Author Topic: Seeking opinion on P Greg Alland  (Read 11053 times)


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Seeking opinion on P Greg Alland
« on: April 08, 2005, 10:11:03 PM »
Could you post your opinions on P Greg Alland the man? His technique and skills? also Any personal experience and stories


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Master P Greg Alland
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2005, 08:11:25 PM »
Greg Alland One of Leo T Gaje jrs. origional students Mr Alland also has tapes and conducts his seminars across the US and also overseas. There is controverity that has followed Master Greg Alland through the years. From several reports-he is a very good instructor


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Is he or isn't he an elite martial arts master?
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2005, 07:21:14 AM »
Yes  I too have heard from a few and read that there is a lot of controversy that follows this man. The opinios seem to be extreme that this Master Greg Alland is very good or that he isn't any good at all. That he is is a true highly developed Master of his art, and a champion, or that he doesn't know that much at all and that he scams everyone of money. I would like to hear more about the man from others and opinions too, because can both views be true? Is this teacher of martial arts divided in two, with two distinct personalities perhaps? I've never heard of so much differing views about one individual in the martial arts world.


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Seeking opinion on P Greg Alland
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2005, 07:06:13 PM »
Woof All:

May I suggest that anyone so inclined to offer their opinion avoid hearsay and innuendo and limit themselves to what his/her personal experience?

Play fair now , , ,

Crafty Dog