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Movies/TV of interest

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Funniest knife projectile scene on film!
Btw, Check out OLD DOG... there's an extended fight scene in hallway that's excellent. This is how a CONAN film should be choreographed.


Woof Tuhon Raf:

A pleasure to be graced by your presence once again.  

I'm not familiar with the movie "Old Dog", but by its name and your recommendation I am favorably disposed.  What can you tell us about it?

Crafty Dog

some notes and thoughts from me:

--- Quote from: Matthew Wanniski ---A Review of ?Kung Fu Hustle?

Chow plays Sing (coincidentally, the same name of the character he played in ?Shaolin Soccer?),

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HK films sometimes names the characters after the actors because the actors are so well-known. Stephen Chow's name in cantonese is Chow Sing-chi. there are some movies of Jackie Chan's where his character is "Jackie".

Stephen Chow movies have bigger box offices than Jackie Chan movies from what i've heard. he is the biggest asian star, bigger than Jackie.

--- Quote ---...martial arts veteran and Bruce Lee stuntman Yuen Wah (?The Chinese Connection?)

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Yuen Wah is one of the Seven Little Fortunes (in cantonese:  Chut Siu Fook) and amongst his "martial brothers" are Sammo Hung, Jackie Chan and Yuen Biao. all the SLF's stage names are named after their instructor in the Peking Opera, Yu Jim-yuen, with the exception of Sammo Hung and Jackie Chan who have used their real surnames instead of their stage names.

--- Quote ---Three others join in the fight against the Axe Gang, exhibiting remarkable and improbable martial arts skills.

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the styles of the 3 who fight agains the axe gang are real styles - 2 forms from the hung ga system of CMA and 3rd one may or may not be, i'm not up on the 3rd:  1) the pole style is "5 elements 8 diagram pole" (mm hung baat gwa gwun), 2) "iron wire fist" (teet sin kuen), and 3) tam tui, the kicking/legs style. i don't know if there is a "real" toad style that the beast used towards the end of the movie, or if there is a real "lion's roar" or also the "buddhist palm", but in the chinese wu xia novels, these styles exist. cool seeing it cgi'd.

--- Quote ---When The Axe Gang calls in the most notorious killer of them all, a man known only as ?The Beast,? ... Played with exceptional humor and athleticism by the famous martial arts master and 1970s actor Leung Siu Lung
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my friend said his best movie was, sorry - the name escapes me at the moment. my fave movie of his is released currently as THE LEG FIGHTERS, available on dvd commercially. back then he was known as Tam Tao-Liang, Delon Tam (after french movie idol Alain Delon), and various other spellings. incredible kicks. and yes they are high and flashy. i am not saying it's good or bad in real life/self defense, just saying he has good kicks as seen in his 1970's movies.

i liked this movie alot. the addition of cgi was realistic enough or seamless, unlike say tsui hark's LEGEND OF ZU. in LOZ, i felt like tsui was banging my head with a blunt ax saying, look at me, ooh ahh, cool cgi, see what i can add to the movie. in LOZ, the cgi was excessive. in SHAOLIN SOCCER, the cgi was very obvious but it was not excessively used which is a good thing. some critics complained of george lucas of overdoing the cgi in episodes 1-2. some of stephen chow's earlier HK movies involved a lot of wordplay and humor was lowbrow, i am glad he has evolved and that the west is getting a chance to see 2 of his recent movies. i recommend stephen chow movies to my non-cantonese speaking friends and i always wonder if they will find it as funny as me.


--- Quote from: Crafty_Dog ---Woof Tuhon Raf:

A pleasure to be graced by your presence once again.  

I'm not familiar with the movie "Old Dog", but by its name and your recommendation I am favorably disposed.  What can you tell us about it?

Crafty Dog
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Hey Crafty,

Must be my OLD age hitting me... probably cause I'd just seen a preview of Jet Li's new film, the film is actually called OldBOY. It is a South Korean film. It is a dark film about a man held prisoner in a room for many years and he turns into a sadistic vengeance seeking machine when he finally escapes. More twists and turns but I do not want to ruin it. The highlight is the hallway fight. It is how Conan should be staged, not stylistically but emotionally.  

Been thinking of Conan lately... wonder why ;)


I enjoyed Conan 1 (Sandahl Bergman :-) o==8 ) simply by putting aside the knowing that it could have been so more more.  Howard's Conan is a figure deep in the dark primal archetypes.  If only someone had been at the helm with the vision and courage to have gone there something truly great could have been made.  Ah well, forward.

Conan 2 was a joke-- and a waste of Wilt Chamberlain.  PG Conan!?!  Oy vey.


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