Author Topic: Hawaiian Clan of Dog Bros  (Read 6890 times)


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Hawaiian Clan of Dog Bros
« on: January 16, 2004, 03:05:24 PM »
 To all Dog Brothers. If your interested in a Gathering in Hawaii.
Let us know if you wanna come out for a large group gathering.
Or if you make it to the Island on vacation , bizness.
We can get together and Fight and train. Dog Bros style.
 We have a web site on groups msn.Created by Silat Greg.
We study with Bernard Chong in Honolulu.
 Some of us also study with Datu Manuel Nittalama, in eskrima.
 We are a small group. That is fighting weekly in a park. Near the Honolulu
Zoo. The Giffrafs accross the street watch us beat on each other.
With rattan knives and sticks.
 You can reach Kalani Grim, Canidate Poi Dog at
 or Mike Tibbitts aka DogZilla at
 There is some Silat sites on groups msn.
 We wanted to have a spring gathering on Oahu.But Marc Denni is out and
about teaching you all.So we postspond this event.Until we can get him out here to Honolulu. We also need to create at event that will focus on the True spirit of the Dog Brothers.We thought about having these fights.
In a isolated area.but many of you may be traveling with a signifagant other. Who would like to enjoy the Island differently than us.
 So to make our women and maybe kids happy. We could do our thing.
 On the beach ,close to Waikiki. We have permision from the Chief of the Parks and recs division. We look forward to hearing from you. Aloha...