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"strange" knifebook

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hi there
knows somebody this book. is it serious? just curious......


The author of this book only discribe dirty knife fighting tricks. There's no filipino martial arts background. Many prisoners can show you same tricks and moves. I don't like that book, theres no art, no philosophy.

Best regards, Mike from germany

f?nks for se information.

what do u train in germany? germany is a little paradies
for phillipino ma fans - i think (pekiti tirsia, jkd, latosa, modern arnis,
kombatan, a lot escrima styles, and more......)

greetings logan, from z?rich

In germany you found some good fma teachers with a good skill but the skill from the other teachers is very low. You must have a lot of luck to find a good teacher. But: "Have sticks, will travel!" ;)

Currently i practicing lameco and pekiti tirsia. But i'm very open and look to other systems, too.

For upgrade my empty hand and grappling skill i'm practicing jkd, jkd grappling and some kind of free fight. (CSW from Sensei Erik Paulson)

Best regards, Mike from germany

Woof Logan:

  Many people react to this book as Mike does-- and certainly, in a sense, he is correct in his description of it.  I too "don't like" it.  It IS very ugly.  That is exactly why IMHO this is a very valuable book-- its accurate portrayal of a mindset that may well be the one holding the knife that attacks you and its description of the tactics and "techniques" that this mindset tends to use.

Crafty Dog


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