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Messages - Judo_Bob

Pages: [1]
Martial Arts Topics / SEEN THE GUY
« on: March 25, 2004, 07:27:23 PM »
Good stuff, great teacher, teaches you no nonsense-

Martial Arts Topics / THE DIFF
« on: March 25, 2004, 07:20:13 PM »
There are basically no differences between Arnis or Escrima, also known as Eskrima. The martial arts community uses the different names to refer to the same type of arts. Originally, the difference in the name implied the region from which the art originated or the material unique to that family. These three names, and others, refer to Filipino martial arts where skills in both empty hand and weapons are developed using similar training methods to teach both. “True” practitioners of these arts are noted for their ability to fight with weapons or empty hands interchangeably.

Being involved in Arnis/Escrima since 1987 i have seen the FMA go through transistion and change like all martial arts.

Like all martial arts you have that close nitch groups, and groups within groups. In the Serrada for example seems like everyone is battling everyone, as seen in Modern Arnis and others. It seems that someone is always right or knows more than anyone else. Then they get pissed and go off and create their own system and call themself GRANDMASTER OF BUTT WON DO or WADO ARNIS.. YOU GOT THE POINT.

The worse place you can research anything about arnis or that anything is on the web. What people do not understand, information posted on web is from the point of the view of the person posting.

People dont take into account, if they are honest, telling the truth or full of BS* and themselves.  What you read is through the eyes of the one who wrote it. I will say though, you can get lots of stuff out there. I have found everything from AMC PACERS (CAR) to people who sell body parts.

THE TRUE MASTER or so called master knows the difference between, can pick apart and catalog what is known, and retain information that is lost or a dying art.

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