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Topics - Crafty_Dog

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Martial Arts Topics / FEEDBACK PLEASE
« on: January 25, 2004, 05:01:27 AM »
A Hearty Woof to All:

  I would like to take this moment to ask for feedback on this Forum-- likes, dislikes, that sort of thing.

  In addition to general matters, of particular specific interest to me are:

1) What do people think of the current policy of allowing anonymous "guests" to post?  Should we require registering in order to post?

2) What do people think of our present approach to what may be posted and what may not?

Crafty Dog

Martial Arts Topics / Humor
« on: January 16, 2004, 01:16:15 PM »
Woof All:

  Like the title says, this thread is for humor.  "R" rated Ok, but not "X" please.

  I've been travelling more of late and the following cracked me up.

Crafty Dog

All too rarely, Australian airline attendants make an effort to make the in-flight "safety lecture" and their other announcements a bit more entertaining. Here are some real examples that have been heard or reported:

On an Air NZ Flight with a very "senior" flight attendant crew, the pilot said, "Ladies and gentlemen, we've reached cruising altitude and will be turning down the cabin lights. This is for your comfort and to enhance the appearance of your flight attendants."

On landing the hostess said, "Please be sure to take all your belongings. If you're going to leave anything, please make sure it's something we'd like to have."

"There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there are only 4 ways to leave the aircraft."

As the plane landed and was coming to a stop at Auckland, a lone voice came over the loudspeaker: "Whoa, big fella. WHOA!"

After a particularly rough landing during thunderstorms in Adelaide, a flight attendant on a Qantas flight announced, "Please take care when opening the overhead compartments because, after a landing like that, sure as f*** everything has shifted."

From a Qantas employee: "Welcome aboard Qantas Flight XXX to YYY. To operate your seat belt, insert the metal tab into the buckle, and pull tight. It works just like every other seat belt; and, if you don't know how to operate one, you probably shouldn't be out in public unsupervised."

"In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you have a small child travelling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs. If you are travelling with more than one small child, pick your favourite.

"Weather at our destination is 32 degrees with some broken clouds, but we'll try to have them fixed before we arrive. Thank you, and remember, nobody loves you, or your money, more than Qantas Airlines."

"Your seat cushions can be used for flotation; and in the event of an emergency water landing, please paddle to shore and take them with our compliments."

"Should the cabin lose pressure, oxygen masks will drop from the overhead area. Please place the bag over your own mouth and nose before assisting children... or other adults acting like children."

Heard on Qantas Airlines just after a very hard landing in Hobart: The flight attendant came on the intercom and said, "That was quite a bump, and I know what you are all thinking. I'm here to tell you it wasn't the airline's fault, it wasn't the pilot's fault, it wasn't the flight attendant's fault... it was the asphalt!"

Another flight attendant's comment on a less than perfect landing: "We ask you to please remain seated as Captain Kangaroo bounces us to the terminal."

An airline pilot wrote that on this particular flight he had hammered his ship into the runway really hard. The airline had a policy which required the first officer to stand at the door whilethe passengers exited, smile, and give them a "Thanks for flying United. "He said that, in light of his bad landing, he had a hard time looking the passengers in the eye, thinking that someone would have a smart comment. Finally everyone had got off except for an old lady walking with a cane. She said,"Sonny, mind if I ask you a question?" "Why no Ma'am," said the pilot. "What is it?"

The little old lady said, "Did we land or were we shot down?"

After a real crusher of a landing in Sydney, the Flight Attendant came on with, "Ladies and Gentlemen, please remain in your seats until Capt. Crash and the Crew have brought the aircraft to a screeching halt against the gate. And, once the tire smoke has cleared and the warning bells are silenced, we'll open the door and you can pick your way through the wreckage to the terminal."

Part of a flight attendant's arrival announcement: "We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today. And, the next time you get the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurised metal tube, we hope you'll think of Qantas."

A plane was taking off from Mascot Airport. After it reached a comfortable cruising altitude, the captain made an announcement over the intercom, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Welcome to Flight Number XYZ, non-stop from Sydney to Auckland. The weather ahead is good and, therefore, we should have smooth and uneventful flight. Now sit back and relax - SH*T! ARGHHH! OH, MY GOD!" Silence followed and after a few minutes, the captain came back on the intercom and said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am so sorry if I scared you earlier, but, while I was talking, the flight attendant brought me cup of coffee and spilled the hot coffee in my lap. You should see the front of my pants!" A passenger in Economy said, "That's nothing. He should see the back of mine!"

This guy is flying down the interstate, going way faster than he should be, and consequently he gets pulled over by the state police. When the officer comes up to the window, the man says, ?Before you say anything, I should probably tell you that this car is stolen, I have an unregistered handgun in the glove compartment, and there is a dead body in the trunk.? The officer, in absolute shock, calls for backup and within minutes the road is blocked off and there are cops all around. They search the car and find none of the things he said to be true. After investigating, the sergeant approaches the driver and says, ?I don?t understand. I spoke with the officer who pulled you over, and he said you told him there was a gun in the glovebox, a body in the trunk, and that the car was stolen. What?s the deal here?? The man stands there dumbfounded, then says, ?I bet he told you I was speeding, too, huh??

Martial Arts Topics / SERVER PROBLEMS
« on: January 08, 2004, 12:48:41 PM »
Woof to All:

  It has come to our attention that we have not been receiving a number of emails and I am told that we will be changing servers in an effort to rectify this so know that if you recently have sent us an email it may not have gotten through and know that this forum/website may be down in the near future.

the adventure continues,
Crafty Dog

Martial Arts Topics / Female Violence
« on: January 06, 2004, 08:54:13 AM »
Fatal Stabbing Called a Rare Act by Girls
 A back-alley knifing of a teen in Anaheim, in which two girls are held, highlights differences between the sexes in youth violence.
By Jennifer Mena and Mai Tran, Times Staff Writers

The fatal back-alley stabbing of a teenage girl in Anaheim over the weekend was a rare outburst of extreme violence among girls, apparently fueled by motives not often found in young men, witnesses and experts say.

"Boys fight for instrumental reasons, such as money. Girls tend to fight for emotional reasons," said Meda Chesney-Lind, a women's studies professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, who has written several books on women and violence.
Homicide detectives won't discuss the possible motive behind the killing of 17-year-old Yolanda Acevedo. But to her friends, the reason was clear: She was beautiful, and her assailants were jealous.

Acevedo died several hours after she was attacked, allegedly by two other teenage girls late Friday night in an alley behind an apartment complex in the 1800 block of West Glencrest Avenue, where she had lived with her family for two years.

Police on Saturday arrested two Anaheim girls: Nuvia Jeanneth Constantino, 17, and Linda Duarte, 16. Duarte lived in the apartment below Acevedo. The two suspects will be tried as adults, prosecutors said Monday, and were being held without bail at Orange County Juvenile Hall.

Police said a weeks-long feud led to the killing, in which Acevedo was stabbed in the neck, heart and lung. A 19-year-old friend from childhood who was with her was treated for minor injuries and released from the hospital.

Neither the victims nor their alleged attackers were gang members, police said.

The killing stunned authorities because such extreme violence among young women is rare.

"We're so accustomed to hearing about males in fights and, unfortunately, [being] the victim of homicides," said Anaheim Police Sgt. Rick Martinez. "I haven't seen anything like this in my 30 years here."

Indeed, such crime is on the decline, said Chesney-Lind. Citing the FBI Uniform Crime Statistics, she said female juvenile arrests for murder and non-negligent manslaughter dropped 43% from 1993 to 2002.

"I would suspect that in this case, [death] was not intentional," she said. "Girls tend to feel more guilty about what they do."

Acevedo's friends said Monday that they had spent several hours Friday straightening her hair before they gathered in the alley behind the apartment complex where she lived.

Trouble began when two girls and a teenage boy came out to the alley and reignited a disagreement that had been festering for several weeks, police and friends said.

The attackers "started stuff with us" and harassed Acevedo, said Laura Vizcarra, who attended elementary school with Acevedo and was wounded in the attack. "They always had something to say."

They "were talking trash," said Yesenia Mendoza, 19, Acevedo's sister-in-law, who said she was struck in the head with a bottle. "They came back with Corona bottles and hit us."

Acevedo "was beautiful, gorgeous," Vizcarra said. "They were jealous of her looks."

Neighbors heard the scuffle and called police, who arrived to find broken bottles and no one at the scene. They were notified by staff at Anaheim Memorial Medical Center after friends took Acevedo and Vizcarra there.

Knives and bottles are more common weapons of choice for girls than guns, said Chesney-Lind.

Some of the emotional reasons girls will pick fights include disagreements over boyfriends, gossip or "mean looks," she said. Boys usually commit violence for reasons related to gangs, drug sales or turf, she said.

In tough neighborhoods, Chesney-Lind said, girls may fight to gain respect, which they don't get through good grades or submissive behavior.

Usually, both the aggressor and the victim have lives marked by some sort of victimization, either poverty or poor relationships, she added.

Acevedo's father, Juan Acevedo, a native of Zacatecas, Mexico, who works in construction, said he never spoke to his downstairs neighbors, did not know their names and was not aware his daughter was the object of any harassment from them.

Acevedo attended Brookhurst Junior High School before joining the Anaheim-based Orange County Conservation Corps, a work-study program in which participants divide their time between studies and public works projects.

Vizcarra spent part of Monday sweeping the ground in front of the makeshift memorial of beer cans, liquor bottles and carnations that stands where Acevedo was killed.

Friends and family members stood nearby, crying and sharing stories. A sign read, "May you be at Peace. Forever in Our Hearts."

If you want other stories on this topic, search the Archives at

Martial Arts Topics / A Prayer
« on: December 30, 2003, 02:26:23 PM »
Heavenly Father, help us remember that the jerk who cut us off in traffic
last night is a single mother who worked nine hours that day and is rushing home to cook dinner, help with homework, do the laundry and spend a few precious moments with her children.

Help us to remember that the pierced, tattooed, disinterested young man
who can't make change correctly is a worried 19-year-old college student,
balancing his apprehension over final exams with his fear of not getting
his student loans for next semester.

Remind us, Lord, that the scary-looking bum, begging for money in the
same spot every day is a slave to addictions that we can only imagine
in our worst nightmares.

Help us to remember that the old couple walking annoyingly slow through the store aisles and blocking our shopping progress are savoring this moment, knowing that, based on the biopsy report she got back last week, this will be the last year that they go shopping together.

Heavenly Father, remind us each day that, of all the gifts you give us, the
greatest gift is love. It is not enough to share that love with those we
hold dear. Open our hearts not to just those who are close to us, but to
all humanity. Let us be slow to judge and quick to forgive, show patience,
empathy and love.

Martial Arts Topics / UFC Friday night
« on: November 20, 2003, 01:55:49 PM »
Woof All:

  Frank Trigg of RAW Gym goes for the belt tomorrow night against Matt Hughes.  MH is very well regarded, but FT brings a lot to the party too.  Go Frank!

 Any comments/predictions on any of the fights?

Crafty Dog

Martial Arts Topics / Old Thai Arts
« on: November 13, 2003, 12:49:13 PM »
Woof All:

I'm reposting the following from the "Escape from Rome" thread because the subject heading has nothing to do with the subject of Old Thai Arts.

Anyone who can contribute please do so.

Thanks and Woof,
Crafty Dog

Guro Crafty,

Ajarn Marco de Cesaris teaches that ancient style of Thai boxing, does he not (the kind with the cord-wrapped fists)?

I'd like to know more about it.



, , ,


Woof Spadaccino:

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, but what with the terminology wars nearby and catching up with training and business after a heavy traveling schedule this is my first chance.

It was a pleasure meeting Ajarn Marco who turned out to be a most gracious host as well. He calls what he does "Muay Boran". He is well recognized by the organizations in Thailand in this endeavor, has a fighting background, at 41 is still supremely fit and has a large, active network of schools.

Given the Krabi Krabong component of the recent evolution in DBMA that I've taken to calling "Los Triques", I was most curious to see what
Muay Boran was like and I think Marco too was curious to see the what the KK influence on us looked like.

Speaking only from a base of initial impressions (more knowledgeable people should feel free to jump in) I would say the Muay Boran allows the fight to continue striking on the ground. Examples of this can be seen in Ajarn Marco's video with Budo titled "Kon Muay Kee, Muay Boran" (Marco was kind enough to give me a copy) -- reaping kicks followed by flying drop knees to the prostrate spine, dropping shin kicks to the back of the head as lays on the ground, zoning around the man on the ground that seeks finishing shots even as it looks to avoid entanglement-- a highly important principle for the real world!

During our weekend together we compared notes on footwork concepts. I think Marco enjoyed that we too had come to similar ideas about bilateralism and sought to cultivate the "stepping through step" through our KK training. Marco shared with me some of his thinking on the clinch and elbowing the body. I also enjoyed his historical perspective on the reasons underlying the older deep stance.

All in all it was very enjoyable and we are staying in touch.

If anyone can add any comments on older Thai systems (an area of great interest to Marco) such as KK, Muay Boran, Lerd Rit etc it would be much appreciated.

Crafty Dog

Martial Arts Topics / Guro Crafty in Bern Switzerland this weekend
« on: September 25, 2003, 11:11:48 AM »
Wuff All:

  I'll be in Bern with my good friend Guro Benjamin "Lonely Dog" this weekend.

Wuff (German spelling)
Guro Crafty

Martial Arts Topics / Forever Young
« on: September 22, 2003, 12:09:19 PM »
Woof All:

At the core of the attraction that the FMA hold for me is that they produce men who "walk as warriors for all their days".  

Of all the stories of Guro Inosanto, in one of many that have touched me deeply, he tells of watching old manongs hobble out to demonstrate their art.  Amongst his many skills Guro I. is an extraordinary mimic (of accents as well as movement BTW) and as he mimics their movement one can see the effects of time.  But then!-- they pick up their sticks and begin to move and it is as though they were young again:  the movement live, dynamic and full of grace.   And then they finish and become old men again, and hobble off.

The thought I apply to myself for my personal mission (and that of DBMA) of "walking as a warrior for all my days" is to train so that there is a place in myself that is forever young-- a place that I can access should I ever need to.  If I remember my readings in NLP correctly, this may be called an anchor.  In FMA perhaps this may be considered an anting-anting.  

Regardless the name, it is the place that is forever young.  If one has done little in youth, it seems reasonable to me to think that it will be of less value than if one has done more-- without having done "too much"..   Perhaps some of the training that is derided by some today  may be better seen as what those who "did more" in their youth use to keep the rust off their skills?  Of course this interpretation implies that these methods may not suffice in the absence of seasoning experiences.  

Just a rambling rumination.

Crafty Dog

Martial Arts Topics / An Army of 1 --and 1 in the oven
« on: September 16, 2003, 05:44:14 PM »
An Army of 1 ? and 1
in the oven
Spokesman asked about level of pregnancies among U.S soldiers in Iraq

Posted: September 16, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Les Kinsolving
? 2003

At today's White House news briefing, WND asked presidential press secretary Scott McClellan about columnist David Hackworth reporting on the level of pregnancies among American service personnel in Iraq, and followed it up with a query about Pfc. Jessica Lynch.

WND: The Department of the Army spokesman at the Pentagon said yesterday that retired Col. David Hackworth is a heavily dedicated combat leader who is not regarded as undependable. And they have also seen his column where he reports, "Apparently more than half of the women deployed to Iraq are now pregnant." And my question: While Army spokesmen from the Pentagon and Baghdad would neither confirm nor deny this pregnancy rate, surely the commander in chief will not try to evade this very serious problem, will he, Scott?
McCLELLAN: Les, I'm not quite sure what you're referring to, but it sounds like it's a matter to address to the Pentagon. (Laughter.)

WND: I want to know how does the commander in chief ? is he concerned that all these women are getting pregnant?

McCLELLAN: Les, I haven't heard anything about this.

WND: Col. Hackworth also reports thousands of angry e-mails from veterans protesting the awarding of the Bronze Star to Pfc. Jessica Lynch after propagandists conned the Washington Post into reporting that she was shot and stabbed, but continued to kill Iraqis, which never happened. And I wonder, how does the commander in chief react to thousands of veterans' complaints?

McCLELLAN: Les, I think that the president knows that we have a lot of heroes, including Jessica Lynch. They should all be commended for the service and sacrifices that they make.

Martial Arts Topics / Trauma Debriefing Countereffective?
« on: September 12, 2003, 01:43:02 PM »
Woof All:

  I found this article interesting.


Is Trauma Debriefing
Worse Than Letting
Victims Heal Naturally?

The executive was in a meeting in one of the Twin Towers when the first plane hit. Of the 30 people with him, he and only six others staggered out alive that morning. Crushed by the enormity of the tragedy, the man told his trauma counselor that it was all he could do to try to understand why he had lived while others died. Yet he had to cope with a great deal more.

Like thousands of other victims of Sept. 11, the executive underwent psychological debriefing, a catch-all term for sessions in which a counselor encourages a group of 10 to 20 trauma survivors or disaster workers to share, in a supportive environment, what they experienced, felt and thought. Debriefing, say proponents, can prevent long-term psychological problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder. The disaster industry that emerged in the 1990s has vigorously promoted psychological debriefing, training more than 40,000 people a year in it. Members of the U.S. military undergo stress debriefing before deploying home from Iraq.

For the executive who survived the 2001 terrorist attacks, though, hearing other victims describe what they saw and suffered that day was too much. When one described seeing a body part roll down a sidewalk, he had to flee the session.

For weeks afterward he suffered flashbacks and nightmares, finally seeking help from Crisis Management International, an Atlanta-based company that, at the behest of 204 corporate clients, had sent hundreds of counselors to New York within days of Sept. 11. "The group debriefing had led him right into what he couldn't get rid of in the first place: the memories and images of 9/11," says CEO Bruce Blythe.

See a September 2002 special report from the Online Journal for a look at how former World Trade Center tenants -- including some business owners mentioned in this article -- worked to rebuild their businesses after the terrorist attacks.
In science, anecdotes are not data. But stories like this executive's are igniting a firestorm of controversy in psychology. After scrutinizing dozens of studies of psychological debriefing, a panel of eminent researchers assembled by the American Psychological Society -- Richard McNally of Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass.; Richard Bryant of the University of New South Wales in Sydney and Anke Ehlers of King's College London -- has reached a clear conclusion.

"Contrary to a widely held belief, pushing people to talk about their feelings and thoughts very soon after a trauma may not be beneficial," they write in a paper to be published in November in the journal Psychological Science in the Public Interest (available at "Although psychological debriefing is widely used throughout the world to prevent PTSD, there is no convincing evidence that it does so. ... For scientific and ethical reasons, professionals should cease compulsory debriefing of trauma-exposed people."

Most survivors who have undergone psychological debriefing call it helpful. But objectively comparing the outcomes of people who did and didn't undergo debriefing -- survivors of car accidents, police officers exposed to trauma and disaster workers -- tells a different story. Debriefing has no effect on rates of PTSD.

A 2001 analysis, for example, examined peer-reviewed studies that randomly assigned trauma survivors to receive "critical-incident stress debriefing," a commonly used protocol, or not. (Randomized controls let you separate the effects of debriefing from natural recovery.) The conclusion: There is no evidence that debriefing helps prevent PTSD in trauma survivors, partly because most recover naturally.

More worrisome, debriefing may impede natural recovery. When police officers who worked a plane crash underwent debriefing, they had significantly more PTSD symptoms 18 months later than officers who weren't debriefed. By forcing survivors to relive horrific memories, says Prof. McNally, "debriefing may consolidate emotional memories more intensely, when what you need is to shut down for a while. As one earthquake survivor in Turkey said, 'It was as if the debriefers opened me up as in surgery and didn't stitch me back up.'&"

Jeffrey Mitchell, an associate professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, who devised critical-incident stress debriefing, dismisses the negative studies. Many include debriefings conducted by poorly trained or minimally experienced counselors, he says, or done too soon after the trauma. Moreover, "this was never designed as a stand-alone. Crisis intervention includes much more than debriefing."

In fact, at least one debriefing study found a benefit. In 1999, scientists reported that 42 emergency medical personnel who underwent debriefing after working the 1992 Los Angeles riots reported significantly fewer PTSD symptoms than did 23 nondebriefed workers. Other pro-debriefing studies, however, are problematic. Some failed to include a no-treatment group to serve as a control. In others, the follow-up period for assessing "lasting" psychological damage was woefully short.

Businesses aren't waiting for academics to resolve the debate. Concerned about the potential harm of debriefing, says Mr. Blythe, CMI has abandoned it. The company's Web site now warns prospective clients that the science behind debriefing is so iffy, and the suggestions of harm so troubling, that requiring employees to undergo debriefing could invite lawsuits.

You can e-mail me at

Martial Arts Topics / REMEMBER
« on: September 11, 2003, 04:19:14 AM »

Martial Arts Topics / Oct 12 Hemet CA: DBMA Seminar with Guro Crafty
« on: September 05, 2003, 11:51:09 AM »
Sunday October 12th
Hemet, CA


Lester "Surf Dog" Griffin:
114 E. Florida
Hemet, CA 92545
phone: 909-766-0702

Martial Arts Topics / An inspiring story
« on: September 03, 2003, 11:34:36 AM »
Woof All:

  This was forwarded to me and I share it here.

Crafty Dog

As many of you know, I won the World Juijitsu Championship in my division and placed third in the open.  Juijitsu is a full-contact grappling martial art exceedingly popular in Brazil where the World Championships are held.  The style of juijitsu that I have studied is called Gracie Method, made famous by the Gracie brothers who won the Ultimate Fighting competitions several times.  Before this, few in the US were familiar with juijitsu.  The Gracies proved that juijitsu could trample karate, judo, boxing and any other form of fighting.

The road to victory is never short and in my case credit must be shared with many people who helped along the way.  This is a little report on my preparation and last week's tournament in Rio.

To prepare, I trained three days each week with three different black belts.  The first was Steve Maxwell, he and his wife D.C. are the owners of Maxercise in Philadelphia. Steve not only taught me juijitsu but made it his personal project to transform my body into a lean, strong, limber fighting tool.  Hagis, another black belt from Brazil, reinforced many of the moves that I have learned over these past five years.  With him I would repeat moves again and again and again until they became second nature.  I also flew to California twice to train with Jean-Jacques Machado, a multi-champion black belt who also fights one-handed.  As I was discovering, my blindness was less of an hindrance than the limitations of my left hand.  For those of you that may have forgotten, my left hand has only two fingers attached to a fused wrist.  Machado taught me many ways to overcome my limitations and use more of my legwork.  So after six months of high-intensity training, I flew to Brazil for the competition.

D.C. Maxwell, Natalia Davis, Jamie and I flew to Rio together. All of us practice juijitsu. Once in Rio, we were met by Saulo Ribiera, a six time world champion who would continue my preparation for the match.   He would also prove instrumental in coaching me through my fights.  I worked out with Greg, a fellow blue belt juijitsu student who flew in from Ohio.  After four days of training, the competition was at hand.  I had only to focus on my state of mind.  My body was ready, now to prepare my head.  

It would all come down to five minutes on the mat.  At the tournament I was joined by four more friends from the US: Marco, Anray, Nick and Noah. They along with other Americans, whose names we never got, joined in the cheering.  My first hesitations came when I shook my opponent's hand and realized how large they were.  My next apprehension arrived when his young 46-year-old body hit my 58-year old body on the mat.  He was so strong and serious.  This wasn't friendly sparring in the gym.  But I performed technically better than I have ever performed.  I even managed to get out of a triangle, a move where the competitor wraps his legs around your neck in an attempt to choke you out.  I managed to stand up, stack his body, and produce enough pressure that he finally let go of his grip.  Thanks to Saulo, I never gave up even though I was afraid that I might pass out.  When I broke his triangle, it broke his spirit.  After that I passed his guard, or for those who don't know juijitsu, I escaped his legs coiled around my waist.  In the end, I won six points to nothing.  The gold metal!  The crowd roared and I got a standing ovation along with many hugs from friends.  Even my competitor was gracious with his compliments.  He declared that the better man had indeed won.

Next was the absolute or open, or the competition where size and weight is irrelevant.  There were eight competitors.  I had resolved previously that I would not fight these if I had won my division.  I was still nursing a dislocated rib and feared further injury.  But I found myself far less winded than expected, and I was spurred on by the cheers of my son.  This match was very different.  I had no sense of my opponent.  We did not shake hands ahead of time.  My first sense of him was when we hit the mat and I discovered that he must be at least 200 pounds.  30 pounds more than me!  I lost that 5 minute round but managed to make him work for it.  The winner, who had stormed through his division, now moved on to collect the gold medal in the absolutes.  I collected a bronze.  When I lost, the crowd cheered so loudly it was deafening.  Unfortunate for the winner, the crowd neglected to cheer him as well.  

After I collected my medals, many of the competitors and coaches came to shake my hand.  They were shocked to see that my hands were also disabled.  They looked at me with reverence.  Some of the local young people also came up to have their picture taken with me.  I was interviewed by a Brazilian magazine where I hope I inspired others to try harder.  This is one of the achievements I am most proud of in my life.

I was not athletic until middle age.  I didn't start training for juijitsu until I was fifty.  I had always believed that I was not an athlete.  I proved myself wrong.  "I have found that whether you believe you can, or believe you can't.  You are usually right."-Tony Robbins.

Again thanks to all of you who supported me both directly and indirectly.  I will remember this forever.
Russell Redenbaugh
Kairos, Inc.

Martial Arts Topics / Summer 2003 Gathering Report
« on: September 03, 2003, 10:58:52 AM »
Summer Gathering 2003 Report

A Howl of Greeting to All:

On Sunday July 13th, the ?Dog Brothers? Summer Gathering of the Pack? was held once again at the RAW Gym in El Segundo, CA--- on the heels of the ?Dog Brothers Martial Arts Training Camp? held July 10-12.

Each Gathering has its own unique rhythm, part of which is each fighter?s preparations.  To know that you have given your word to yourself that at time certain and place certain you will be , , , .

In the months prior to this Gathering, Top Dog announced that this would be his ?last time?.   The summer Gathering last year there was an exciting fight between TD and Tom Kier.   With the word that Tom was returning to fight again (advertisement: in conjunction with his appearance as Tuhon of Sayoc Kali covering ?Medical Management? at our DBMA Training Camp the day before) there was considerable anticipation amongst the cognoscenti  of the return engagement?which poetically enough would take place on TD?s last day.

Curious glances were cast from around the room as Eric and Tom greeted each other when Tom arrived at the Camp.  Alas, due to back and knee problems the fight was not to be.  After Tuhon Tom?s morning presentation (a fascinating and highly practical presentation on the near totally neglected area of Medical Management?we thank TT for his help) the afternoon session was one of GM Gyi?s famous get-ready-to fight Dhanda yoga sessions.  The ever-playful GM Gyi paired the two Eric and Tom together for the session.  During one position (think Child?s Pose facing Down Dog with Down Dog?s front paws on his back) TT had to walk his hands down the length of TD?s back, deep massaging the spinal erectors as he went.   TD is a long body type and Tom had to really reach. ?God, you?re long? he commented.

TD, reciprocating, complimented Tom?s hand strength as Tom worked on his back muscles.  ?You?re very strong.?

Hot Dog, never one to miss a beat, continued with ?And you?re very pretty.?

GM Gyi cracked up.

But I digress , , ,

The fighters were:

Top Dog
True Dog
Lonely Dog

Gerald ?C-Heretic? Dog Boggs
Dog Brian ?Porn Star? Jungwiwattanattaporn, a.k.a. ?Jung?
Dog Mike Barredo

Roger Tinkoff
Milt Tinkoff
Richard Raphael
Bryan Lorentzen
Joseph Artigas
Greg Brown
Philip Vilasis
Carlo Arellano
James Wilks
Will Bohrer
Steve Feng
Maynard Ancheta
R. Kalani Grimm
Kam Kasmsei
Cameron Lamprecht
Amal Jasen , , , ,
Dennis Hall
Eric Johnson
and Linda Matsumi (knife)

After several years of lapsing in this regard, we will once again be listing all fighters on the Fire Hydrant page of our website.  If I have missed anyone, please email me so that your name can be included.

Yours truly and Salty Dog served as Ringmaster; GM Gyi was available for injury management; as usual James Stacey was Timekeeper and Master of Arms; Underdog?s son James Salter was on Camera; and we were once again fortunate to have Mark Mikita on Djembe drum.  In attendance also were Original DBs Sled Dog and Surf Dog, and Hot Dog.

As always, my Pretty Kitty was In Charge of Reality.

The crowd/tribe was in full strength.  We were honored by the attendance of Grandmaster Atillo of Atillo Balintawak and introduced him to the crowd.  The number of the fighters was a bit less than usual?(approximately 25) but when the dust cleared, the time spent fighting was longer than usual.  Also greater than usual were the number of injuries-- more on this below.

For the opening talk I had intended to underline my words about realistic behavior in the knife fights by waving a real knife around in front of people?s faces, but, well, I forgot the knife and had to use only words to make my point.  Whatever the cause, I would say that the level of realism in the knife fights on the whole was good.  

A few Gatherings ago we introduced using aluminum training blades.  The first time we did this, nearly everyone used them.  However the percent of people using them has declined substantially since then.  This is understandable?a good whack with an aluminum blade on the hand carries with it a substantial chance of breaking bones?not to mention how much it hurts wherever it hits or the chance of a power thrust doing damage.  I should mention that the trend towards ultra-light hand gear continues?with several fighters using ski gloves, moto-cross gloves and such both against knife and against stick.

  There were many exciting and skillful knife fights demonstrating good technique as well as athleticism.  A disarm by kick was seen, as were traps, and kills from both long range and close.  Linda Matsumi, our efforts at helping her find women opponents for stick having come up empty this time, faced her opponent?s hard plastic knife with aluminum.  She showed excellent ambidexterity switching from left to right for a kill slash to the neck, and later made another kill after a disarm.  

Top Dog?s son Matt (14 years old and already taller than me L ) made his Gathering debut facing his father?and gave a very good account of himself.

Bryan Lorentzen and C-Heretic Dog opened the Stick fights with a fight that went to clinch and grapple in fairly short order.  Once there, both men showed well on several levels including skillful headbutts and headbutt defense.

Dog Brian Porn Star went sinwali against his opponent?s single and showed good array of outer-range-in-to-media-range-and-out-again techniques.

Pinoy Maynard Ancheta came in with an interesting and different structure that allowed for good range control via chamber and footwork shifts.  When I asked him in class the next week what he had been using he told me it was his interpretation of Hsing Yi empty hand :-o  Interesting.

James Wilks and his opponent were up next with some large sticks.  James showed a varied game including a KK kicking close and sound vale tudo kissakatami (sp?) on the ground to submission.

Lonely Dog and his opponent fought Staff.  Lonely is pretty formidable on staff and looked good as he drove the fight went to Vale Tudo clinch in the corner.

True Dog and Dog Greg had a hardcore KK siniwali fight going that was cut short as the fight clinched and Greg?s shoulder dislocated.   When I called him a few days afterwards he told me that the doc says it was relatively minor and all should be well.
In a single stick fight that included both Right against Left and Right against Right, Kalani Grimm of the Hawaii clan of the Dog Brothers dropped his opponent.  Blood flowed freely during the post-fight commentary.

Top Dog dropped his first opponent of the day with a kidney shot.

Dog Mike Barredo adapted his usual structure to fight with a sprained ankle and showed well.  Achieving the close and takedown, his mount dominated his opponent?s stick to submission.

Pinoy Dog Carlo Arellano had a sweet KK roof teep combo but had to stop soon thereafter as a knee injury reactivated.

Dog Brian Jung and C-Heretic, who have been working on their clinch games, had an interesting clinch and ground based fight for those with the eye to see it.

Dog Bryan showed some quality stickgrappling in his next fight.

Top Dog continued to lift his leg in his next fight with several strong shots to the head and elsewhere.

C-Heretic, after being driven in the crowd while having half guard, reversed and submitted with a shoulder lock

As part of a well-varied attack James Wilks scored an excellent knee shot in his next fight, a technical takedown and another kissakatami finish.

The knee shot theme continued as True Dog got in a couple in his next fight?not to mention a groin shot.  Throwing in kick on the close and some strong vale tudo striking pressure, True got the submission.

Top Dog and Lonely Dog were next.  These two always have a fine fight.  Lonely is one of the very few people who can threaten Top?s knee or foot, but this time Top closed as he did so.   A surprisingly long clinch (after all, Top has 80 pounds on Lonely) staggered into the pads that were stacked up against some weightlifting equipment and his movement muffled by the pads Lonely had to submit to the Fang.

Matt Knaus had his first stickfight and showed very well.  The glow of the altered state was obvious in his post-fight interview.  We?ll be seeing more of Matt I think.

Dog Bryan scored a clean hand shot and a pair of knee shots before a wild close put him on his back.  Again showing good stickgrappling, he reversed and calmly finished with a nutcracker variation.

Dog Brian?s teacher had promised him that if he used the new ?Los Triques Siniwali? material that it would appear in the next DBMA Siniwali video and apparently he took it to heart. ;-)  Against a worthy opponent (who scored well too) he displayed a nice mix of attacks?until he lost one stick.  Closing with a shout after taking a good hit, he was able to achieve arm bar position from which he pummeled his opponent into submission with both stick and empty-handed strikes.

After taking one to the head, James Wilks and his opponent clinched.  Although he was swept on his effort to sweep out of clinch, he kept his focus and went for an arm-bar that flowed very nicely into a leg/inside heel hock that was applied both skillfully and with excellent safety awareness.

Top Dog continued on his rampage against in a siniwali fight with True Dog, dropping him with a fluid attack reminiscent of the famous one that dropped Salty Dog at the beginning of the first video in the first series (RCSF #1 J )  True?s post-fight commentary was priceless?he?s a medical technician and his description of the symptoms of his concussion was hysterical.

Dog Bryan siniwali caught Lonely Dog?s staff thinking too much about the snake and his explosive charge got him inside the range of Lonely?s justly feared staff.  It cost Lonely some work, but eventually he reversed and passed guard and stunned Dog Bryan with a kick to the occipetal (sp?) that brought matters to a close.  Although the kick was substantially pulled, timing and placement were superb.

The closing fight of the day was Top Dog with his son Matt?a very special moment for both.  The fight went to clinch and the crowd roared as Matt pulled off a hanging arm throw!  TD was able to reverse and take side control, which Matt (who wrestles for his high school team) momentarily reversed.  

There were many more fights than these and all in all it was a fine day of warrior spirit.  The tribe (and that includes those there to witness) is strong.

That said, over the years in my role as Guiding Force I have had occasion to offer some thoughts for consideration and would like to do so now.

When I give the Magic Words at the beginning of a day?s fighting to the Fighters I will say ?The idea is that we are members of the same tribe, helping prepare each other to stand together to defend our land, women and children.  Thus if you go too hard on a man and break him or whether you go too easy on him and leave him inadequately tested and seasoned, it will not serve you well when you stand together in battle.?

No doubt people who think the fencing masks to be helmets will not note the point, but the number of probable concussions in this Gathering (GM Gyi, who assisted injured fighters, estimates at least 6) was too high.   An occasional concussion is to be expected at this level? and certainly Top, Salty and I all have been concussed but my sense of things is that this level of concussions is too much.  At this rate, the tribe will weaken, not strengthen, from the experience.

Stickfighting IS dangerous and injuries WILL happen, but there is a difference between someone who genuinely understands the risks and takes them anyway, and a young male in a testosterone frenzy thinking he is invulnerable.    One may be crazy, but the other is foolish.  It may be crazy to do this while genuinely appreciating the consequences risked, but that understanding informs the training and gives it power.  What one then brings to a day of fighting allows for an extraordinary experience.  But if one simply comes sailing in without the awareness of what a shot to the head can mean and lacking the training to minimize its likelihood, then one is not brave, but foolish.

Why is this happening now at this time?  

It is not because some fighters are taking shots that should not be taken.   I am proud of the character, composure and awareness shown by the fighters in not taking shots that should not be taken.   There is no problem on this front.

The problem, in my opinion has two basic causes.  First, with the trend of manufacture of the fencing masks tending towards ever heavier, many of the current masks have large zones of substantial protection, thus leading to unsound habits.  Thus it may come as a surprise to a fighter when he gets hit in a zone that offers little protection.

Second, in my opinion is that there is a tendency at the moment to bypass the rigorous training methods that yield sound defensive skills.  

What to do?

When it comes to a Dog Brothers Gathering, only you are responsible for you.  If you wish to fight, it is up to you what to do about this.  I do suggest you think about it and train well.

The adventure continues,
Crafty Dog
Guiding Force of the Dog Brothers

Martial Arts Topics / DBMA Practitioner & Instructor Candidate Weekend
« on: August 27, 2003, 11:56:13 AM »
Woof All:

You are invited to come train at our second "Dog Brothers Martial Arts Practitioner & Instructor Candidate Camp".

When:  Saturday and Sunday, September 20 -21, 2003
Where: Hermosa Beach, (Los Angeles) CA

Dog Brothers Martial Arts has as its mission to help its people "Walk as a Warrior for all their days".   In this system, a warrior is one for the length of his Life and each day is not only a celebration of the present, it is also a building block for the future.

In the Art of this, there are three basic stages:  the Young Man, the Family Man, and...well let's call it the Free Man.  Be clear that the system is very specifically for ALL: The Practitioner who stands ready without fail to step forward to Protect without notice is the greatest Warrior of all,whereas the Fighter may be but a young man on the path towards this
further level. To be able to step forward without notice without fail for the length of one's life in the real world requires thought as to the substance, order and organization of one's training over time.  DBMA is this.

In no order and leaving out for now their specific elaboration, the basic fighting areas of the system are:

1) Unarmed:  "Kali Tudo"(tm) for 'The Cage' as well as 'The Street.'
2) Knife:  Offense and defense
3) Stick:  For street as well as Real Contact Stick Fighting.
4) Double stick:  For street as well as RCSF
5) Staff/ Dos Manos:  For street as well as RCSF

Note that there are "non-fighting" areas of the system as well.

The fighting of the system is tested principally in "Real Contact Stickfighting" at a "Dog Brothers' Gathering of the Pack".   This fighting, which takes place in the Ritual Space, must then be understood in terms of the requirements of the Real World.  For example, one of the reasons the double stick is cultivated in the ritual space is for its development of
bilateralism-the ability to move in any direction with either side forward and to fluidly shift between the two-a skill needed for the realities of a multiple player world.  Another example is that staff is emphasized so that one may improvise with all items in the environment requiring two hands.

This point is an important one in understanding the system:  The skills that we choose to develop and test in the ritual space are chosen with the real world in mind.  Furthermore, the extraordinary array of skills that can be brought to, tested and seasoned at a DB Gathering make it an ideal
laboratory for cultivating not only these skills but the teaching and training methodology of the system itself as well.

  The DBMA path is about more than fighting skill in a larger context.  In no particular order, there are:

1) Hurting, Healing, Harmonizing.

2) Fit, Fun, and Functional.

3) Mind, Heart, and Balls

4) Territory, Hierarchy, Reproduction

5) Contact and Consciousness, Dichotomy and Transformation

Q: Who should come to the Practitioner & Instructor Candidate Camp?

A:  Practitioners and those interested in becoming instructors in our system.   In contrast to the summer camp, there will be much greater emphasis on the inner logic of the system and how to teach the material.

A "practitioner" should have the basic skills in place, be able to pick up new movements, and most importantly,  know how to be a good training partner.  If you are "into it" enough to think about coming, your skills are probably up to it.

We understand that many good, humble people worry that by the very fact of expressing an interest in certification that they are presenting themselves as ready to be certified.   Not to worry!  As long you entertain no sense of expectation or right of certification that by attending you will be certified, you are welcome.   If your feeling is simply that you wish to learn and grow in the system, you and we will be happy.

Concerning certification:  There are two basic philosophies to
certification.  In one, certification is very business-like.  One pays the money, undergoes the training, shows the knowledge and skills, gets the certificate, and goes out into the world.  This is good and there is nothing wrong with it.

This is not what we do.
In the other approach, certification is simply a part of a larger relationship in which there is a genuine sense of friendship, loyalty, and continuing  responsibility in both directions. The money simply enables all this to take place. This is the approach we follow.

Q:  Tell me more please about the specific levels in the certification program.

A:  My teacher, Dan Inosanto, who is qualified as few people are to use big titles, uses nothing more than "Guro".  I, who am far less worthy than him, think this is a good example.  Thus the levels in the system are very simple:

a)  Group Leader
b)  Trainer
c)  Apprentice Instructor/Lakan Guro,
d)  Senior Apprentice Instructor/Senior Lakan Guro,
e)  Instructor/Guro.

Members of the Dog Brother tribe gets their titles in Tagolog, everyone else gets theirs in English. We are proud of our good name and what it represents, thus all certifications are revocable at any time.

Within each level there is first year, second year, etc.  Standards are high.  This is not a paper mill!  So far I have made only two people "Guro"-Benjamin "Lonely Dog" Rittiner of Switzerland and Guro Chris "True Dog" Clifton of Palm Springs, CA.  Please note that Guro Lonely was able to achieve this by making use of Personal Training Programs,
seminars, Videos, the DBMA Association and its Vid-lessons, so please do not allow your dreams to be hindered by the fact that we may live it different places.  
"Group Leader" is just that, someone who leads a training group.
"Trainer" is a title that allows us to give someone a
chance to get started, see what they can do as an instructor, and get to know them a bit without putting our credibility at risk too much.

Q:  What will we do at the Camp?

A:  Guro Crafty will do the bulk of the teaching.   Top Dog will be there at some point. In addition to what arises spontaneously, our plan is to cover the following:

1) Review: The Seven Ranges theory, "the triangle from the third dimension", the footwork matrix and their role in the logic of the system.

2) Review:The Snaggletooth Drill:

3) "Los Triques Siniwali":  A substantial block of the weekend will be dedicated to the new block of material we call "Los Triques Siniwali".  I confess to being rather tickled with myself about LT.  "Los Triques" stands for "The Three Ks" of Kali and Krabi Krabong.  It is our blend of the two.  Not only is it of ruthless efficiency in fighting, it is ideal for developing skills that are important in many areas of the system such as footwork, combining striking with the footwork, tactics & strategy, bilateralism, unarmed fighting and more.

4) "DBMA Kali Tudo":  Many of us for years have heard that empty hand is just like the weapons-- yet when it comes for unarmed fighting, this does not seem to manifest.  "DBMA Kali Tudo" is about manifesting Kali-Silat skills in the context of Vale Tudo fighting.  

For practical details please contact Cindy Denny at

Guro Marc "Crafty Dog" Denny

Martial Arts Topics / The Toughman Contest
« on: August 25, 2003, 01:36:46 PM »
Leader (U.S.)
Fancy Footwork: How Impresario
Of Fight Events Evades Regulation
Toughman's Dore Shuffles Formats
To Keep State Officials Off-Balance

On what turned out to be the last night of her life, Stacy Young thought she would do something fun. The 30-year-old mother of four drove to the Sarasota, Fla., fairgrounds, laced on a pair of boxing gloves and entered a Toughman fighting contest.

"She really surprised me," Chuck Young says of his wife, who stood 5-foot-6 and weighed 235 pounds. He watched from the stands as she lasted one round, then another. But in the third, a punch from her female opponent dropped her to the canvas, ending the bout and leaving her woozy.

"All of a sudden, she just fell back and started having seizures," says Mr. Young. "And that was it." His wife lapsed into a coma and never recovered.

Some 1,500 people paid $15 each to watch the fight that killed Mrs. Young, even though Florida has been trying since 1988 to ban Toughman tournaments. But the impresario of this popular form of combat entertainment, Arthur P. Dore, has built a business, now called AdoreAble Promotions Inc., by deftly evading state regulation.

Twenty-four years ago, Mr. Dore founded the boxing equivalent of karaoke: Toughman contestants -- often out of shape and in poor medical condition -- climb into the ring and slug it out. Mr. Dore's skill in ducking oversight has been critical to the success of his brutal fight shows, which take place in cities and towns around the country and can gross $20,000 or more in an evening.

States, rather than the federal government, are the main regulators of professional boxing. But Mr. Dore says that avoiding state supervision is sometimes as simple as labeling Toughman contests "amateur" events. "Then we don't have the jurisdiction of the boxing commission," he says.

Amateur boxing is governed by USA Boxing, based in Colorado Springs, Colo. But that private organization takes no responsibility for Toughman, either. In fact, USA Boxing bans Toughman participants from its sanctioned amateur bouts.

Florida bans fighting matches involving "a combination of skills." So Toughman events in that state, including the one in which Mrs. Young fought, allow only standard boxing punches -- no kicking or karate chops. That is enough to dodge the ban, says Florida's boxing commissioner, Chris Meffert. His agency oversees conventional professional fights in the state but doesn't regulate Toughman.

In other states, including Illinois, Toughman contestants are specifically told to kick their opponents. This transforms the event into "kick-boxing," which most state boxing commissions consider outside their purview.

In some states, Toughman simply holds bouts without informing the boxing commission. Idaho Athletic Commissioner Jon Vestal says he knows this, but lacks the resources to go after Mr. Dore. "We're run by a group of volunteers," says Mr. Vestal. "Myself, I'm a full-time Realtor and appraiser." Other states report similar manpower problems.

Mr. Dore's latest strategy in Michigan and elsewhere is to hold fights at Indian casinos, where states typically have no authority to regulate fights. At least eight states, including Florida, have tried to outlaw Toughman and its imitators, without much effect.

Mr. Dore, 67, has gone from running a struggling contracting company in his home town of Bay City, Mich., to presiding over a nationwide entertainment empire he says has generated more than $50 million in revenue since its start. During an interview at his office in Bay City, he leans back in his chair, black cowboy boots propped up on his desk. He doesn't deny that he tries to sidestep state regulation, because he believes the rules are wrong.

He argues that Toughman, which puts on about 100 fighting contests a year, leads to fewer deaths than professional boxing. Mr. Dore won't say exactly how many fighters have died from Toughman-related injuries since he founded the event. But eight are known to have died since 1981. During the same period, at least 14 professional boxers have died after competition in the U.S. The comparison is of dubious value, however, because there isn't a reliable count of how many individual bouts there have been in either category of fighting.

State regulators say that professional boxers better appreciate the risks they are taking and that conventional professional fight promoters make a greater effort to monitor the health of their boxers and provide high-quality treatment for injuries. Moreover, Toughman deaths appear to be escalating, with four of the eight known deaths, including Mrs. Young's, having come in the last year.

Mr. Dore says his events are as safe as they can be and that many of his detractors are simply jealous of his success. He says he feels bad for participants who have been injured or killed. But he makes no apologies. "If they want to get their ass kicked," he says, "it's their right."

The first Toughman event was held at Mr. Dore's former high school in Bay City in 1979. Two years later, Dore & Associates Contracting Inc. filed for bankruptcy-court protection. But by then, Mr. Dore was traveling the country, promoting Toughman bouts. He often went to small, economically depressed towns -- "wherever we feel we can make a buck," he said in a 1983 deposition. People want to see bloody combat, he says in an interview. "It sells tickets, and that's what we do."

Toughman events typically involve 40 fighters, weighing up to 400 pounds apiece. They square off in a two-day elimination match, usually held on Friday and Saturday nights. Each fight consists of three one-minute rounds. The winner of a local match often gets $1,000. If a fighter advances to the Toughman "world championship," which is usually carried on pay-per-view television, he stands to win $50,000.

Unlike sanctioned amateur and professional bouts, where opponents' weights are rarely separated by more than 10 pounds, Toughman competitors can be outweighed by 100 pounds or more. Weight disparities increase the odds of a knockout, and that, say fans, is what they pay to see. "I like sitting up close and watching guys beat the crap out of each other," said Kevin Close, 36, while watching a Toughman bout recently at a county fairground in Kalamazoo, Mich.

Boxing officials generally agree that Toughman fights pose extraordinary dangers to competitors. "I believe that the Toughman bouts are probably the most dangerous that we have had here in Nevada," says Dr. Margaret Goodman, a neurologist and ringside physician who heads the Nevada Athletic Commission's medical-advisory board. She has served as a doctor for both Toughman and mainstream professional boxing in her state. But Toughman hasn't been permitted to hold a fight in Nevada since at least January, when the state's athletic commission asked Mr. Dore to withdraw his application for a promoter's license.

Many Toughman contestants, Dr. Goodman says, are novices who unknowingly face vastly more experienced fighters, sometimes with devastating results. The contestants are afforded almost none of the protections normally accorded amateur and professional boxers. They are seldom insured, there sometimes aren't physicians on hand at events and prefight medical certificates are sometimes left incomplete.

The Detroit News and Free Press in May reported on deaths and injuries related to Toughman and the inadequacy of medical care.

Toughman's popularity has gained steadily, especially since 1992, when Mr. Dore signed a deal with Viacom Inc.'s Showtime Entertainment Television to carry fights nationwide on a pay-per-view basis. That deal was followed by the emergence of Toughman's first real superstar, a 330-pound bald-headed sensation from Alabama named Eric "Butterbean" Esch.

"It didn't take him long to become a household name," says Tim Lueckenhoff, administrator of the Missouri Office of Athletics and president of the Association of Boxing Commissions, a national group. "Everybody in boxing was talking about Butterbean."

Showtime dropped Toughman in 1996, citing unfavorable news reports about the competitions. At different times since then, News Corp.'s FX cable channel and In Demand, a pay-per-view joint venture majority-owned by an arm of Comcast Corp., have televised Toughman bouts. Currently, Toughman doesn't have a national television contract.

As Toughman's fame grew, imitators appeared, and Mr. Dore has gone to court to protect his franchise. One suit filed in 2000 in federal court in Fayetteville, Ark., resulted in a judicial order permanently blocking rival promoters from putting on an event called Rough Neck. In an affidavit in that case, Mr. Dore's daughter, Wendy, who helps run the business, said that advertising expenses for Toughman over the years had topped $8 million. Today, the Toughman trademark is owned by AdoreAble Promotions, which Mr. Dore says is owned by his eight children.

The lack of state oversight allows Toughman to dispense with the most basic safety precautions. At Mrs. Young's bout in Sarasota, there was no physician ringside, even though at least one is required by Florida law at all professional boxing matches.

Mr. Dore, in an interview, said there was a physician's assistant on duty at the Young fight. A paramedic team was elsewhere in the arena. In an interview before Mrs. Young's death, Mr. Dore said a physician isn't necessary at a fight. "Really, an EMT [emergency medical technician] is a hell of a lot better to have in case anybody gets hurt anyway," he said. "You know, doctors don't know what they're doing." At another time, though, he said there is always a doctor on duty at Toughman fights.

In February, without informing the Illinois boxing commission, Toughman held a bout in Peoria. After Illinois Boxing Commissioner Sean Curtin learned of the event, he sent two investigators to Toughman's next venue, in Rockford, Ill. But when the pair arrived, they learned that the fighters had been told they could kick their opponents. The occasional kick that night put the event outside the jurisdiction of the state's boxing commission, which doesn't regulate kick-boxing. The inspectors had no choice but to let the show go on, Mr. Curtin says, adding, "That was a real tricker."

By avoiding regulation, Toughman has been able to slash costs and boost profits. Professional boxing promoters generally must post bonds to assure fighters get paid and that fans will get their money back if events are cancelled. The promoters also have to buy various insurance policies and obtain state licenses that can cost $1,000 or more per fight. Mr. Dore pays for none of these. He also doesn't have to pay taxes to state boxing commissions that typically run about 5% of gross ticket sales.

Mr. Vestal, the Idaho athletic commissioner, figures Mr. Dore saved about $5,000 at an unregulated Toughman event in Boise last year. That tournament resulted in the death of Art Liggins, a 44-year-old train conductor and father of four.

Like Idaho, the state of Louisiana has conceded that at times, Toughman has operated without any oversight. During the early- and mid-1990s, the Louisiana boxing commission was nearly insolvent. "We let them do their own thing," Leonard Miller Jr., then the commission's chairman said of Toughman in 1995. He made his statement in a deposition that was part of a lawsuit brought in Lafayette Parish state court by Sonya DePue, the widow of BobbyTroy DePue, a Toughman contestant who died after a bout in 1994.

Mr. DePue's opponent was Terry Vermaelen, then a Baton Rouge, La., locksmith. At the time of the fight, Mr. Vermaelen said in a 1996 deposition, he had competed in 56 amateur fights and had won three Louisiana Golden Gloves titles. He said he had discovered in previous Toughman competitions that referees allowed fighters to use a variety of techniques that would be illegal in sanctioned boxing. One was holding the back of an opponent's head with one hand while hitting him with the other.

As soon as he entered the ring, Mr. Vermaelen said, he could tell Mr. DePue was in over his head. "You could just see it in his eyes," he said. By the second round, Mr. Vermaelen said he was able to punch at will, holding the back of Mr. DePue's head with his right hand and pummeling him with his left. Finally, he testified, Mr. DePue turned to the referee and said, "I've had enough."

The referee stopped the match, and Mr. DePue's brother helped him from the ring. They made it just a few feet before the fighter collapsed, Sonya DePue says in an interview.

The following day, Mr. Vermaelen said in his deposition, he got a call at home from a Toughman promoter. "I wanted to tell you before anybody else had a chance to tell you," the caller said. "The kid died last night."

In January, Toughman held an event at the Soaring Eagle Casino in Mt. Pleasant, Mich., which is owned by the Saginaw Chippewa tribe. At the time, Toughman was under a cease-and-desist order issued by the state of Michigan. But Mr. Dore, who worked as ringside announcer at the event, says that order didn't apply on Indian land. "That's a sovereign nation," he says.

For that event, which In Demand televised nationwide on pay-per-view, Toughman invited fighters from across the country. Scott Wood, 31, divorced and shampooing carpets for a living, rented a compact car and drove 1,400 miles to the casino from San Antonio, Texas.

But Mr. Wood was in no condition to fight. His systolic blood pressure, according to a copy of his incomplete prefight physician's certificate, was a sky-high 170. Anything above 150 disqualifies a fighter from sanctioned amateur boxing.

Soon after Mr. Wood's final bout, he began to lose control of his body, says his opponent, Jason Pyles. Mr. Wood was shaking and stuttering, and his eyes were bulging out of their sockets, Mr. Pyles says. After 16 days in a coma, he died.

After Mrs. Young's death in Florida in June, AdoreAble issued a new set of guidelines for Toughman contests, saying it would more closely hew to the rules of the states in which its events are held.

But just within the last year, Mr. Dore has resisted statehouse efforts to tighten those rules. After the Toughman-related death last September of 26-year-old Michael Kuhn in Texas, state Rep. Jim Pitts introduced legislation that would have banned Toughman in Texas. But the legislation was defeated, Mr. Pitts says, after an influential lobbyist and former speaker of the house, Gibson Lewis, intervened on Toughman's behalf.

Messrs. Dore and Lewis confirm the latter's lobbying mission for Toughman. "That's the American way, isn't it?" Mr. Dore says.

Write to Joseph T. Hallinan at

Martial Arts Topics / Budo Cover Shot
« on: August 06, 2003, 01:45:59 PM »
Woof All:

  It is always a chuckle to make a cover and we're on the cover of this month's (August) of Budo International with an article I wrote on "Blending Kali and Krabi Krabong".

Budo is the largest MA mag in Europe (the name varies according to the language) and is based in Madrid.  It is now looking to crack the American market (the current issue is #9).

  Know that there are some spelling problems (Krabi is spelled "Kravi" on the cover) and plenty of fractured syntax due to some awkwardness in the translation of the editor's opening for the article-- but with the kind things he said, who cares?

Crafty Dog

Martial Arts Topics / Alex Gong Killed
« on: August 04, 2003, 03:09:16 PM »
Fender-bender hit-run turns fatal in S.F. Kickbox champ chases down
driver, winds up shot to death

Jaxon Van Derbeken and Michael Cabanatuan, Chronicle Staff Writers
Saturday, August 2, 2003

A world champion Thai-style kickboxer was shot to death in the middle of
a busy San Francisco street Friday after he chased down a hit-and-run
driver who had slammed into his parked car minutes earlier.

Alex Gong, 30, was pronounced dead at the scene on Fifth Street near
Harrison Street. Witnesses said he was shot at point-blank range when he
confronted the driver, who apparently waited for a traffic signal to turn
green before opening fire and speeding away.

Gong, who had been working out at the South of Market training gym he
runs at 444 Clementina St., was wearing yellow boxing gloves and boxing
trunks when he was killed.

Police had not released a description of the gunman or his vehicle
Friday night. But witnesses described him as a Caucasian between 155 and 165 pounds who was driving a green Jeep Cherokee.

The slaying came one day after San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown and
other officials announced the start of a campaign to crack down on
hit-and-run driving.

The 4:30 p.m. incident began outside Gong's Fairtex gym when his car,
also a Jeep Cherokee, was hit by a passing car. Enraged, Gong gave chase on foot, going a block east on Clementina, then a block and a half south on Fifth Street. At that point, Gong confronted the driver, who had been forced to stop as traffic backed up near the Bay Bridge on-ramp.

''The victim put his arm out to stop the driver, the driver pushed him
back and then shot him -- point blank," said Marilyn Moore, a witness
who was riding in a car on Fifth Street.

'I JUST COULDN'T BELIEVE IT' "The victim grabbed himself and fell
backward," she said. "The driver backed up, put the car in drive and
drove off. He turned right on Harrison.

"I just couldn't believe it, I've never seen nothing like that in my
life," Moore said.

Brian Lam, 26, an instructor at Fairtex, said members of the gym saw the
initial fender-bender through an open garage door. Gong, who was inside
training, took off barefoot after the man, said Lam, who grabbed a
camera and followed. "As I was running up, I see Alex arguing with the
guy," Lam said. "The light turned green, the guy popped him. He
definitely waited for the light to turn green."

Lam said he tried to take a picture of the fleeing Cherokee, but was in
a rush to help his mortally wounded friend. "I just yelled for people to
help," he said.

A motorcycle officer on the way to the Hall of Justice nearby stopped,
and he and Lam both attempted to resuscitate Gong.

"Last year, Alex paid for my CPR certification," Lam said. "I was giving
him mouth-to-mouth, the officer was giving him chest compressions."
Lam said a single bullet struck Gong just above the heart.

"I thought he was dead maybe 10 seconds after he was shot," Lam said.

S.F. RESIDENT Gong, a resident of San Francisco, was born and raised in
New England, and lived for a time in Central Asia before returning to
the East Coast. He later moved to California and graduated from San
Francisco State University with a degree in business.

Long interested in judo and tae kwon do, Gong discovered Muay Thai, a
form of kickboxing and the national sport of Thailand, in 1994. He once
said in an interview that he was drawn to the sport by the fluid
movement and careful balance it requires.

He had a natural affinity for the sport and racked up an impressive
array of championships in the middleweight and welterweight classes. He
appeared regularly on HBO and ESPN and headlined fights at the MGM Grand and the Mirage in Las Vegas. He was a dedicated competitor who trained tirelessly, often waking at dawn to run five miles and perform scores of sit-ups, push-ups and other exercises before going to work.

Gong worked equally hard as a businessman who introduced Muay Thai to
California when in 1996 he opened a San Francisco branch of Fairtex
Combat Sports Camp -- founded in Bangkok in 1976. It wasn't long before the firm employed 20 instructors and included more than 600 students. It is, according to the company's Web site, the nation's top Muay Thai training facility and the only one recognized by the World Muay Thai Council, which is under the authority of the Thai government.
'AN AMAZING GUY' Under Gong's leadership, Fairtex opened another
facility in Daly City in 2000.

As Gong's body lay in the middle of Fifth Street, wrapped in a yellow
tarp, and police interviewed witnesses, students gathered at Fairtex.
They were stunned and spoke with admiration for Gong.

Lam said Gong was a mentor and a leader.

"Alex was an amazing guy," Lam said. "He was the owner, but he was kind of like a big brother. It was a family environment.

"He was a fighter to the end. He was arguing with this guy to get him to
pull over -- all he had to do was get his plate, but he had to get into
it with him," Lam said.

Martial Arts Topics / GT Gaje at Inosanto Academy August 9-10
« on: July 29, 2003, 11:22:19 AM »
Details on our "Recommend Seminars" page

Martial Arts Topics / Unfair unfree trade: US-RP
« on: July 28, 2003, 12:58:02 PM »
July 20, 2003, Sunday
Harvesting Poverty; The Rigged Trade Game
( Editorial ) 1797 words

Put simply, the Philippines got taken. A charter member of the World Trade Organization in 1995, the former American colony dutifully embraced globalization's free-market gospel over the last decade, opening its economy to foreign trade and investment. Despite widespread worries about their ability to compete, Filipinos bought the theory that their farmers' lack of good transportation and high technology would be balanced out by their cheap labor. The government predicted that access to world markets would create a net gain of a half-million farming jobs a year, and improve the country's trade balance.

It didn't happen. Small-scale farmers across the Philippine archipelago have discovered that their competitors in places like the United States or Europe do not simply have better seeds, fertilizers and equipment. Their products are also often protected by high tariffs, or underwritten by massive farm subsidies that make them artificially cheap. No matter how small a wage Filipino workers are willing to accept, they cannot compete with agribusinesses afloat on billions of dollars in government welfare.

''Farmers in the United States get help every step of the way,'' says Rudivico Mamac, a very typical, and very poor, Filipino sharecropper, whose 12-year-old son is embarrassed that his family cannot afford to buy him a ballpoint pen or notebooks for school.

The same sad story repeats itself around the globe, as poor countries trying to pull themselves into the world market come up against the richest nations' insistence on stacking the deck for their own farmers. President Bush deserves credit for traveling to Africa and trying to focus attention on that continent's plight. But meanwhile, struggling African cotton farmers are forced to compete with products from affluent American agribusinesses whose rock-bottom prices are made possible by as much as $3 billion in annual subsidies. Sugar producers in Africa are stymied by the European Union's insistence on subsidizing beet sugar production as part of a wasteful farming-welfare program that gobbles up half its budget.

Instead of making any gains, the Philippines has lost hundreds of thousands of farming jobs since joining the W.T.O. Its modest agricultural trade surpluses of the early 1990's have turned into deficits. Filipinos, who like referring to their history as a Spanish and American colony as ''three centuries in the convent followed by fifty years in Hollywood,'' increasingly view the much-promoted globalization as a new imperialism. Despair in the countryside feeds a number of potent anti-government insurgencies. Leaders who hitched their political fortunes to faith in the free market have grown bitter.

They include Fidel Ramos, who was Washington's staunch ally when he managed the Philippines' economic opening as president in the mid-1990's. Now, Mr. Ramos blames rich nations' unfair trade practices -- especially their ''hidden farm subsidies and other tricks'' -- for much of the suffering in the countryside. Given how long the world's economic powers have been trying to persuade the rest of the world to embrace a more open global economy, Mr. Ramos said in an interview, he was taken aback by their unwillingness to level the competitive playing field. ''Poor countries cannot afford to be on the short end of this deal for long,'' he said. ''People are in real need. People are dying.''

Mr. Ramos's plea could have emanated from any number of countries in the developing world, home to 96 percent of the world's farmers. It is a plea that needs to be heeded, before it is too late.

The United States, Europe and Japan funnel nearly a billion dollars a day to their farmers in taxpayer subsidies. These farmers say they will not be able to stay in business if they are left at the mercy of wildly fluctuating prices and are forced to compete against people in places like the Philippines, who are happy to work in the fields for a dollar a day. So the federal government writes out checks to Iowa corn farmers to supplement their income, and at times insures them against all sorts of risks assumed by any other business. This allows American companies to then profitably dump grain on international markets for a fraction of what it cost to grow, courtesy of the taxpayer, often at a price less than the break-even point for the impoverished third-world farmers. If all else fails, wealthy nations simply throw up trade barriers to lock out foreign commodities.

The system is sold to the American taxpayer as a way of preserving the iconic family farm, which does face tough times and deserves plenty of empathy, but it in fact helps corporate agribusiness interests the most.
By rigging the global trade game against farmers in developing nations, Europe, the United States and Japan are essentially kicking aside the development ladder for some of the world's most desperate people. This is morally depraved. By our actions, we are harvesting poverty around the world.

Hypocrisy compounds the outrage. The United States and Europe have mastered the art of forcing open poor nations' economies to imported industrial goods and services. But they are slow to reciprocate when it comes to farming, where poorer nations can often manage, in a fair game, to compete. Globalization, it turns out, can be a one-way street.
The glaring credibility gap dividing the developed world's free-trade talk from its market-distorting actions on agriculture cannot be allowed to continue. While nearly one billion people struggle to live on $1 a day, European Union cows net an average of $2 apiece in government subsidies. Japan, a country that prospered like no other by virtue of its ability to gain access to foreign markets for its televisions and cars, retains astronomical rice tariffs. The developed world's $320 billion in farm subsidies last year dwarfed its $50 billion in development assistance. President Bush's pledge to increase foreign aid was followed by his signing of a farm bill providing $180 billion in support to American farmers over the next decade.

A fair shot, more than charity, is what poor nations need. According to International Monetary Fund estimates, a repeal of all rich-country trade barriers and subsidies to agriculture would improve global welfare by about $120 billion. An uptick of only 1 percent in Africa's share of world exports would amount to $70 billion a year, some five times the amount provided to the region in aid and debt relief.

The rigged game is sowing ever-greater resentment toward the United States, the principal architect of the global economic order. In the aftermath of 9/11, Americans have desperately been trying to win the hearts and minds of poor residents of the Muslim world. Somehow, we expect other nations to take our claims to stand for democracy and freedom more seriously than they must take our insincere free-trade rhetoric.

The beleaguered Philippine island of Mindanao is crawling with Communist and Islamic fundamentalist guerrillas, and links between Al Qaeda and the local insurgents have made the island a battlefield in President Bush's war on terrorism. There is talk of sending in American troops. But to farmers on Mindanao, home to more than two-thirds of the Philippines' corn production, subsidized American imports loom as large as any other threat. Since the Philippines joined the W.T.O. eight years ago, American corn growers have received an astonishing $34.5 billion in taxpayer support, according to an analysis of government data by the Washington-based Environmental Working Group. This helps explain how America is able to export -- the less polite word in the patois of trade would be dump -- corn at only two-thirds its cost of production.

The resentment is intense. ''The common view here is that the United States, our former colonial master, is a destructive force,'' said Lito Lao, the chairman of the Alliance of Farmers group in the Mindanao province of Davao Oriental. Farmers' despair, he adds, fuels the Marxist New People's Army insurgency.

The global economy is supposed to change the world for people like Rudi and Nelly Mamac, who live with their seven children in a two-room shack on the edge of a massive plantation in Davao Oriental. The Mamacs are lucky if they clear the equivalent of $1 a day. Mr. Mamac, the sharecropper, was ready to imagine the better future promised by the great global trade game. He wishes he could afford a television and, when drawing a blank upon being asked about life beyond his corn-and-coconut-filled existence, he will wave vaguely, somewhat apologetically, toward the corner of their living space where they imagine the tube should stand.

But none of their dreams are happening. Arnel Mamac, 12, already skips plenty of school days, when his family cannot afford to buy rice. His parents don't want him making the two-mile trek on an empty stomach. One thing the Mamacs seem to realize, even without the benefit of a TV, is that the global economy they are forced to compete in is no level playing field. ''It's very unfair that the American government takes so much care of its farmers while abusing those in the third world,'' Mr. Mamac says.

The United States and its wealthy allies will not eradicate poverty -- or defeat terrorism, for that matter -- by conspiring to deprive the world's poor farmers of even the most modest opportunities. And the threat of a devastating antiglobalization backlash set off by a widespread resentment of ''northern'' trade practices is enormous. Acknowledging the imminent crisis, W.T.O. negotiators labeled the current round of trade liberalization talks, begun in Doha, Qatar, in late 2001, the ''development round.'' Any success depends on a commitment by the United States, Europe and Japan to reduce barriers to agricultural imports by 2005, and to cut subsidies. But several deadlines have already been missed. The European Union and Japan are particularly reluctant to make the painful reforms needed to make trade a meaningful two-way street, and the Bush administration has little credibility to prod them along, given its own outrageous farm subsidies. So a crucial September meeting of the W.T.O. in Canc?n threatens to be a reprise of its Seattle meeting in 1999, when the last round of trade-liberalization talks stalled, and protesters outside famously threw their anti-globalization fest.

Back on Mindanao, it's a shame Rudivico Mamac cannot have his TV set to watch all those trade delegates gather in picturesque Canc?n come September. After all, what they really will be discussing, notwithstanding all the mind-numbing trade jargon, is whether a global economy has room for the world's poorest farmers.

Martial Arts Topics / Wolves & Dogs
« on: July 28, 2003, 10:50:06 AM »
To Kill and Be Killed
The Recovery of the West's Wild Wolves Is the Feel-Good Environmental Story of the Past Decade. To Some, There's Just One Problem: The Program Worked a Little Too Well.

By Jim Robbins, Jim Robbins is a Montana-based freelance writer. His last story for the magazine was about coal-bed methane drilling in Wyoming.

One night last January, wolves stole into a pasture at a ranch near Helena, Mont., and dropped a rust-and-white-colored bull. It's no small task to kill a 1,500-pound steer with teeth alone, and for that reason wolves usually take much smaller prey?calves or sheep. It was the only bull killed since the wolves began returning to Montana in 1979.

No one knows exactly how the drama played out, but biologists say two or three hunters from a wolf pack usually kill large prey while the rest look on. The wolves patiently parry with big animals until the animal tires. When they spot an opening, one or two will seize the hind legs with their massive jaws and a third will clamp on the throat. As the animal staggers, snorts and shakes its head, the wolves simply hang on with their crushing bite until the animal bleeds to death or goes into shock.

Payback was no less brutal. The next night the rancher, using a night-vision scope, shot a wolf feeding on his $1,500 bull, mistaking it for a coyote. When he realized he had killed what at the time was an endangered species, he notified Ed Bangs, who is in charge of the federal government's wolf recovery program in the Northern Rockies. The following night, just after dark, Bangs and an agent from the Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services?which, among other things, maintains a SWAT team for predators?drove to the ranch. They climbed a ridge, a vantage from where they could look down through their own night-vision scope and see the bull carcass, to which they correctly assumed the wolves would return. Kraig Glazier, the Wildlife Services agent, trained the crosshairs on an animal and squeezed the trigger. The sharp crack of a rifle shot reverberated through the valley. One wolf fell; the rest scattered.

Within a week, all seven wolves in the Castle Rock pack were destroyed, their whereabouts betrayed by a radio collar that had been affixed to one of their own. About the same time, federal agents wiped out four more wolves, part of the Halfway Pack just a few miles to the north, for the same sin. "Once they start actively hunting livestock, there is no choice?we need to use lethal control," Bangs says. But he adds that shooting wolves is important for other reasons as well.

"A little blood satisfies a lot of anger."

The West is getting wild again, and the speedy recovery of wolves, a once-endangered species, has become one of the most controversial wildlife issues in the country. A half century after the gray wolf was dynamited in its den, hunted, trapped and poisoned out of the West with vengeance, it has reclaimed the northern Rockies in spades. Experts say it could, within the next decade, re-colonize parts of Oregon, Washington, Utah, Colorado and perhaps even California. It's one of the fastest comebacks of an endangered species on record, a testimony to wolf reproduction. Bangs' and Glazier's "wolf removal" at the ranch was only temporary?just one day after the last of the offending predators were finally hunted out, four new wolves showed up to start the game all over again.

Canis lupus arguably is the most charismatic of what biologists refer to as "charismatic megafauna"?wildlife with sex appeal and the fierce public support that seldom materializes when the endangered animal is the Wyoming toad or the short-nosed sucker fish. Wolves touch something unfathomably deep in the reservoir of human emotion. That's partly because the wolf is a social animal that many people feel has human-like qualities, such as the way it mates and rears its young. The wolf's homecoming offers tourists and naturalists the breath-stealing sight of a pack of the long-legged hunters loping across a grassy meadow, or sunning themselves, drunk on meat, on a Yellowstone Park hillside.

"When people start talking about wolves, within seconds they are talking about something else?their children's heritage, the balance of nature, someone else telling you what to do," says Bangs, who has spent the past 15 years traveling around the West, meeting with people passionate about wolves. "A lot of people on both sides get tears in their eyes and start sobbing. Managing the wolf is managing a symbol."

But while a wolf's ululating delights some, it chills others to the bone. The brutality of a wolf kill can test the mettle of even some of the most ardent wolf supporters. For example, a saddle horse in the Ninemile, a valley near Missoula, Mont., was apparently set upon by wolves. It galloped away, so frantic and blinded by fear that it impaled itself on the end of a 4-inch-diameter irrigation pipe. It managed to get loose and run a short way before it collapsed and was eaten. Such killings have meant the return of a raw frontier-style brutality to the Rocky Mountain West?not just on the part of the wolves, but also by the people charged with managing them.

The killing by and of wolves has ratcheted up in recent years as the number of wild wolves has grown from several dozen in the 1990s to nearly 700 today, increasing about 30% each year. The wolf recovery program is at a turning point: Federal biologists now consider the wolf a viable species. After 29 years on the endangered species list, it was down-listed in April to "threatened," a final level of protection that the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service has taken steps to remove in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming by 2004. Management would be turned over to the states and wolves could be hunted as trophy animals or shot by ranchers and homeowners if they attack.

The wolf's aggression is not its fault?the animal does what it's hard-wired to do. But the species has returned to a Western landscape far different than the one from which it was nearly exterminated. While the northern Rocky Mountain region has millions of acres of federally protected wilderness and parks, much of it is snow and ice for many months. Wolves, like people, want to live in more hospitable valley bottoms. The unchecked spread of rural subdivisions, where people raise everything from llamas to horses to potbellied pigs, and where ranchers graze cattle and sheep, are too tempting a target for some wild wolves.

So the species has been allowed to come back on conditional terms. Wolves can run, for example, but they can't hide. There are 43 packs in the three states, with an average of 10 wolves in each pack, as well as numerous loners and pairs. Lone wolves who take livestock are hunted down and killed almost immediately, and trespassing packs are trapped, drugged and harassed. If they continue to range too close to people and their livestock, the wolves are dispatched with extreme prejudice. More than 150 wolves have been killed by federal agents since 1987, something known as "lethal control."

The government's goal is to have at least one member of every pack wearing a radio collar so that the pack's whereabouts can be monitored and recorded. Federal agents can then, if necessary, track and shoot packs, wolf by wolf. The one wearing the collar becomes known, in the words of its hunters, as the "Judas wolf," even if, in this case, the creature isn't aware of its betrayal. "We're not proud of it," Bangs says. "It's a necessary evil."

With such intensive management, some say the Wild West is less than truly wild. But that may be what it takes to maintain the precarious balance between man and nature, for there are many who did not miss the wolf one bit and consider the renewed possibility of the species' extinction a reasonable idea.

In a cold, cavernous metal barn at the Park County fairgrounds in Livingston, Mont., under the harsh glare of fluorescent lights, a panel of ranchers and wildlife experts sits before an audience that consists of mostly men wearing cowboy hats. These two dozen or so ranchers are from the nearby Shields River Valley. Wolves have not yet colonized their neighborhood so these cattlemen have come to the Paradise Valley, north of Yellowstone National Park?a hotbed of wolf activity with four packs?to drink bad coffee and hear what ranching is like with a new predator roaming the hills.

Bangs is first to speak. A smart, affable guy, he managed wolves for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Alaska and learned long ago that his biggest challenge isn't the wolves. It's the people. He offers reason and fact to those on all sides of the issue who are irrational or fearful or deeply concerned, or sometimes hysterical, or accuse him of being a butcher, even the few who have wandered out of the backwoods wearing guns, stinking of bourbon and screaming about black helicopters and government conspiracies. Bangs' rational demeanor calms most of them down, but there still are hotheads. Threats have come his way?including death threats, especially in some isolated places. "We had a saying in Alaska," he says. "People live at the end of the road for a reason."

Tonight's meeting is tense but relatively tranquil. After Bangs speaks, the meeting becomes the equivalent of "Tales From the Crypt" for the agricultural set. Three ranchers whose livestock have suffered wolf attacks quietly relate stories about howling at night, or coming home to find frightened, bawling, huddled cows at the center of a circle of wolf tracks in the snow, of a desperate feeling when they see buzzards circling over their pasture, and of cows who have trampled calves as they fled approaching wolves. Randy Petrich, a lean, young rancher, has shot four wolves under several shoot-on-sight permits issued because of numerous depredations on his ranch.

It's a return to times past. In the late 1800s, ranchers?some of them the ancestors of those on the land now?hired professional exterminators to kill wolves for a bounty of $2.50 apiece. In a good season those "wolfers" earned $3,000. Between 1883 and 1918, 80,000 wolves were dispatched in Montana alone. By the 1930s all but the occasional lone wolf was gone.

But the species found its way back to the West in two ways. In 1979 the first female wandered from Canada down the untamed northern Rockies into Montana near Glacier National Park. Then, in 1995, the Fish and Wildlife Service and National Park Service reintroduced gray wolves from Canada into Yellowstone and Idaho. When the process began, biologists predicted 450 wolves would be in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming by the end of 2002. Right now there are 660, not counting this year's pups.

That may not sound like many wolves spread over that large a region, but they kill often, because each one needs an average of nine pounds of meat a day. They also travel far; each pack has a home range of 250 to 500 square miles. Wolves that kill livestock, however, are a minority. Most stay with a wild diet. But from 1987, when the first attacks occurred, until the end of 2002, wolves have dropped at least 200 head of cattle, 600 sheep, nine llamas, 50 pet dogs and the one terrified horse.

The challenge for biologists now is not to make the wolf population more robust, but to make the species palatable to those who suddenly find themselves in competition with the deadly efficient predator.

A wall of mountains called the Absarokas shoots heavenward and shadows Jim Melin's cattle and sheep ranch in the heart of south-central Montana's Paradise Valley. These mountains are the source of three problems for the Melins: grizzly bears, mountain lions and now wolves. When Melin comes out to conduct a tour of his ranch, his wife and several of their 11 beautiful, smiling, towheaded children swarm out of the trailer as well. The 53-year-old Melin introduces them warmly. "The last three or four I ain't even had a midwife," he says with pride. "Jus' done it myself."

His eldest daughter, 15-year-old Laura Dale, and a sister, 13-year-old Sarah, come roaring up on a four-wheel ATV with a .22 rifle and announce that they've been out "plinking" ground squirrels. "I shot 20," says a beaming Laura, her long blond hair spilling out from beneath a baseball cap.

Melin and his clan have grown up working hard on this beautiful but hardscrabble place. He drives a snowplow and does custom haying to supplement the income from the ranch. He is far more troubled by wolves than he ever was by the grizzly bears and cougars that made their way out of the mountains and occasionally carved up a cow. One night last year, a pack came down and made a mess. When predators start killing, they sometimes lose themselves in the frenzied bloodlust and keep attacking far beyond what they can eat?something biologists call "surplus killing." On the way to move cattle in the morning, the Melin family saw a flock of magpies feeding on 15 dead or dying sheep, their white wool stained with blood.

"A lot of them, the wolves just grabbed and took a chunk out of, and [those] had to be killed," says Melin's wife, Betsy. One of the dead was Percy, a bum, or motherless lamb, raised by the girls' grandmother. "It makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck to hear 75 or 80 cows screaming at the top of their lungs," Melin says. "I never heard a cow scream until the wolves came back."

After the kids leave, Melin says he is worried that they will be attacked by wolves on their way to the bus stop or while sleeping outside at night. "It's like the Wild West around here," he says. "When the girls go to baby-sit, they are handed a rifle and told, 'The wolves were up on the porch last night. Be careful.' " He says he can't send his dogs out with the kids?as he does to protect against bears and mountain lions?because dogs attract wolves. Unlike bears and mountain lions, however, wolves are not known for attacking humans. There is no conclusive evidence of a wolf ever killing a person in North America, but there have been attacks.

Melin is heartsick over the return of the wolf and can't understand why anyone with the sense God gave gophers would bring back so vicious a predator. Yet he seems calm as he complains. Faith in God has gotten Melin through some tough times, and it will, he is fairly certain, get him through the test of the wolves. "I got the Lord," he says, pushing the front brim of his cowboy hat up to reveal narrowed blue eyes. "Otherwise I'd like to kill someone."

Ranchers aren't the only ones hopping mad over wolves in the Paradise Valley. Some hunters and hunting guides are furious. Elk, massive and elegant, are a prized big game species outside the northern border of Yellowstone, home to the world's largest elk herd, and hunters from all over the world come to drop one. In recent years the size of the elk herd has fallen by more than half. In 1991 park officials estimated the herd at more than 20,000, perhaps as much as 24,000. This year the count was between 9,000 and 10,000. How much of that decline can be blamed on wolves?

Robert T. Fanning Jr., Bill Hoppe and Don Laubach, all hunters from the Paradise Valley and founders of Friends of the Northern Yellowstone Elk Herd, gather for coffee one afternoon to explain that they think this resource is being wiped out as a result of the reintroduction of wolves. "If this isn't eco-terrorism, I don't know what is," Fanning says. While elk numbers are affected by a variety of factors, from drought to grizzly bears, he believes it is the voracious and growing wolf population, with its surplus killing, that is the primary cause.

Theirs may be an extreme view, but Fanning and the others want the federal government to reduce the number of wolves. "No one foresaw that wolves would reproduce like gerbils," says Fanning, spitting the words out like coffee grounds. If officials don't remove wolves, he warns, "people will only take so much" before they rise up. "They will take strychnine and cyanide to the mountains. Ten men can put 1,000 getters [a deadly device that shoots poison into the mouth of a wolf when it eats bait on top of it] in one day and take care of our problem. But we would rather the government take care of it."

The relationship between elk and wolves in the Yellowstone region is complex and, to date, not fully understood, says Doug Smith, the park's wolf biologist, who bristles at unsubstantiated claims about the reason for the decline of elk. First, he says, the count in the early 1990s was probably a record high. Those numbers were thinned by a severe drought, normal population swings and five other predators that prey on elk calves and/or adults. "Disentangling those things is not straightforward," says Smith. "Wolves are not guiltless. But they are not the sole factor."

The unfolding wolf story isn't just playing out on isolated ranches and in rustic Yellowstone. Residents of rural homes, which have blossomed throughout Montana in the past several decades, have discovered, literally, the wolf at their door, with wildlife savagery sometimes playing out in the front yard. The Ninemile Valley, located 300 miles from Yellowstone, is a small slice of heaven and home to another wolf hot zone. A helicopter pilot flying over it once watched as two wolves chased three deer in circles around a house.

Actress Andie MacDowell lived there for several years in the 1990s when the wolves were first colonizing the valley. She spoke out in support, Bangs says, but her enthusiasm waned after wolves slaughtered the two Great Pyrenees guard dogs she had gotten to protect her children. One was found half eaten under the swing set. "She wasn't against wolves after that," says Joe Fontaine, a wildlife biologist who works for Bangs. "She just didn't speak out in favor of them."

Fontaine tools his white government-issue pickup truck down the Ninemile one day and stops at a tiny maroon house. A license plate on one vehicle reads "lma mgc," and Jeri Ball believes the unusual and imperial-looking llamas in her front yard are, indeed, magical. She dresses them in costumes and takes them into schools and nursing homes for educational and therapeutic purposes.

One night earlier this year, some visitors showed up. "Wolves whacked three llamas there," says Fontaine, pointing through the truck's windshield to a pasture in front of the house. "So we got 'em an electric fence."

He gets out of the truck and begins joshing with Gene, Jeri's husband, who works at the local sawmill. When Gene walked out of his house one night, he came face to face with a wolf feeding on his llama. It stared at him. And then continued eating. And there was nothing Gene could do. An element of trying to ease the effects of the wolf's return has been to make the rancher or homeowner feel as if they are not powerless.

Except in extraordinary cases, when someone is issued a shoot-on-sight permit, citizens until recently could not shoot or otherwise harass a wolf?only federal agents could. But since wolves were down-listed from endangered to threatened, civilians have been allowed to shoot them if they are attacking, and can harass them if they come around. Gene has the full complement of equipment, including a radio transmitter in his living room that picks up wolf radio collars, so he knows when the animals are nearby. The electric fence is hot. And now Fontaine is here to show him and a neighbor how to use rubber bullets, which can go through half-inch plywood at 40 yards, to harass wolves.

The government is trying to make sure wolf management doesn't become a free-for-all. If the number of wolf packs in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming drops below 30, wildlife officials intend to reassert authority. They will not allow the wolf to be driven to the brink of extinction again. But removing the animal from the threatened-species list will not be easy. The Republican-dominated legislature in Wyoming wants to classify the wolf as a predator outside of Yellowstone, not a trophy animal, meaning it can be shot by anyone at any time rather than carefully managed. That outrages the large number of Americans who consider killing wolves a sacrilege.

Bangs steers a middle course. As human development sprawls into every desirable ecological niche in America, he says, wolves need to be carefully managed, but not treated as vermin again. If Westerners are ever to accept wolves as their neighbors, he says, those wolves that offend need to be controlled, with lethal means, by hunters and ranchers?by far the cheapest method. Such aggressive control measures may seem harsh, but they may help dampen the growing outcry against the wolves.

Bangs says it's wrongheaded to focus on the fate of individual animals when whole populations are in trouble. Many wildlife biologists constantly fight the sentimental?but biologically unworkable?portrayals in such Hollywood films as "Free Willy" and "Bambi." Killing individual wolves that attack livestock means the population as a whole will be allowed to stay. Nonetheless, Bangs knows the bloodshed has only just begun.

"If you think shooting wolves is bad, wait until we start shooting pups," he says with a grimace.

Environmentalists do not accept the need to kill wolves as a given. Defenders of Wildlife, a Washington, D.C.-based environmental group, has lobbied for years to return the wolf to the Western wilds. To try to make the wolf politically acceptable, the organization has raised more than $250,000 to reimburse ranchers for dead livestock. But that hasn't satisfied ranchers, who aren't fully reimbursed unless they can prove the calf or sheep was killed by wolves. If the carcass gets gobbled up, so does the evidence about the perpetrator. It can be difficult to tell a wolf kill from a mountain lion kill, and a necropsy, a physical examination of the carcass, is critical.

Wolf protection advocates have found some ranchers willing to test their belief that you don't have to kill wolves to keep them away from cattle and sheep. The lower sheep pasture at the Melin ranch recently looked like the opening of a used-car lot, with hundreds of red flags fluttering in the breeze. This is a European innovation called "fladry" that usually scares wolves away for a month or two, until the wolves realize they have nothing to fear. But it's better than nothing and can be used at critical times, such as lambing season.

The Defenders' Wolf Guardian Program in Boise, Idaho, also takes advantage of wolves' reluctance to approach humans. Volunteers, including students and housewives, pay their own way to camp out in remote mountain pastures when flocks and herds are most vulnerable. They track signals from wolf radio collars and when the animals approach, the volunteers whoop it up?yelling, banging pots and pans, firing off cracker shells, says Laura Jones, coordinator of the program.

There are, however, only so many guardians to go around, so the wolf killing continues. It's usually done by Wildlife Services under the direction of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The activity creates such a public-relations problem that the media, which rode with troops in the Iraq war, aren't allowed to see what Wildlife Services is doing to wolves. Teresa Howes, a public affairs officer with the Department of Agriculture in Fort Collins, Colo., refused a request to accompany an agent on a lethal control action. "It's just too emotional," she says.

Bangs says that after 15 years of helping wolves reclaim a place in the West, he has no doubt it was a good idea, despite the number of angry people and the losses of livestock and wolves. For one thing, the wolf has helped restore a natural balance.

"We make decisions and trade-offs all the time," he says. "With any program there are winners and losers. It's important to have some areas as wild as they can be. This is just a tiny slice of the country, but it will always remind us of what we've lost elsewhere."

Martial Arts Topics / Prostate Health
« on: July 16, 2003, 01:35:58 PM »
LONDON (Reuters) - Frequent masturbation, particularly in the 20s, helps prevent prostate cancer later in life, according to new research.

Australian scientists have shown that the more men masturbate between the ages of 20 and 50, the less likely they are to develop the disease that kills more than half a million men each year.

They suspect that frequent ejaculation has a protective effect against the cancer because it prevents dangerous carcinogens from building up in the gland.

"The more you flush the ducts out, the less there is to hang around and damage the cells that line them," Graham Giles, of the Cancer Council Victoria in Melbourne, told New Scientist magazine on Wednesday.

In a survey of 1,079 prostate cancer patients and 1,259 healthy men, Giles and his team discovered that men who ejaculated more than five times a week in their 20s were a third less likely to develop an aggressive form of the disease.

The findings contradict previous studies which suggested that having a variety of partners or frequent sexual activity could increase the risk of prostate cancer by 40 percent.

But Giles said the earlier research concentrated on intercourse, whereas his study focused on masturbation. Infections caused by sexual activity could account for the different findings.

"Men have many ways of using their prostate which don't involve women or other men," he added.

Martial Arts Topics / Cover shot in Europe
« on: July 08, 2003, 03:09:51 PM »
Woof All:

  A preview of the cover shot from the March issue of the Budo International magazines (name varies according to the language in which it is being published) appears on the website of our Spanish organization.

Guro Crafty

Martial Arts Topics / FBI studies concealable knives
« on: July 08, 2003, 01:33:44 AM »

Martial Arts Topics / Benefits struggle for Filipino Vets
« on: July 06, 2003, 11:32:14 AM »
From Bataan to Capitol Hill, a Long Fight for U.S. Benefits
*Bush backs legislation that would give Filipino World War II fighters status as U.S. veterans.
*By Richard Simon, Times Staff Writer

WASHINGTON ? Alfredo Diaz, 86, was back in the Capitol last month, one of a dwindling group of Filipino World War II veterans lobbying yet again for U.S. government benefits they say were promised more than 60 years ago.

In 1941, five months before Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered all organized military forces in the Philippines, then a U.S. territory, into U.S. military service. As a 25-year-old, Diaz responded to Roosevelt's call, joining one of those units, the Commonwealth Army, and fighting with U.S. forces and under U.S. command in the legendary battle of Bataan.
The Filipino troops took part in some of the most fabled action in the Pacific, including the siege of Corregidor and the infamous Bataan "Death March." It was understood, these veterans say, that having fought as part of the U.S. military, they would be provided with U.S. military benefits once the war ended.

But in 1946, five months after Japan surrendered, Congress passed legislation saying that the wartime service of most of the Filipinos "shall not be deemed to be or to have been service in the military of the United States" and denying them the benefits provided to U.S. forces.

Since then, the Filipino fighters have fought another battle ? for full recognition as U.S. military veterans. Their long struggle finally may be paying off.

Legislation that would provide added benefits to the former soldiers is gaining momentum in Congress, the result of President Bush's efforts to maintain strong ties with the Philippines, an important ally in the war on terrorism, and a post-Iraq war sentiment among many on Capitol Hill to show support for the troops.

Of the estimated 200,000 Filipinos who fought with the U.S. military in World War II, only one small group ? the "old scouts," who were full-fledged members of U.S. Army units ? received full veterans' benefits. Members of other units, including even those who are now U.S. citizens, got far less.

Eric Lachica, executive director of the Washington-based American Coalition for Filipino Veterans, noted with bitter irony that his father, a Filipino veteran who died in 2002, was buried at Riverside National Cemetery ? but when he was alive, he could not get care at a Veterans Affairs hospital for any illness or injury unrelated to his military service.

Some Filipino veterans do not even have the right to be buried in VA cemeteries. In some cases, their families cannot even get a government-provided American flag for the funeral.

The legislation backed by Bush would expand the benefits given to Filipino veterans who are legal residents of the United States, many living in California. It would make the veterans, who number about 8,000, eligible for the same VA health-care benefits that U.S. veterans receive. It would give all the veterans and their survivors full payment for service-connected disabilities; currently, some get only half the rate paid to U.S. veterans. And it would make the veterans eligible for burial in VA cemeteries and their families eligible for VA burial benefits.

Anthony J. Principi, the secretary of Veterans Affairs, also has pledged to provide $500,000 for the third consecutive year to support a Philippines-operated veterans' clinic in Quezon City. An estimated 21,000 Filipino World War II veterans live in the Philippines.

After languishing for years, the legislation received a significant boost when Bush emphasized his support for it during a recent White House visit by the Philippines' president, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

With a coalition of Democratic and Republican lawmakers also behind the measure, it cleared a key House committee last month and could reach the House floor this month. The measure will come before a Senate panel this week.

Although the legislation does not include everything the veterans have sought, they and their supporters describe it as a significant step forward.

"I am optimistic that this year, after so many years of frustration, we will finally be able to do the right thing," said Rep. Ed Case (D-Hawaii), who first worked on the issue as a congressional aide in 1975.

Over the years, the veterans have staged demonstrations to call attention to their plight, including chaining themselves to a statue of Gen. Douglas MacArthur, their former commander, in Los Angeles' MacArthur Park in 1997.

The veterans have walked the halls of Congress recounting war stories, as Diaz, a Jersey City, N.J., resident, did during his recent visit to the Capitol ? one of the half-dozen or so he has made since 1996. "Thousands and thousands of young Filipinos swore allegiance to the American flag before U.S. Army officers," said Diaz, who wore several of his U.S. military medals, their ribbons fraying with age.

The measure has gained urgency, its supporters say, because most of the surviving veterans are in their 80s.

"I think there was a real sense that if we're ever going to right this injustice, we'd better do it fast," Case said.

Ramon Alcaraz, 88, a former Philippine navy commodore who lives in Orange County, said the issue is no longer just about money, but about "the honor of being recognized as a U.S. vet, a loyal soldier who served the American flag."

Some veterans and their supporters say that Congress should go further and provide to the Filipino veterans the full menu of benefits available to U.S. veterans.

"The Filipino veterans deserve nothing less than full recognition," said Lourdes Santos Tancinco, board chairman of the Veterans Equity Center in San Francisco. "This is a diminishing population, and you never realize how it feels for an 80- or 90-year-old Filipino World War II survivor to be struggling to claim full recognition as a U.S. veteran."

The veterans prefer an "equity" bill by Sen. Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii) that would provide a more comprehensive package of benefits, including pensions for disabled and low-income veterans.

Inouye's measure is likely to be more difficult to pass because of its cost: as much as $100 million in the first year, according to one estimate, though supporters put the figure at closer to $40 million. The administration also has been cool to the idea of providing pensions. The measure moving through Congress would cost the government about $19 million next year.

Cesar P. Patulot, son of a deceased Filipino World War II veteran and chairman and chief executive of the Los Angeles-based FilAmVets Foundation, called the bill moving through Congress "piecemeal legislation just to appease the surviving veterans." He is seeking to organize Filipino Americans around the country to put pressure on Congress and the White House to provide full benefits.

The veterans, he said, were "truly American soldiers."

Boosting prospects for the measure's passage this year, the Bush-backed legislation has been introduced by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee.

The legislation enjoys broad support in the House. Among its sponsors are conservative Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-San Diego), who has called Congress' failure to act to remedy the veterans' plight a "stain on our national character," and liberal Rep. Bob Filner (D-San Diego), who was arrested in 1997 after chaining himself to the White House fence in a demonstration to call attention to the issue.

Another turning point in the veterans' struggle came in early 2001, when Rep. Christopher H. Smith (R-N.J.), a supporter of the legislation, replaced Rep. Bob Stump (R-Ariz.) as chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee.

Stump had been cool to the legislation, noting during a 1988 hearing: "While Filipino forces certainly aided the U.S. war effort, in the end they fought for their own soon-to-be independent Philippine nation."

But Rep. Rob Simmons (R-Conn.), chairman of the House Veterans Affairs health subcommittee and a leading supporter of the legislation, said: "The participation of the Filipino forces delayed and disrupted the initial Japanese effort to control the western Pacific and was vital to giving the U.S. time to prepare the forces necessary to defeat Japan."

Case said the legislation is benefiting from the growing political influence of Filipino Americans, as evidenced by the 58 lawmakers who have joined the recently formed U.S.-Philippines Caucus in Congress.

Rep. Robert C. Scott (D-Va.) added: "It's about time we fulfilled the promise we made many years ago."

Martial Arts Topics / July 4, 1776
« on: July 04, 2003, 05:10:05 PM »
Woof All:

  And to the republic for which we stand , , ,

 Crafty Dog

Independence Forever: The 225th Anniversary of the Fourth of July
by Matthew Spalding, Ph.D.
Backgrounder #1451

June 19, 2001 |  |  

This Fourth of July marks the 225th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. This occasion is a great opportunity to renew our dedication to the principles of liberty and equality enshrined in what Thomas Jefferson called "the declaratory charter of our rights."

As a practical matter, the Declaration of Independence publicly announced to the world the unanimous decision of the American colonies to declare themselves free and independent states, absolved from any allegiance to Great Britain. But its greater meaning--then as well as now--is as a statement of the conditions of legitimate political authority and the proper ends of government, and its proclamation of a new ground of political rule in the sovereignty of the people. "If the American Revolution had produced nothing but the Declaration of Independence," wrote the great historian Samuel Eliot Morrison, "it would have been worthwhile."

Although Congress had appointed a distinguished committee--including John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston--the Declaration of Independence is chiefly the work of Thomas Jefferson. By his own account, Jefferson was neither aiming at originality nor taking from any particular writings but was expressing the "harmonizing sentiments of the day," as expressed in conversation, letters, essays, or "the elementary books of public right, as Aristotle, Cicero, Locke, Sidney, etc." Jefferson intended the Declaration to be "an expression of the American mind," and wrote so as to "place before mankind the common sense of the subject, in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent."

The structure of the Declaration of Independence is that of a common law legal document. The ringing phrases of the document's famous second paragraph are a powerful synthesis of American constitutional and republican government theories. All men have a right to liberty only in so far as they are by nature equal, which is to say none are naturally superior, and deserve to rule, or inferior, and deserve to be ruled. Because men are endowed with these rights, the rights are unalienable, which means that they cannot be given up or taken away. And because individuals equally possess these rights, governments derive their just powers from the consent of those governed. The purpose of government is to secure these fundamental rights and, although prudence tells us that governments should not be changed for trivial reasons, the people retain the right to alter or abolish government when it becomes destructive of these ends.

The remainder of the document is a bill of indictment accusing King George III of some 30 offenses, some constitutional, some legal, and some matters of policy. The combined charges against the king were intended to demonstrate a history of repeated injuries, all having the object of establishing "an absolute tyranny" over America. Although the colonists were "disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable," the time had come to end the relationship: "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government."

One charge that Jefferson had included, but Congress removed, was that the king had "waged cruel war against human nature" by introducing slavery and allowing the slave trade into the American colonies. A few delegates were unwilling to acknowledge that slavery violated the "most sacred rights of life and liberty," and the passage was dropped for the sake of unanimity. Thus was foreshadowed the central debate of the American Civil War, which Abraham Lincoln saw as a test to determine whether a nation "conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal" could long endure.

The Declaration of Independence and the liberties recognized in it are grounded in a higher law to which all human laws are answerable. This higher law can be understood to derive from reason--the truths of the Declaration are held to be "self-evident"--but also revelation. There are four references to God in the document: to "the laws of nature and nature's God"; to all men being "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights"; to "the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions"; and to "the protection of Divine Providence." The first term suggests a deity that is knowable by human reason, but the others--God as creator, as judge, and as providence--are more biblical, and add a theological context to the document. "And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift of God?" Jefferson asked in his Notes on the State of Virginia.

The true significance of the Declaration lies in its trans-historical meaning. Its appeal was not to any conventional law or political contract but to the equal rights possessed by all men and "the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and nature's God" entitled them. What is revolutionary about the Declaration of Independence is not that a particular group of Americans declared their independence under particular circumstances but that they did so by appealing to--and promising to base their particular government on--a universal standard of justice. It is in this sense that Abraham Lincoln praised "the man who, in the concrete pressure of a struggle for national independence by a single people, had the coolness, forecast, and capacity to introduce into a merely revolutionary document, an abstract truth, applicable to all men and all times."

The ringing phrases of the Declaration of Independence speak to all those who strive for liberty and seek to vindicate the principles of self-government. But it was an aged John Adams who, when he was asked to prepare a statement on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, delivered two words that still convey our great hope every Fourth of July: "Independence Forever."

Matthew Spalding, Ph.D.,is Director of the B. Kenneth Simon Center for American Studies at The Heritage Foundation.


I am well aware of the toil, and blood, and treasure, that it will cost us to maintain this declaration, and support and defend these states. Yet, through all the gloom, I can see the rays of light and glory; I can see that the end is more than worth all the means, and that posterity will triumph.

John Adams, letter to Abigail Adams, July 3, 1776

There! His Majesty can now read my name without glasses. And he can double the reward on my head!

John Hancock (attributed), upon signing the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.

Benjamin Franklin (attributed), at the signing of the
Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

The flames kindled on the 4th of July 1776, have spread over too much of the globe to be extinguished by the feeble engines of despotism; on the contrary, they will consume these engines and all who work them.

Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Adams, September 12, 1821

With respect to our rights, and the acts of the British government contravening those rights, there was but one opinion on this side of the water. All American whigs thought alike on these subjects. When forced, therefore, to resort to arms for redress, an appeal to the tribunal of the world was deemed proper for our justification. This was the object of the Declaration of Independence. Not to find out new principles, or new arguments, never before thought of, not merely to say things which had never been said before; but to place before mankind the common sense of the subject, in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent, and to justify ourselves in the independent stand we are compelled to take. Neither aiming at originality of principle or sentiment, nor yet copied from any particular and previous writing, it was intended to be an expression of the American mind, and to give to that expression the proper tone and spirit called for by the occasion. All its authority rests then on the harmonizing sentiments of the day, whether expressed in conversation, in letters, printed essays, or in the elementary books of public right, as Aristotle, Cicero, Locke, Sidney, &c.

Thomas Jefferson, letter to Henry Lee, May 8, 1825

Independence Forever.

John Adams, toast for the 50th Anniversary of the
Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1826

I have said that the Declaration of Independence is the ring-bolt to the chain of your nation's destiny; so, indeed, I regard it. The principles contained in that instrument are saving principles. Stand by those principles, be true to them on all occasions, in all places, against all foes, and at whatever cost.

Frederick Douglass, "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" July 5, 1852

The assertion that "all men are created equal" was of no practical use in effecting our separation from Great Britain; and it was placed in the Declaration, not for that, but for future use. Its authors meant it to be, thank God, it is now proving itself, a stumbling block to those who in after times might seek to turn a free people back into the hateful paths of despotism. They knew the proneness of prosperity to breed tyrants, and they meant when such should re-appear in this fair land and commence their vocation they should find left for them at least one hard nut to crack.

Abraham Lincoln, speech on the Dred Scott Decision, June 26, 1857

We have besides these men--descended by blood from our ancestors--among us perhaps half our people who are not descendants at all of these men, they are men who have come from Europe--German, Irish, French and Scandinavian--men that have come from Europe themselves, or whose ancestors have come hither and settled here, finding themselves our equals in all things. If they look back through this history to trace their connection with those days by blood, they find they have none, they cannot carry themselves back into that glorious epoch and make themselves feel that they are part of us, but when they look through that old Declaration of Independence they find that those old men say that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal," and then they feel that that moral sentiment taught in that day evidences their relation to those men, that it is the father of all moral principle in them, and that they have a right to claim it as though they were blood of the blood, and flesh of the flesh of the men who wrote that Declaration, and so they are. That is the electric cord in that Declaration that links the hearts of patriotic and liberty-loving men together, that will link those patriotic hearts as long as the love of freedom exists in the minds of men throughout the world.

Abraham Lincoln, speech at Chicago, Illinois, July 10, 1858

We live in an age of science and of abounding accumulation of material things. These did not create our Declaration. Our Declaration created them. The things of the spirit come first. Unless we cling to that, all our material prosperity, overwhelming though it may appear, will turn to a barren sceptre in our grasp. If we are to maintain the great heritage which has been bequeathed to us, we must be like-minded as the fathers who created it. We must not sink into a pagan materialism. We must cultivate the reverence which they had for the things that are holy. We must follow the spiritual and moral leadership which they showed. We must keep replenished, that they may glow with a more compelling flame, the altar fires before which they worshiped.

Calvin Coolidge, speech on the 150th Anniversary of the
Declaration of Independence, July 5, 1926

Today, 186 years later, that Declaration whose yellowing parchment and fading, almost illegible lines I saw in the past week in the National Archives in Washington is still a revolutionary document. To read it today is to hear a trumpet call. For that Declaration unleashed not merely a revolution against the British, but a revolution in human affairs. . . . The theory of independence is as old as man himself, and it was not invented in this hall. But it was in this hall that the theory became a practice; that the word went out to all, in Thomas Jefferson's phrase, that "the God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time." And today this Nation--conceived in revolution, nurtured in liberty, maturing in independence--has no intention of abdicating its leadership in that worldwide movement for independence to any nation or society committed to systematic human oppression.

John F. Kennedy, address at Independence Hall, July 4, 1962

When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. . . . I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."

Martin Luther King, "I Have A Dream," August 28, 1963

Our Declaration of Independence has been copied by emerging nations around the globe, its themes adopted in places many of us have never heard of. Here is this land, for the first time, it was decided that man is born with certain God-given rights. We the people declared that government is created by the people for their own convenience. Government has no power except those voluntarily granted it by the people. There have been revolutions before and since ours, revolutions that simply exchanged one set of rulers for another. Ours was a philosophical revolution that changed the very concept of government.

Ronald Reagan, address at Yorktown, October 19, 1981

Martial Arts Topics / Explaining all this to civilians
« on: June 27, 2003, 11:55:07 AM »
Woof All:

  A humorous email to me about the response of co-workers to viewing our Promo Clip combined with watching former UFC Heavyweight Champ Ricco Rodriguez on "Blind Date" (see the DB on MTV thread below for the URL) gave me the idea of starting this thread.

  Martial Arts can seem weird enough to the lay people out there, and the seemingly psychopathic implications of dedicating oneself to sticks and knives and other similar impliments of destructions can really weird people out.

  So question presented:  Who do you tell, when do you tell, and how do you tell people about all this that we do?  This can be particularly tricky/amusing when it comes to dating and relationships-- as Ricco's performance  :oops: on BD so clearly illustrates.   :wink:

Crafty Dog

Martial Arts Topics / Weird and/or silly
« on: June 24, 2003, 06:29:43 PM »
This thread is for the weird:


Tomorrow's headlines, today. Better not allow the prisoner internet access to some of our more wacky song sites. Like this lovely database of horrible, uneasy listening. I recommend "My
Bathroom is My Special Place."

Man killed for singing Sinatra off-key
June 25 2003

A 25-year-old Filipino man has been stabbed dead for singing a Frank Sinatra classic out of tune during a birthday party.  Police officer Noel Albis said the victim, Casimiro Lagugad, was asked to sing Sinatra's popular song My Way during the party in the Manila suburban city of Caloocan on Sunday.

"Witnesses said the suspect, Julio Tugas, 48, one of the guests and a neighbour of the victim, got irked because Lagugad was singing out of tune," Officer Albis said.

"Tugas suddenly attacked the victim and stabbed him in the neck," he added.

Guests rushed Mr Lagugad to the hospital, but he died while being treated.
Tugas later surrendered to village security officials, who turned him over to authorities.  Police are preparing homicide charges against the suspect, who apparently admitted to the crime.

Martial Arts Topics / Blood Clotting Technology
« on: June 23, 2003, 12:55:24 PM »
From today's LA Times:

Lifesaving product of the war

Bandages that stop bleeding instantly may have saved the lives of soldiers wounded in Iraq. Now they're making their way to your home medicine chest.
By Melissa Healy, Times Staff Writer

WASHINGTON ? One of the Iraq war's most dramatic lifesaving technologies is expected to make its civilian debut this fall, when it becomes available for household use, according to the company that makes it.

QuikClot is a granular powder, a refined mineral called zeolite that looks like cat litter and has many industrial uses. But when poured onto a grievous, bleeding wound, QuikClot staunches blood loss almost instantaneously. It is one of a group of new "hemostatic agents" that are on the market or in development. Two of them were sent into battle. The small bag of clotting agent was carried in every Marine rucksack and appeared to spell the difference between life and death for 19 soldiers wounded in Iraq, according to Defense Department medical officials, who helped speed Food and Drug Administration clearance for QuikClot in May 2002. In the process, the new product ? along with other innovations in military trauma care ? significantly boosted survival rates among those wounded in the Iraq war.

In one case, a Marine was shot through the neck. The bullet nicked his carotid artery before exiting from the back of his skull. As the Marine bled profusely, QuikClot was poured onto his wound, sealing it immediately. He made it alive to a field hospital and later to a Navy hospital ship ? a casualty that probably would have been a fatality in the Persian Gulf war.

Now, however, Z-Medica, the small Connecticut company that makes QuikClot, has its eye on saving those wounded in civilian life: in automobile wrecks, shootouts, airline disasters and household accidents. Late this summer, the company said, it expects to begin selling QuikClot through U.S. retail stores with no prescription required. Its sales pitch: Having the product handy could help a person with no medical or emergency training stop the massive bleeding that causes some 50,000 deaths a year, mostly the result of traffic accidents.

The military-issue "trauma pack" carries a price tag of about $22; the smaller version for household use will sell for less than $10.


Enhancing self-reliance

At a time when terrorist attacks have blurred the line between combatants and bystanders, experts say the growing number and availability of hemostatic agents such as QuikClot and HemCon ? another military clotting product that draws blood into tiny vessels and effectively plugs a gaping wound ? could make almost anyone with a well-equipped first aid kit an emergency first responder.

"Issues of self-reliance have become very important in the context of homeland defense," said Bart Gullong, executive vice president of Z-Medica, which makes and markets QuikClot, its sole product. In disasters and public health emergencies, Americans want to be able to help themselves and their families, he said, and the company's plans fit in with that.

But these wonder products are not without risks. Because of the speed with which it draws water into itself, QuikClot can generate enough heat to burn tissue if too much is used.

According to a study to be published next month in the Journal of Trauma, researchers with the Uniformed Armed Services Health Services found that, compared with two other clot-boosting bandages and traditional wound dressing, QuikClot performed best overall. But the product HemCon, which the Army favors, is believed to stem blood loss better in certain smaller injuries. It may have to be removed more quickly than other hemostatic bandages, however, and is several times more expensive than QuikClot.

Fibrin, another clotting agent under joint development by the Army and the American Red Cross, is derived from human blood and could cost $2,000 per application.

"I don't like it, but when you ask me one of the best ways to stop bleeding, it's QuikClot," said Dr. Peter Rhee, a trauma surgeon at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center, who has used the newest hemostatic agent extensively in the last year.

"It does stop bleeding, and it does save lives. In trained hands, it does work well," said Rhee, who also directs the Navy's Trauma Training Center at County-USC.

Rhee is concerned that QuikClot could be risky if used by consumers with a poor knowledge of the product and of traumatic injury. He has higher hopes for other coagulant bandages making their way onto the market.

Dr. Hasan Alam, a trauma surgeon at Washington (D.C.) Hospital Center who participated in the testing of QuikClot, said the product should be put in a form different from the 3.5-ounce packets provided to Marines.

"If you start selling it in Wal-Mart, you have to come up with a strategy to prevent its misuse," Alam said. Given the risks of burns, pouring the substance onto skinned knees and shaving cuts is "like using a sledgehammer to kill a fly."

Z-Medica is exploring whether QuikClot may someday be used to stem bleeding in surgery (an internal use that probably would require extensive additional testing for FDA approval), or for the management of unusual bleeding among hemophiliacs, diabetics and those taking blood thinning medication, company executives say.

Rhee provided a dramatic preview of QuikClot's possibilities in emergency surgery at County-USC last winter. A patient with multiple gunshot wounds to the chest was bleeding everywhere. In spite of frantic efforts, the bleeding continued unchecked.

With the man's life ebbing away, a colleague urged Rhee to try using QuikClot internally ? an "off-label," or unapproved, use considered acceptable in cases when no viable alternative is available to save a patient. He did, and the bleeding stopped.

"It was absolutely the last thing" available, Rhee said. "I had actually made my decision to let him die This guy walked out of the hospital a week later."


A longer 'golden hour'

On the battlefield as well as closer to home, uncontrolled bleeding kills many in the first hour following an injury. For others, massive blood loss can cause shock, which can cause complications and death later, even for patients who make it quickly to a hospital.

When emergency medical technicians, fire and police units and even ordinary citizens can apply dressings that staunch bleeding well before a victim arrives at the hospital, doctors such as Terry Soldo, a Navy "Devil Doc" who served in Iraq and saw QuikClot used twice, are certain that more lives can be saved.

"They talk about the 'golden hour' " in which EMTs and doctors can keep a bleeding injury victim from dying, Soldo said. "If you could control hemorrhage earlier, the 'golden hour' can last longer. If they can control that, in my opinion, it would make a huge difference."

Francis X. Hursey, who developed QuikClot, discovered the properties of zeolite, a granular volcanic material, when he was developing gas-separation and -purification equipment for medical and industrial uses. One day more than a decade ago, he sliced himself shaving and decided to apply a bit of the water-absorbing zeolite to the cut.

By sucking up the water from the exposed blood, the material concentrated the blood's remaining coagulants. To Hursey's astonishment, his shaving nick sealed itself in seconds.

Other "hemostatins" seek to achieve the same effect with different materials and in different ways. Although some add coagulants at the wound site, others constrict bleeding arteries near the wound and activate platelets to speed healing.

QuikClot and Emergency Medical Products' TraumaDex, one of the early entrants into this field, work on the "aquasponge" principle. HemCon and Marine Polymer Technologies' RDH bandage effectively plug a wound. All but QuikClot are made of a sugar-related substance called chitosan that comes from shrimp shells, seaweed and algae.

Doctors say each has an area of strength. The RDH bandage, for instance, has shown particular promise for in stemming bleeding from liver lacerations but may be less effective in larger, gaping wounds. The TraumaDex bandage is absorbed by the body; unlike HemCon and QuikClot, it doesn't have to be removed by a doctor before repairs can be made.

QuikClot currently is distributed to police departments, fire and rescue squads, and hikers and hunters who venture far from emergency health care. Starting in September, Z-Medica plans to sell it over the counter in pharmacies, convenience stores and supermarkets.

Z-Medica executives believe that in addition to its still-preliminary record of effectiveness on the battlefield, their product has two things in its favor for consumer use: low price and ease of use. The packet , which was carried into combat by more than 50,000 U.S. troops, can be applied by the wounded soldier himself ? if necessary, held in one hand and torn open with the mouth. Pressure must be applied to the wound before and after the application. During the Iraq conflict, the QuikClot packets were so coveted by British soldiers that they offered to trade bottles of Scotch and war trophies to secure them from American GIs.


Battlefield lives

HemCon Inc., a Portland, Ore., company that received FDA approval for its bandages in November 2002, is working on new versions for the Army and for testing by the Marines, said Dr. William Weismann, the company's founder.

Military planners long have recognized that slowing blood loss on the battlefield and during evacuation is their best chance of reducing fatalities. Shortening the time to a field hospital can help, and U.S. forces accomplished that in Iraq by dispatching medical teams and rapidly movable treatment facilities to areas closer than ever to the front lines. But if blood loss also could be stemmed, according to Pentagon estimates, 1 in 5 men and women who might otherwise die in war could go home to their families.

Martial Arts Topics / Guns and Drugs
« on: June 19, 2003, 01:43:03 PM »
Conservatives, Guns, and Drugs
by Sheldon Richman, September 2001

Conservatives are generally good at arguing against gun control. Besides the constitutional case ? that the Second Amendment protects an individual right keep and bear arms ? they are also well versed in the ?pragmatic? arguments.

For example, they say that gun laws will not be respected by people intent on committing crimes of violence because it is unlikely that a person who has no moral scruples against committing murder, assault, or robbery would shrink at running afoul of mere gun laws.

The 20,000 firearms restrictions now on the books have not prevented gun violence, including horrific shootings by teenagers. On the contrary: to the extent that gun laws impede law-abiding citizens from obtaining and carrying firearms, those laws encourage gun violence.

Conservatives also justifiably raise the specter of the black market when gun controllers propose making it tougher, if not impossible, to buy guns legally. With at least 65 million handguns in private hands currently, black-market thugs would have no difficulty finding a supply.

Moreover, an essentially open society with long borders and coastlines could not prevent the smuggling of firearms. Guns also can be made in clandestine domestic factories if necessary. If the demand is there the supply will follow. Since guns are the tools of the criminal trade, the demand will be there.

Gun restrictions (or prohibition) combined with the black market in guns for outlaws result in the endangerment of law-abiding citizens, who are rendered defenseless by law in the face of well-armed criminals. Thus gun control not only is futile; it also makes things many times worse.

The corollary is that gun ownership by law-abiding people makes things better. That is the upshot of the work of John Lott, who has shown that states which recognize a citizen?s right to carry concealed handguns have seen their crime rates go down.

Conservatives understand all this ? which makes it puzzling that they favor laws against the manufacture, sale, and use of narcotics and other illegal drugs. If the connection between the two is not obvious, read on.

The pragmatic arguments against gun control and drug control are similar. Not much argument is required to show the futility of drug control. The war on drugs has been fought for decades. Yet today drugs are more plentiful, more potent, and cheaper than ever. New drugs are developed all the time. The authorities can?t keep drugs out of prisons ? which fact alone should end all argument.

What we observe in the illegal gun trade we also observe in the illegal drug trade: when human beings demand something, entrepreneurial ingenuity is summoned forth to satisfy that demand and to reap profits that reflect the risk.

No matter what the drug warriors do, the flow of drugs continues essentially unabated. When the heat gets too great on one foreign or domestic source, another emerges to take its place. Regardless of what one thinks of the product, the market for drugs works just as it does for other goods and services. Attempts to rid society of drugs are hopeless.

There is one key difference between a legal and an illegal market. In the latter a premium is placed on skill at employing violence. In a black market, normal security and dispute-resolution procedures are unavailable. So ?justice? is procured more directly. This offers an advantage to people proficient in the use of physical force. The drug trade is violent not because of drugs, but because of the war against drugs. If drugs are outlawed, only outlaws will sell drugs. And outlaws tend to be not only skilled but also uninhibited in the use of force.

Why don?t most conservatives apply the same logic to drugs that they use for guns? It can?t be because there is no amendment in the U.S. Constitution that specifies a right to ingest the substance of one?s choice. For one thing, there is an impeccable constitutional case against national drug prohibition, one which an older generation of conservatives understood better. That case begins by noting that, as the Constitution is constructed, the federal government may exercise only the powers expressly delegated in Article I, Section 8.

If the Constitution is silent on a matter, that matter is left to the states or to the people, according to the Tenth Amendment. One does not look first at the Bill of Rights to determine whether individuals should be free from federal restraint. One looks at the enumerated powers. If a claimed power is not there, the feds are sidelined.

Is Congress given the power to forbid the sale and ingestion of drugs? No one has been able to point to the relevant clause. Some might invoke the General Welfare and Commerce Clauses, but conservatives have been properly wary of how the ?living Constitution? crowd has stretched those clauses beyond recognition. Besides, neither clause would support a war on drugs.

As Madison said, making the General Welfare Clause into a grant of plenary power would fly in the face of enumerated powers and thus transmogrify the Constitution into something it was never meant to be.

And the Commerce Clause was intended merely to create a free-trade zone in the United States. The Left has used that clause to smuggle all kinds of illicit powers into the central government?s hands, including gun, anti-discrimination, and sexual-violence laws. The Right would use it for its own pet projects.

When the idea of alcohol prohibition got up enough steam to prevail, its proponents obtained a constitutional amendment, conceding that the Constitution did not empower the central government to outlaw consumer products. Why is no amendment thought necessary for drug prohibition? Are we all ?living constitution? advocates now?

If conservatives don?t have a constitutional case for drug prohibition, they may think they have a cultural case. In their view, drugs are part of a left-wing package deal they want no part of.

While some anti-war student activists in the 1960s celebrated drug use (hard Left elements opposed legalization), the conservative view is an association by nonessentials. Drug use has nothing to do with ideology.

Moreover, the issue is really not drug use, but government power. To defend the freedom to use drugs is not to advocate the use of drugs. Conservatives seem to understand that for tobacco. Why the lapse when it comes to drugs?

They may respond that someone who wrecks his life using drugs harms not only himself but his family and others. But that is also true of someone who wrecks his life with alcohol or gambling.

Yet most conservatives do not seek a new prohibition of alcohol or gambling. Not everyone who uses, say, marijuana, wrecks his life or hurts other people. By what right does the state intervene before an actual crime of force is committed?

Guns can harm innocent people, but conservatives properly demand that government not interfere with any gun owner unless he has actually committed a crime.

Conservatives apparently see no great harm in the drug war. Leave aside the little matter of official corruption and its corrosive effect on the rule of law. Forget its routine assault on our right to be secure in our homes. (Pre-dawn raids by militarized law-enforcement officers did not begin with Eli?n Gonzalez.) Never mind the violations of our financial privacy to combat the drug kingpins? money laundering.

We may also ignore the foreign intervention the U.S. government commits in combating the drug trade; it has escalated its participation in the decades-long civil war in Colombia in the name of stopping drugs at their source. (?Colombia is the heart of the drug war, and we?d better get on with it,? said the late Republican Sen. Paul Coverdell of Georgia. ?If we lose in Colombia, then we lose everywhere.? Where have we heard that before?)

The conservatives are wrong. The war on drugs wreaks great harm on us. And among those harms is the war on guns. Guns are integral to the black market in drugs, overshadowing the common, but largely unseen, use of guns to defend innocent life.

According to a 1998 Canadian Department of Justice study, which examined the literature on the connection between drugs and guns in the United States and elsewhere, ?There is clear and substantial evidence that firearms are an essential tool for regulating the illegal trade in drugs, including protecting shipments of drugs, enforcing debts, resolving disputes, eliminating competition, killing or injuring informants and defending against enforcement personnel.?

The study pointed out that since drug dealers can?t call the police and tend to avoid banks and other legitimate security measures, they are tempting targets for thieves. They compensate by being heavily armed.

The study quoted Steven Duke and Albert Gross?s book America?s Longest War:

?As drug proceeds mushroomed during the seventies and early eighties, midlevel drug distributors were able to buy not only rifles and handguns, but automatic weapons, bazookas, grenades, even rockets.... To counteract such offensive and defensive power, other more powerful weaponry is marketed, and so on up the spiral. Virtually everyone who deals in drugs or drug money has at least a handgun. Stash houses and laboratories are arsenals?

Drug-law critic Ethan Nadelmann is also quoted:

?Most law enforcement officials agree that the dramatic increases in urban murder rates during the past few years can be explained almost entirely by the rise in drug-related killings.?

In the last several years the anti-gun movement has gotten a boost from the specter of well-armed youth gangs fighting with each other and police and committing drive-by shootings. Those gangs are deeply involved in the drug trade, and their black-market revenues have financed massive arsenals that rival those of the local police.

Guns are the gangs? means of resolving disputes between competitors and between buyers and sellers. ?Gang activity and violence, which have increased greatly over the past decade, have been directly associated with drug sales,? wrote Barry Stimmel in 1996 (quoted in the Canadian study).

This is the source of the alarm about guns and ?children,? in which category the gun controllers misleadingly include adolescents and young adults up to 19 years old.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, in 1997, 85 percent of the 4,200 intentional (including suicide) and accidental gun deaths of ?children? actually involved victims 15 to 19 years old, many of whom were inner-city gang members.

The U.S. Justice Departments acknowledges that the problem of gun violence and youth is mostly an inner-city problem, which means a black-market drug phenomenon (?Promising Strategies to Reduce Gun Violence,? Department of Justice monograph, February 1999).

Violent resolution of drug disputes can also set a tone for the wider community where affluent gang members with fancy cars and flashy firearms are objects of admiration and role models for fatherless boys.

The willingness to use a gun to settle scores and gain respect can become part of a subculture?s way of life. The six-year-old boy who shot a schoolmate to death with a stolen handgun lived in his uncle?s crack house.

There is no question that drug-related gun violence has scared people. Some have armed themselves in self-defense, although government has made this more difficult.

But many others ? after being bombarded with countless images of criminal gun use on television and no images of the defensive use of guns ? have been softened up for the anti-gun movement?s demagogic appeals.

Well-meaning or not, anti-gun activists, rather than rethinking the drug war, have instead offered this simple-minded palliative: end gun violence by passing more laws against gun possession.

The advice is ironic: if the laws against drug trading and possession have not made drugs disappear, why should we expect gun laws to make guns disappear?

The greater irony is that to the extent that conservatives have encouraged the government in the war on drugs, they have unwittingly helped advance the war on guns. Their enthusiasm for anti-drug laws contributes to the conditions that make some people eager to accept anti-gun laws.

Decriminalizing the use of and trade in drugs would take the drug industry away from the most violent elements of society and place them in the open marketplace, where civil dispute resolution would replace gunfights. It would also deprive thugs of a superlucrative occupation.

That combination would be a blow to the anti-gun lobby. The absence of routine gun violence by reviled drug sellers would deprive the lobby of some of its most potent propaganda. Then Second Amendment champions could begin to rehabilitate firearms as a reasonable tool self-defense.
Sheldon Richman is senior fellow at The Future of Freedom Foundation in Fairfax, Va. (, and editor of Ideas on Liberty magazine.

Martial Arts Topics / DB and DBMA in the media
« on: June 18, 2003, 12:37:41 PM »
Woof All:

  The adventure continues.  I just got a call from MTV asking for me to teach a private lesson as a "fun activity" for a "Blind Date" program they are doing 8)

Crafty Dog

Martial Arts Topics / Mexico City this weekend
« on: June 11, 2003, 07:12:19 PM »
Woof All:

  Just a reminder that I will be teaching a seminar in Mexico City this weekend.  Info on seminar page.

Guro Crafty

Martial Arts Topics / Defend your family, go to jail
« on: June 11, 2003, 10:51:32 AM »
'Defend your family, go to jail'
Dad who saved son from intruder incarcerated for unregistered gun

Posted: June 11, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

? 2003

A Brooklyn man who shot and wounded an intruder while defending his family will spend three days in Rikers Island, the same jail housing the burglar who terrorized his home, because he owns an unregistered gun.

Ronald Dixon, a 27-year-old father of two, caught an intruder rifling through drawers in his son's room early on Dec. 14.

"I went in. ... I looked in his face. I didn't know this guy; I was so shocked ... In a nervous voice I said, 'What are you doing in my house?' and he ran toward me yelling, 'Come upstairs!' like there were other people with him. I shot him 'cause I thought more people were in the house," Dixon told the New York Daily News.

Dixon fired two shots from his 9 mm pistol, wounding the suspected burglar in the chest and groin.

"The only thing I could think about was my family ? there was no telling what he would do to my children or girlfriend," he told the paper.

Authorities charged Dixon with illegal possession of a firearm when they discovered his gun was not legally registered in New York, a charge that carries up to a year in prison.

When Dixon proved he had obtained the firearm legally in Florida and tried to register it in New York, the prosecutors agreed to a charge of disorderly conduct.

Dixon pleaded guilty to the disorderly conduct charge, which will allow him to do time without carrying a criminal record. Sentencing is scheduled for June 27, WINS Radio reports.

The intruder turned out to be Ivan Thompson, a career criminal with a 14-page rap sheet. Thompson has been arrested 19 times and been convicted of criminal trespass, burglary and attempted assault. He currently is on parole until 2004 on burglary charges.

"Clearly [Dixon] was justified in shooting this burglar, and the burglar is going to get as much jail time as we can get him," Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes told the News.

But Hynes will not budge from his tough anti-gun policy.

"If you get caught with a gun in Brooklyn, you're going to do jail time," said Hynes, who has held that stance since taking office in 1990, when, he says, "Brooklyn was like Dodge City."

Dixon's case has attracted widespread attention and many letters addressed to Hynes, including this anonymous letter, which sums up the feelings of many supporters:

"If you were in the same position that Mr. Dixon was in, I would be willing to wager that you would also use whatever means you had on hand to defend your loved ones, as any of us would.

"By prosecuting Ronald Dixon on spurious charges, you are sending a very dangerous message to the residents in your jurisdiction: Defend your family, go to jail. You are also sending an equally dangerous message to the criminal element, who would realize that law-abiding citizens would now be hesitant to defend themselves for fear of criminal prosecution, and therefore make prime targets for violent crime."

A Jamaican immigrant, Dixon served in the Navy from 1994 to 1997 in weapons ordnance and holds down two computer-related jobs.

"I work seven days a week. I have been doing it for three years, because I wanted a safe haven for my family," he told the News.

"I thought the house would give me a safe haven. Now I'm thinking if I didn't buy this house this never would have happened."

Martial Arts Topics / Medical Privacy
« on: June 05, 2003, 05:09:34 AM »

Health Sciences Institute e-Alert

April 14, 2003


Dear Member,

If you're a U.S. citizen, as of today you now have a medical today you now have a medical
identification number.

Some will tell you that your new ID number helps protect
your privacy. And while to some extent it does, the
protections are largely superficial. The disturbing truth is
that your medical privacy is now beyond your control.

Just sign here...

The next time you visit your doctor, you may notice some

For instance, you might see privacy screens placed around
the edges of computer monitors to prevent someone from
glancing at your personal medical information. And once
you've received your new medical ID number, the receptionist
may call you in from the waiting room by your number instead
of your name - a procedure designed to protect your privacy
from others in the waiting room. (Speaking for myself, this
completely impersonal and unnecessary procedure is not a
protection that I've been longing for.)

More importantly, you'll be asked to read a description of
the new federal regulation that, in theory, is designed to
protect the privacy of your medical records in this new age
of electronic record-keeping and file transfer. And you'll
be asked to sign a document, stating that you've read about
the new regulation, understand it, and agree to the new

Ready for the kicker? If you don't sign the form, your
doctor is allowed to refuse to treat you and your insurance
company is allowed to refuse coverage.

If you're wondering why this new "privacy" that's granted to
you is, in effect, being forced down your throat, the answer
lies in the fact that these regulations actually weaken your
ability to restrict access to your medical history.

Regs running roughshod

The source of the revised federal medical privacy rule is
the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA), passed by Congress in 1996. And I'll offer this
benefit of the doubt: the original idea that led to this act
may very well have had a good intention to protect the
privacy of our medical records. But something went awry as
this good idea passed through the massive Congressional and
regulatory maze. If you roll a snowball down a long muddy
hill, you end up with a muddy snowball.

As the rule now stands, doctors, dentists, pharmacists,
hospital personnel, and even psychotherapists have to abide
by new requirements that can be as simple as providing a
secure area for private consultations, or as high tech as
encryption software for computer programs. The government
estimates that healthcare providers will spend as much as $4
billion to comply with these measures. And do you imagine
those costs will be passed along to the patients? You can be
absolutely sure of that.

So what will we get in return for all of this bureaucratic
effort and exorbitant expense? Here are a few of the
realities of the new "privacy" rule:

* Doctors and insurance companies may now share a patient's
health information with third parties (including the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) without
asking the patient for permission.
* A patient cannot withhold medical information from HHS.
* Doctors and insurance companies are not required to give
patients an accounting of third parties with whom their
information is shared.
* A patient's request for such an accounting can be denied.
* Doctors and insurance companies can share a patient's
medical records with the FDA as well as foreign
governments who may be collaborating with U.S. health
* If the privacy of a patient's medical records has been
violated, the patient can issue a complaint to HHS, but
the department is not required to investigate the
complaint. Furthermore, the patient cannot bring a lawsuit
against a doctor or an insurance company for a breach of

To say that these regulations shamefully contradict the
ethic of doctor/patient confidentiality is to put it mildly.
That age-old standard is now out the window. But I saved the
best one for last: HHS may now access a patient's
phychotherapy notes. That's right: the most sacrosanct area
of all - the health of your psyche - is now open to
government examination. They don't have to ask for your
permission, and they don't have to tell you if they're
sharing your most private thoughts with third parties.

Welcome to "1984" - just 19 years late.

Speak now

What can you do about all this? Frankly, not much. The
Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health
Information rule officially went into effect on April 14,
2001. The "enforcement" of that rule goes into effect today.

Normally I don't report to you about situations in which you
have no course of action. But even though this new rule is
signed, sealed, and (as of today) delivered, there is one
way you can make your voice heard.

The Citizens' Council on Health Care (CCHC - a non-profit
organization that promotes the right of each individual to
control his health care decisions) has prepared a form
titled "Declaration of Medical Privacy Intent." You can
print out this form from their web site (,
fill in the appropriate information, and then instruct your
doctor, psychologist, pharmacist, and insurance companies to
include the form with your permanent records. Or, if you
don't feel comfortable using the CCHC form, you can write a
letter declaring that you do not wish to have your private
medical information shared with any third parties without
your written consent.

What authority this letter or the CCHC form might carry is
questionable. It's certainly possible that someone might see
it and respect your wishes. And I imagine that at some point
push will come to shove and the legality of this new rule
will be tested in court. In that case, a written declaration
insisting that your medical records remain private could
carry weight in a legal proceeding. I should know better,
but I find it hard to believe that any judge sworn to uphold
the U.S. Constitution would deny a patient his right to
doctor/patient confidentiality.

But then, I find it hard to believe that this new rule is
being allowed to trample our basic right to privacy in the
first place. Laura Sherrill, a hospital administrator in
charge of medical records, told the Honolulu Star Bulletin
last week, "From now on, it's going to be a new world." I
hope she's wrong, but I'm afraid she's right.


"Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health
Information" 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164,
"Declare Your Medical Privacy Intentions" Citizens' Council
on Health Care,
"Update on the Federal Medical Privacy Rule: Questions and
Answers" Sue Blevins, Deborah Grady, Institute For Health
"Patient Rights Under HIPAA" Washington Post, 4/8/03,
"New Federal Health Privacy Rules Readied" James
Hagengruber, Billings Gazette, 4/10/03,
"New Privacy Rules Mean More Paperwork" Lara Hueth, The
Caledonian-Record Online Edition, 3/31/03,
"'New World' Imminent For Medical Files" Helen Altonn,
Honolulu Star Bulletin, 4/9/03,

Copyright (c)1997-2003 by, L.L.C.
The e-Alert may not be posted on commercial sites without written

Martial Arts Topics / Bilateralism
« on: June 05, 2003, 04:18:04 AM »
Woof All:

  What follows is a recent post of mine on the ED-- posted here in hopes of stimulating sharing of the perspectives of others.

Crafty Dog

> Hi
> I was just wondering how list members train their left and right hands.  I tend to work my left hand in a thrusting motion, while my right hand moves in a cutting motion. My rationale is that as a right hander I am highly unlikely to ever even think about fighting somone with a longer weapon in my left hand.  The focus of my eskrima is very much on single stick & espada y daga.
> How do other people approach this?
> Jon

This has come up a couple of times before.  To briefly summarize Dog
Brothers Martial Arts (DBMA) in this regard:

Our system has as its mission statement "To walk as a warrior for all our
days".  The Real Contact Stickfighting that the Dog Brothers are known for is seen as a testing ground for the system, not merely as young sweaty smelly psychopaths with sticks airing it out.

Outside the ritual context of our "DB Gatherings of the Pack" multiple
player situations are a part of reality and we take training for such
eventualities seriously.  The 360 degree awareness and capabilities required we feel are greatly enhanced by what we call "Bilateralism": the ability to work with either hand, foot or shoulder forward and either hand in dominant modality.  To this end we do a lot of siniwali work with an emphasis on integrating foot and triangular footwork, blending in the footwork of Krabi Krabong.

This is in the context of short term, middle term and long term training.
If I had a beginner who needed to be a man to be reckoned with in short
order, this is not the portion of the program I would emphasize.  On the
other hand, by working at this material steadily over time and acquiring the skills and coordinations necessary one can, IMHO, have a formidable and highly adaptable skill set for a wide range of situations even when the
explosiveness of youth declines.  This applies to empty had as well as

Although long & short is more of a subset of single stick in DBMA -- used
for developing the ability to really hit with the live hand-- I have high
regard for merit of long and short and was particularly impressed with the
time I saw GM Ben Luna Lema-- he readily did long & short both left and
righty-- which is a very high level of coordination indeed.

I do confess to a bias against emphasizing single stick out of concern for
its tendency to affect many people by increasing the disparity between the dominant hand and the complementary hand-- unlike a boxer who usually specializes in one side forward, but uses both hands.

Guro Crafty

Martial Arts Topics / Stockton, CA memories
« on: June 01, 2003, 05:15:30 PM »
From 5/31/03 LA Times:
Saving a Harsh Picture of the Past
Filipinos hope to preserve Stockton's Little Manila to tell their story.
By John M. Glionna, Times Staff Writer

STOCKTON ? Leatrice Bantillo-Perez knows they're not much to look at ? these three dilapidated storefronts slouching in the shadow of a noisy downtown freeway in this heat-raked Central Valley community. The boarded-up hotel, abandoned dance hall and former union lodge are all that remain of a once-vibrant Philippine American neighborhood known as Little Manila.

But Bantillo-Perez has a message for development-hungry city officials: Leave those buildings alone.
The 74-year-old activist and other Filipinos here are battling a plan to demolish the structures and build an Asian-themed mini-mall and parking lot. They want to save a neighborhood that was once home to the largest population of Filipinos outside the Philippines, one that for years was considered the center of Philippine American culture nationwide.

Already devastated by urban renewal, what remains of Little Manila should be preserved as recognition of the migrant workers who endured decades of racism as they toiled in the growing fields of the San Joaquin Valley, they say.

Stockton officials reply that developers are waiting eagerly, cash in hand, to rejuvenate a four-block area long left for dead. It's home to auto parts stores, vacant lots and fences topped with concertina wire. They say the activists have no money to finance their dream of turning the buildings into a museum and cultural center with affordable housing.

But now activists have an ally. On Thursday, the Washington, D.C.-based National Trust for Historic Preservation included Little Manila on its 2003 list of America's 11 most endangered historic places.

Historic Sites

The neighborhood joined other threatened sites such as the old Trans World Airlines Terminal at New York's John F. Kennedy Airport, the Amelia Earhart Memorial Bridge in Atchison, Kan., and the U.S. Marine Hospital in Louisville, Ky.

About 1.5 million Filipinos live in the United States today, about 750,000 of them in California, according to census figures. In San Joaquin County, 17,000 remain, scattered across the rural landscape.

The Stockton effort is among several in California for Philippine Americans aiming to reclaim a sense of community. Los Angeles activists hope to build a Filipino cultural center in an area west of downtown that was recently designated Historic Filipinotown. And in San Francisco, a Manilatown center and museum will be built on the site of the old International Hotel, from which elderly Filipinos were ousted in the 1970s to pave the way for a proposed parking lot.

For Bantillo-Perez, the three Stockton buildings evoke both proud and painful memories. She stands outside the old dance hall with its peeling paint and describes how sunburned Philippine farm workers would flock there at night in their zoot suits, crowding three deep onto the sidewalks because it was considered a crime for them to wander outside Little Manila.

She recalls the mistreatment at the hands of townspeople; the shop signs reading, "No Dogs and No Filipinos Allowed"; how workers who entered white businesses were beaten and carried away in an ominous-looking old "paddy wagon" known as the Black Maria. Some of the insults still sting: "Filipinos were known as 'brown monkeys,' " she said.

Good or bad, activists say, Little Manila's history should be preserved for a new generation, many members of which have no idea of the sacrifices made by their ancestors. Local schools and universities all but ignore local the history of Filipinos. Apart from their recollections and fading photographs, all they have left of the past is Little Manila.

"Filipinos are this city's invisible residents, but we had our neighborhood, the place where we thrived, where we made our friends and left our cultural mark," Bantillo-Perez said. "Once it goes, I fear that a large part of all of us will go with it."

Immigration of Filipinos to the Central Valley began around 1900. Forty years later, more than 40,000 newcomers, most of them male, worked the migrant farm circuit. They provided back-breaking labor that helped drive the local economy ? harvesting fruit, asparagus, peas, lettuce and tomatoes ? and were among the earliest union organizers in the fields.

Life in Stockton was anything but easy. Most of the men lived in residential hotels, because laws prohibited immigrants from owning land.

Until the 1960s, officials maintained a "Mason-Dixon Line" along Main Street, forbidding Filipinos to venture north into white areas. As a result, El Dorado Street in Little Manila became so crowded that it become known as the "Filipino Freeway."

Residents were constantly on the lookout for whites who used baseball bats to assault male Filipinos who dared to date whites, activists say.

Segregated Era

Filipinos were banned from the town's sole bowling alley and were shunted to side rows in the Fox Theater. In the 1930s, there were riots and the bombing of a Filipino building by agitators who believed that the immigrants took jobs away from white residents.

"We accepted it; we were told we had to," Bantillo-Perez said. "We were living in another country, where white people had supremacy. Our elders always told us: 'Know your place.' "

As a response to the hostility, Little Manila developed its own social world. Until the 1970s, dozens of businesses thrived there, including the Aklan Hotel, P.D. Lazaro Tailoring, the Three Star Pool Hall and the Lafayette Lunch Counter.

Workers flocked to the AFL-CIO labor hall to plan the 1939 uprising against asparagus growers. And they frequented the taxi-dance hall next door, where they would shell out cash to dance with white girls in short dresses. Many lived in the adjacent Mariposa Hotel.

If Little Manila was built as a byproduct of racism, it was virtually destroyed in the 1960s by redevelopment, activists say. To make way for a cross-town freeway in 1972, many elderly Filipinos, or pinoys, were displaced from aging hotels that were soon demolished.

"People were told to leave their homes," said Dawn Mabalon, chairwoman of the Little Manila Foundation. Her doctoral dissertation at Stanford University will include the history of the Stockton neighborhood. "It was easy to build the freeway through the ethnic part of town where residents had no political power."

In 2000, activists persuaded the city to erect signs recognizing Little Manila as a historic site ? a move Mabalon called mere lip service: "One politician told me that without money to save this neighborhood, all we had was a dream."

Councilman Gary S. Giovanetti, whose district encompasses Little Manila, says even national recognition can't save the neighborhood. "Do they have some severe hurdles to climb?" he said of activists. "Yeah, they do."

'Not Beautiful'

He said there are other ways to recognize the achievements of local Philippine Americans. "Just not these three buildings and not on this spot."

Leslie Crow, chairwoman of the city's cultural heritage board, agreed that the buildings seemed destined for demolition. "It's easy to sell the idea of saving a pretty building," she said. "But when it's not beautiful or awe-inspiring and has few redeeming qualities ? other than significance to one part of the community ? it's a much tougher sell."

Added Stockton Vice Mayor Gloria Nomura, herself a Philippine American: "Faced with well-funded developers on one side and a grass-roots group with big dreams to preserve the integrity of the area, but with no money, which way do you think most cities would go?"

That attitude angers Mabalon, who says the group has its own investors. "It's an outdated urban development theory to think we have to bulldoze these downtown areas to build anew," she said.

On a tour of Little Manila, she visited a hotel and card club, relocated here during a previous redevelopment.  As men played cards nearby, Mabalon sighed. "This will eventually have to go too," she predicted. "Is this what they call progress?"

Dillon Delvo, another activist, says that little of the Philippine American experience is taught in Stockton schools.  "For young Filipino children not to know this history is like black kids in Birmingham, Ala., not knowing who Martin Luther King is," he said. "Keeping Little Manila will help avoid that."

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