Author Topic: Leggo my Ego  (Read 10713 times)

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Leggo my Ego
« on: August 14, 2006, 07:58:24 AM »
I just want to say that after following some of the Dog Brothers
> methodology in personal training of the FMA that reality plays such an
> important part of development. I have been a martial artist for almost 30
> years and have always based my training off of reality based scenarios and
> cross trained heavily to develop my inner self. I have seen those times
> that people lose control of themselves in these situations and not
> understand how they lose their tempers or if put in a real state, their
> lives which is not replaceable. Currently I have adapted Capoeira into my
> arsenal for increased stamina and agility. It is very similar to the
> female and male triangle foot work of FMA. It has been 6 years in this art
> form and I am realizing that even in what is supposed to be a
> conflict-resolution, reactional art form, that these same egos and malice
> rear their ugly heads in what was once to develop character and defense
> but has turned into a MMA brawl in some cases. I would love to contact and
> discuss the issues of "escaping attitude in reality training" with any of
> the Dog Brothers to assist me in coming up with a better method to
> introduce reality training to my new students.