Author Topic: Dog Fighting  (Read 6084 times)


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Dog Fighting
« on: October 12, 2010, 09:53:22 PM »


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Re: Dog Fighting
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2010, 08:08:50 AM »
A very interesting article and topic.  And the author of the website illustrates one of the biggest problems in dealing with a pure aggression attack of any sort-be it canine or human.  Unpreparedness for sudden violence and the fear in our own mind.

To me,  a dog's attack that illustrates it more so than any video of a gang attack of people.  A dog really only has one primary physical weapon, driven by a lot of pure mass and crunch power.  A dog's leap is no faster than a swung kali stick or a thrown baseball.  A dog is no harder a target than a good boxer's head or a well flung curveball.  A dog's method of attack also brings its primary target areas into range. 

What makes a dog attack so dangerous?  Pure aggression is very hard to deal with.  And the fear in our own mind that locks us down.

Apply the same principles of fighting people to a dog attack.  What's got to happen?  The dog has to cross distance into attack range and then cover the final danger zone until it can bite or impact with its body and then bite.  The same things that get us into trouble with people get us into trouble with dogs.  One, we don't notice the danger signs.  Two, we let someone or something get into attack range.  Three, we stay in the direct line of the attack.

Think about the advantages the AVERAGE human has over the AVERAGE dog.  One: A well developed brain.  Two:  Opposable thumbs.  Three:  About twice as much mass.  Four:  Reach.  We have long limbs that we can use to counter without putting a critical area at risk.  A dog's nose gets to  you before its teeth do.  And its eyes are very close behind its teeth.  Five:  Clothing, especially shoes.  Well, most of us.  *grin*

The disadvantages the average human has:  A well developed brain that shuts down.  Thinner skin.  A higher center of gravity.   Four:  A lack of exposure to aggression.

From what I have seen of dog attacks, police training and dealt with from aggressive dogs, most people get in trouble because they either stand there and take the attack or they run.

First thing:  Notice the dog coming.  Second:  The dog is moving.  Move as well.  Don't be a stationary target for the impending tooth-tipped bullet about to fly at you.  Next:  Worst case, don't be afraid to sacrifice a limb for the dog to latch onto.  After that, we get into specific techniques with are less than helpful without a lot more scenario information.

As martial artists, would we willingly stand flat-footed and let someone with a knife or a baseball bat run at us and start the swing before we start moving? 

Another point though:  If the dog is in full-blown all-out attack mode, there is a good chance that you will have to 'walk on the dark side'