Author Topic: Banning Swords in Australia  (Read 7204 times)


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Banning Swords in Australia
« on: April 09, 2004, 05:19:24 AM »
I've been reading on the various sword websites that another Australian state is trying to ban swords.

I've also been noticing on the sword websites that many collectivist-leaning sword owners still refuse to admit that gun confiscation paved the way for sword confiscation.

They'll come for the sticks soon enough.  In this country too, if we don't watch it.



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Banning Swords in Australia
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2004, 05:22:00 AM »
You have any sources on this for us?


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News link
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2004, 12:07:54 PM »

Samurai swords face ban

April 3, 2004

SAMURAI style swords and machetes wielded by criminals during violent assaults could be banned in NSW, the state government said today.

Announcing a review of prohibited weapons, the NSW government also revealed it had destroyed 30 tonnes of weapons since a NSW gun amnesty was introduced last October.
NSW Police Minister John Watkins said the five-yearly full review of the state's prohibited weapons law would include possible additions to the banned list and appropriate penalties.

"I want the review to now consider whether swords - including samurai swords and medieval blades - and machetes should also be banned items," Mr Watkins said.
While it was illegal to carry swords under the NSW knife possession laws, it was not illegal to own, buy or sell them, he said.

The prohibited weapons list needed to be updated to ensure it correctly followed what criminals were doing and the needs of the community, Mr Watkins said.

Samurai swords and medieval blades could now be purchased from car boot sales and markets, he said.

"What we've found is as you get tougher on a particular type of weapon, criminals move to other weapons," he told reporters.

"There have been uses of machetes, of swords in crimes in NSW over the last 12 months that has given me some concern."

However, licence holders rights should be protected perhaps with a permit system, Mr Watkins said.

"RSLs, licensed people who hold these, perhaps an ex-serviceman that may hold a samurai sword, it is in fact an artifact rather than a weapon," he said.

NSW Opposition spokesman Peter Debnam welcomed the routine review.

But NSW Shooters Party upper house MP John Tingle said he was concerned about a ban on swords because there were a lot of big collectors around the country.

"Many people will buy them for a good reason," Mr Tingle said.

"Most of them have flattened or blunt swords."

The police minister will accept submissions to the review from the public until May 15.

Displaying a selection of swords and sabres recently seized by police, many with decorative hilts and sheaths, head of the NSW police ballistics unit Inspector Wayne Hoffman said NSW had destroyed 30 tonnes of weapons since last October 1.

The weapons had been collected through the national hand gun buyback and NSW firearms amnesty in addition to weapons of all types seized by police, Insp Hoffman said.

As of yesterday, 5800 weapons surrendered to police under the NSW gun amnesty had been destroyed.

"We burn and melt them down so nothing remains," Insp Hoffman said.

Mr Watkins said 10 tonnes of these had been destroyed last week.

"That means they can't be stolen and fall into the black market, they can't fall into the hands of people where there would be a violent incident nor can they be used in an accidental shooting," he said.,6093,9179686,00.html

In a similar article this additional quote from Watkins appeared:


"I'm concerned about any weapon that can be sold out of car boots, at markets or shops.

"And I don't want them lying around homes where they can be used for violent or criminal purposes."

However, historical collectors, RSL clubs and individuals who might have picked up a traditional Japanese sword while serving overseas during World War II would be allowed to keep them but possibly with permits, he said.,5481,9175706,00.html

Let it be a lesson to us all who cherish the right to self defense.

Best regards,



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Banning Swords in Australia
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2004, 12:18:04 PM »
The prior post was about a proposed ban in New South Wales.  Here's an article about Australia.


Sword ban after attacks By Misha Ketchell
March 9, 2004

Swords will come under tough new controls from July as the State Government cracks down on violence.

Anyone with a sword in their home will have three options: sell it to a licensed dealer, hand it in to police, or apply to police for permission to keep it as a collector.
Those seeking permission to keep a sword will face tough rules on storage to ensure swords do not fall into the wrong hands.

The move to toughen laws on swords follows a series of violent incidents involving the weapons, including a gang fight in the Fitzroy Gardens last week in which a man's hand was chopped off.

The new regulations define a sword as "a cutting or thrusting weapon with a long blade, a hilt, and one or two sharp edges" but do not specify length. Swords are currently on a list of controlled weapons, along with knives, machetes and other implements that have a legitimate use.
Under the new rules, swords will be shifted to a list of prohibited weapons, such as ninja stars and nunchukkas.

Police Minister Andre Haermeyer said yesterday anyone who illegally owned a sword would face fines of up to $12,000 or six months' jail. The maximum penalty for having a "controlled weapon" is $6000 and six months' jail.

Samurai swords were still freely on sale at the South Melbourne market at the weekend.

Mr Haermeyer said yesterday that once the new regulations came into effect vendors would be allowed to sell swords only to legitimate collectors.

Sword sellers would also have to keep a register of people who bought swords and police would be able to inspect it, he said.

Mr Haermeyer said the new rules would help police overcome a culture of young people arming themselves with swords.

"It is clear that the vast majority of Victorians back the push to keep swords off the streets," he said.

"If you're a collector you wouldn't be able to carry these things around with you. There will be very strict conditions."

Last year the Government gave police 480 metal detectors and introduced new powers to enable them to search people suspected of carrying concealed weapons.
Opposition police spokesman Kim Wells said the new rules were welcome.

"The gang mentality of owning swords has to be cleaned up," Mr Wells said.

"It is totally unacceptable that the gangs in Melbourne have an unlimited supply of swords."
Mr Haermeyer said that anyone with a legitimate reason to own a sword would be exempt from the prohibition. He said highland dancers, who tend to use blunt swords, would have no trouble obtaining permission to keep their swords.

Best regards,
