DBMA Martial Arts Forum > Martial Arts Topics

dbma on saturday's at inosanto academy


I saw on the calender that there are training classes on most saturdays from 1-2pm by crafty dog
at the inosanto academy, do you have to join the academy or is this
a seperate class.

Woof Phil:

 There are three options:

1) Join the Inosanto Academy and take the class.  Apart from the cost of registering (rather substantial I am told) this will yield the lowest per class price

2) Register for the DBMA class only.  This yields a slightly higher price, but if you have no desire to take any other IAMA class, this may be the way to go.

3) Pay per class.

Call the IAMA at 310--348-9944 for details.

Guro Crafty


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