Author Topic: Walking Sticks for Self Defense  (Read 12054 times)

Lance Carbuncle

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Walking Sticks for Self Defense
« on: December 16, 2003, 10:33:33 AM »
Hello All,

I am a newbie to the stick fighting scene, and apologize if i am bringing up a spent topic. A recent viewing of the Dog Brothers videos really opened my eyes up to stick fighting, and the real world applications it represents.
Here is my scenario..... I travel to some out of the way places for scientific research purposes, and have more than once found myself in unfriendly situations in remote locations. I have often picked up a good walking stick on the trail in the thoughts of using it for self defense if needed.
Anyway, a walking stick seems acceptable to carry in all parts of the world, and is not looked at by most as a weapon. I have even boarded airplanes with one without a second look.
So my question is. If you guys with the experience were going to carry a stick that passed as a "walking stick" what would be the design?
Most true walking sticks are about 36"-40" A short staff would also be a possibility.
I am thinking about things like weight, diameter, material, balance, and taper. Would you want one with a weighed end for instance, or more balanced. Or would you just want a 4' piece of rattan or hardwood....?
I know some even like the cane.
I guess I am getting a little carried away with questions because I lack any real stickfighting knowledge.

Thanks in Advance, Lance

here are couple of "walking sticks" I found browsing the web.


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Walking Sticks for Self Defense
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2003, 04:37:27 AM »

Check out

There are a few more sites if you search, plus a mail group on Yahoo on canes for self defence.  

I also have the Dog Brother's tapes, which are some of the best I've ever seen, and very informative.  Most anything in the DB's tapes can be carried over to the cane.  

Both sets of tapes are worth the money, the DB's one's for a good foundation in the Philipino MA'a, and the CaneMasters series if you'd like to specialize with a cane instead of a straight stick.

Hope this helps



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Walking Sticks for Self Defense
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2003, 05:17:42 AM »
Woof Lance:

  An excellent question and your basic thought is most sound.    

I would start with this: Pick up different possibilities and whack some things with them.  Many/most walking sticks advertised as such seek to be as light as possible-- which can be counter productive when it comes to cracking attackers in the head.  Consider too the matter of resiliency.  Does the material crack or shatter on hard contact with hard things?

A long stick/short staff/long staff can be a superb weapon-- if you can handle it well.  As far as your fighting skills go, I would suggest a combination of thrusting, rapping and power swing combinations integrated with 360 degree footwork.  Develop your skills with it, use the training to develop your strength and fitness.  From the sounds of things you are going to be quite off the beaten track.  Be aware also the potential of your stick as a highly useful tool in exercises/stretches to put your body right as you travel.  GM Myung Gyi of the Bando system has some superb material in this respect.  Unfortunately this material has not yet been released in video.

Crafty Dog