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Messages - Combative

Pages: [1]
Martial Arts Topics / Re: What would you like to see from DBMA?
« on: November 18, 2008, 03:04:48 AM »
Hi Marc

I would like to see more about DLO, Kali Tudo (Empty Hand / Stand Up or Groundfighting) or
a Palm Stick DVD :-D

Have a nice day


Martial Arts Topics / Blocking ROOF/UMBRELLA vs. 4 Walls
« on: December 14, 2005, 06:22:26 AM »
Hi Crafty!

Thank you for the quick answer, it does help! :D

Well, I`m aware of the danger to get hit to the hand when I`m using this "2 Walls" block (highline).

I want to explain to you why I prefer the 2 walls instead of using the roof/umbrella, because for me are these blocks very natural motions.

I feel more safe, because this kind of defense is very tight. Even if someone fakes a high forehand and uses suddendly a reverse angle, I will get it with this 2 walls. But I feel akward when I`m using a roof and the guy changes his angle, I have the impression that I get caught easier with this second strike.

I see your point when you said, it`s easier to counter after a roof/umbrella, because you don`t have to chamber your hand for your counter. You said that the clock movement is not appropriate at this time, but the happy dog is very nice (for my structure) :wink:

I talked with Benjamin, please check your PN 8)



Martial Arts Topics / Blocking ROOF/UMBRELLA vs. 4 Walls
« on: December 13, 2005, 10:44:12 PM »

I want to interduce myself, I train many years DBMA under my instructor Benjamin "Lonely Dog" Rittiner from Berne (Switzerland). I`m a trainer in DBMA under Benjamin. I saw Marc several times at his seminars in Berne. :)

Well, here is my question. When I have beginners, I teach the "4 walls" first, because it seems to be the easiest blocking maneuver at the highline and the cross step for the lowline.

I have a common problem with beginners, that the roof/umbrella is harder to apply in a combative situation. I know that the stickgrappling (enter with a roof) happens at the gatherings, but my main focus for now is in self defense. I want to stay outside.

So, I feel that the chance is higher to get caught with a fake when you use roof/umbrella than the 4 walls. (I`m aware of the danger of hand hits)

We know all the phrase "keep it simple", what would you teach at a self defense seminar with beginners? Would you teach all of the basic blocks, or would you skip the roof and the umbrella? I`m not sure if the "false lead game" is too early to teach it, because this beginners haven`t a foundation yet (basic strikes, footwork, blocks).

What is your opinion?

Ok, I wish you a nice day!



PS: Marc, I `m JUAN, I wasn`t able to visit your last seminar in Berne, because of a wedding. I think you know who I am. :wink:

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