Author Topic: Excellent article on knife  (Read 9094 times)


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Excellent article on knife
« on: May 09, 2003, 04:31:00 PM »
What do you think?

Excerpt from article,
"I?m a big believer in, ?don?t tell me, show me? so in early 1992 I conducted an empirical video research study. I had 85 police officers participate in a scenario based training session where unknown to them, they would be attacked with a knife. The attacker, who was dressed in a combatives suit, was told that during mid way of the contact, they were to pull a knife that they had been concealing, flash it directly at the officer saying ?I?m going to kill you pig? and then engage the officer physically. The results were remarkable:

 - 3/85 saw the knife prior to contact  
 - 10/85 realized that they were being stabbed repeatedly during the scenario  
 - 72/85 did not realize that they were being assaulted with a knife until the scenario was over, and the officers were advised to look at their uniforms to see the simulated thrusts and slices left behind by the chalked training knives  

When I reviewed the hours of video tape of the above noted scenarios, I also made several other interesting observations in how the majority of officers reacted to the attacks:

 - most attempted to disengage from the attacker by backing away from the threat. This usually resulted in the attacker closing quite quickly with their victim  

 - Those officers that did engage the threat immediately, proceeded to block the initial strike of the attacker and then immediately began to grapple with the attacker using elbows and knee strikes, but FAILED TO CONTROL THE DELIVERY SYSTEM REUSLTING IN A LARGE NUMBER OF LETHAL BLOWS WITH THE KNIFE.  

- Most of the scenarios ended up on the ground  "


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« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2003, 08:33:26 PM »
I would also recommend watching the LEO video, "Surviving Edged Weapons". Similar material covered. GT Leo Gaje and Guro Inosanto were involved in the production.



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Re: Knife
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2003, 07:14:50 AM »
Quote from: William
I would also recommend watching the LEO video, "Surviving Edged Weapons". Similar material covered. GT Leo Gaje and Guro Inosanto were involved in the production.


That is an awesome video.
"And the rapier blades, being so narrow and of so small substance, and made of a very hard temper to fight in private frays... do presently break and so become unprofitable." --Sir John Smythe, 1590