Author Topic: helping our soldiers  (Read 6087 times)


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helping our soldiers
« on: July 08, 2004, 11:22:09 PM »
Thanks bro,
We do need help on the political end of things.  
War is the end of politics and the warrior is the instrument of those ends.  He must be willing and capable of dealing with the chaos - otherwise he needs to move on and choose a different career.
I accept the fact that people are different and so too are the ideologies on which they base their reasons for defending their courses on the battlefield - political and otherwise.
When you think of us out here think too of why the guys killing us on the other end think the way they do.  It's because our message of freedom and liberty has not yet inculcated in their brain.  That's unfortunate.
If we have to kill him before he understands - that's unfortunate.
I harbor him no hatred.
I wish nothing more than peace - especially as a warrior.
Respectful and hopeful that before I have to put him down he'll come to a better understanding.
Respectful likewise if he gets the drop on me.
People fight and are willing to die for all kinds of reasons.
I chose my career, however, and more importantly, because I truly believe in the big picture.
Hope springs eternal in those who have an eternal faith in things.
I do.
Things may never get sorted out down here by us mere mortal fools.
The real truth I've come to rely on is Jesus - the way the truth and the life.
But if he doesn't know Jesus like I know Jesus who's fault is that?
He may be saying the same thing on the other end about whatever faith he has.
Both of us are right in our own perspectives and therein lies the crux.
It's OK though, as warriors that's not our job - especially on a political level.  We are just trying to guarantee the right to spread, freely, beliefs so that people have a choice, a say, and a right to decide.
At least I wish that on my part - I cannot speak for my enemy on that standpoint.
Freedom to choose - that's what I'm willing to die and/or kill for.
Who knows, maybe Robert Baer's got it right in his newest book Sleeping with the Devil and it's just about money and oil and other things dark - but neither he nor the agency he worked for are God.
It doesn't matter to the warrior - his task - watch his lane, one filled with smoke and powder, pop and whistle, boom and thunder - unsullied by politics - just him and the fella trying to kill him on the other end.
Both probably have families of thier own.
Both may have pictures of their loved ones on them.
It pays to stay informed as a warrior but better to stay prepared.
And if the faith thing is rested firmly before the battle -
their is no distraction from that first and primary battle requirement -
Hearing that you are caring enough to take on the other issues is reassuring - we, the warriors, cannot afford to.
One out there.