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Messages - digitalmafia

Pages: [1]
Martial Arts Topics / Re: Mai Sok vs...
« on: February 02, 2008, 03:56:14 PM »
Woof Digital mafia,  From the amount of posts, you've posted I would guess your reletivley new to the forum. I don't reconize your sign on name.
Just out of curiousity, have you ever been to, or fought in a gathering?
I would love to see this fight for a number of reasons.
                                                           Dog TG

No, I have never been to or fought in a gathering. I have known about the Dog Brothers since 1992  when a group of us in Atlanta were doing similar things
in parking lots and fields at UGA and Ga.Tech.  Salty Dog and I started corresponding in the mid 90's after I had trained at the Buddhai Swan and he was either on his way or had just returned.  So, I have always wanted to come and participate.  A short vs long fight with Mai Sok seemed interesting to me as it is the traditional framework that you train them (against a staff, swords, spear/shield etc).  But a Mai Sok to Mai Sok fight hadn't occurred to me (sheepdog!).   When I said 'tough fight' I wasn't referring to a challenging fight, but more towards the 'maim' factor that a NHB fight with Mai Sok is likely to have.  Not sure if it can be mitigated, but perhaps we can work it out. 

Martial Arts Topics / Re: Mai Sok vs...
« on: January 31, 2008, 11:07:43 PM »
I'll use Mai Sok as well.

Funny, now that I think about it I have never seen a fight with two Mai Sok (have you?).
Would be interesting and likely a tough fight.  I have to give this some thought, but I am interested.


Martial Arts Topics / Re: Mai Sok vs...
« on: January 30, 2008, 07:00:28 PM »
Hi Sheep Dog,
Thanks for the reply.
What weapon would you like to use?

Martial Arts Topics / Mai Sok vs...
« on: January 29, 2008, 08:58:16 PM »

I searched the forums and only found a few seminars and a possible match up thread, but I am interested if
anyone has fought in a DB Gathering using Mai Sok?  I have been using Mai Sok and training students in
their use for more then 12 years as well as using them as an introduction to CQB and the older styles
of Muay Thai.  I have personally fought with them against a variety of weapons using lacrosse helmets
and street hockey gloves and I found them formidable against long and short ranged weapons.  Is this a weapon one might
be permitted to use in a Gathering?


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