Author Topic: SEACAF: Burnaby, BC, Canada Aug 16, 2014  (Read 9118 times)


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SEACAF: Burnaby, BC, Canada Aug 16, 2014
« on: May 23, 2014, 08:54:21 AM »
Posted on behalf of our good friend Loki "Tricky Dog" Jorgenson:


Greetings GMs, Masters, Guros, Instructors, Performers, Teachers, FMA/SEAMA enthusiasts, friends, family and previous SEACAF participants:

On behalf of all of the organizers and sponsors for SEACAF 2014, I would like to extend an invitation to the Southeast Asian Cultural Arts Festival to be held in Burnaby, BC, Canada, on Satuday August 16, 2014 from 10:00am-5:00pm. This is our 7th annual event.  See the links below for the map or contact us for directions.

The event will start at 10h00 with an opening circle and welcoming ceremony from First Nations.

Check out the video from 2011:
And the music/dance video from 2012:
And the latest video from 2013:

Twitter: @MonsoonSociety #SEACAF
Poster: (PNG - 1.5 Mb)

This premier event showcases top Filipino and Southeast Asian Martial Arts talent from the Greater Vancouver region and includes instructors from across the Pacific Northwest. It is a great opportunity to see many instructors and their students in one place. And to train with them!  And as well, see fabulous performances by local traditional dance and music groups, share lunch at the potluck BBQ, and network with lots of people involved in SE Asian cultural arts of all sorts.  It's a very casual, in-the-park, family friendly, relaxed event.  You can train hard all day, just kick back enjoy meeting people, or drop in to say Hi!.

This year we will be running two simultaneous tracks - one for martial arts and the other for a variety of other cultural arts including dance, music, weaving, song and language workshops, demos, and activities.  We welcome families and children to take part.

In the martial track, each participating instructor (usually 8-10) will offer ~30 minutes of instruction or demonstration.  There will be breaks in between for chatting and time for lunch.
•        Top FMA/SEAMA instructors of lower Mainland and Pacific Northwest
•        Many of students
•        Many different styles and systems
•        Training, demos, and performance
•        Potluck BBQ - BRING SOME FOOD TO SHARE!
•        Networking, socializing, and sharing
•        Open to everyone - no cost to attend!
•        Family friendly - bring kids, spouses, and friends
NOTE:  There may be booths and presentations from various related cultural groups but no vending or commercial presence is allowed by the event permit.

SEACAF T-shirts will be available at the event.  Contact us ahead of time if you want to request in advance to ensure you get one (or more).

While most presentations are from groups local to the Vancouver area, we invite 1-2 instructors each year from outside the area to present.  In previous years, we have had celebrated guest instructors such as Guro Mark Mikita (LA, USA), GM Rene Latosa (Windsor, CA), Tuhon Philip Gelinas (Montreal, PQ), Guro John Soriano, Guro Bob Park and Guro Chris Clarke (Seattle), Ajahn Stephen Wilson (Portland, OR), and Maha Guru Roedy Wiranatakusumah (Bandung, West Java). 

Please let us know if you would like to demonstrate or give a workshop.

NOTE to out-of-town participants:  This is a grass-roots, self-organized event with minimal costs and funding.  We will only be able to offer small subsidies or honorariums to out-of-town instructors who present. However, some of the local instructors are willing to billet out-of-town guests (instructors and/or their students) to help offset travel costs, if anyone would like to come for the weekend to enjoy Vancouver's beautiful summertime offerings.

Please spread the word and forward this on to others even if you cannot come. You and your students are most welcome to join us.

This year, SEACAF 2014 is in part co-sponsored by the non-profit organizations Monsoon Society for the Cultural Arts of Southeast Asia, the Southeast Asian Cultural Heritage Society, Kathara Indigenous Pilipino Arts Collective Society, and the Eka Cooperative for Co-cultured Communities..
Loki Jorgenson, President
Monsoon Society for the Cultural Arts of Southeast Asia