape as well as the dog brothers on tv tapes for free for joining the dbmaa. all these minor investments i feel were well worth it and would strongly recommend them to all......esp. if your like me and live in a place where "good" martial arts is lacking. thanks again guro crafty for the tape suggestion i will be working hard on them and look forward to november!!!   spinebuster