Author Topic: differences in the escrima/arnis/kali systems  (Read 14456 times)


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differences in the escrima/arnis/kali systems
« on: March 25, 2004, 06:10:02 PM »
hello all...

i've been researching the information on the internet/published books about the various fma systems... and have an understanding of the basic largo, medio, corto, 18 inch stick, 28 inch stick, ancient, classical, modern classifications...

i've read about cabales serrada, sayoc kali, kalis illustrisimo, modern arnis, balintawak, pekiti-tirsia, giron escrima, doce pares and other various systems and have come to be amazed by them...  

so far in my search, there seems to be more similarities than contrasting techniques (or presentation of techniques) between the systems...

being economically limited in experiencing first hand all the good fma's,  can anyone please breakdown (not necessarily simplifying) the advantages, strategies, mindset of the systems?

i know this may be a sticky and potentially heated subject, but i would just like to understand more...

thanks to all and much respects...


(p.s.  if this has been answered somewhere please direct me, and if it can be asked in a more clear way, please correct me)




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« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2004, 07:20:13 PM »
There are basically no differences between Arnis or Escrima, also known as Eskrima. The martial arts community uses the different names to refer to the same type of arts. Originally, the difference in the name implied the region from which the art originated or the material unique to that family. These three names, and others, refer to Filipino martial arts where skills in both empty hand and weapons are developed using similar training methods to teach both. “True” practitioners of these arts are noted for their ability to fight with weapons or empty hands interchangeably.

Being involved in Arnis/Escrima since 1987 i have seen the FMA go through transistion and change like all martial arts.

Like all martial arts you have that close nitch groups, and groups within groups. In the Serrada for example seems like everyone is battling everyone, as seen in Modern Arnis and others. It seems that someone is always right or knows more than anyone else. Then they get pissed and go off and create their own system and call themself GRANDMASTER OF BUTT WON DO or WADO ARNIS.. YOU GOT THE POINT.

The worse place you can research anything about arnis or that anything is on the web. What people do not understand, information posted on web is from the point of the view of the person posting.

People dont take into account, if they are honest, telling the truth or full of BS* and themselves.  What you read is through the eyes of the one who wrote it. I will say though, you can get lots of stuff out there. I have found everything from AMC PACERS (CAR) to people who sell body parts.

THE TRUE MASTER or so called master knows the difference between, can pick apart and catalog what is known, and retain information that is lost or a dying art.


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« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2004, 08:12:28 PM »
Quote from: Judo_Bob
There are basically no differences between Arnis or Escrima, also known as Eskrima. The martial arts community uses the different names to refer to the same type of arts. Originally, the difference in the name implied the region from which the art originated or the material unique to that family. These three names, and others, refer to Filipino martial arts where skills in both empty hand and weapons are developed using similar training methods to teach both. ?True? practitioners of these arts are noted for their ability to fight with weapons or empty hands interchangeably.

Being involved in Arnis/Escrima since 1987 i have seen the FMA go through transistion and change like all martial arts.

Like all martial arts you have that close nitch groups, and groups within groups. In the Serrada for example seems like everyone is battling everyone, as seen in Modern Arnis and others. It seems that someone is always right or knows more than anyone else. Then they get pissed and go off and create their own system and call themself GRANDMASTER OF BUTT WON DO or WADO ARNIS.. YOU GOT THE POINT.

The worse place you can research anything about arnis or that anything is on the web. What people do not understand, information posted on web is from the point of the view of the person posting.

People dont take into account, if they are honest, telling the truth or full of BS* and themselves.  What you read is through the eyes of the one who wrote it. I will say though, you can get lots of stuff out there. I have found everything from AMC PACERS (CAR) to people who sell body parts.

THE TRUE MASTER or so called master knows the difference between, can pick apart and catalog what is known, and retain information that is lost or a dying art.

i understand the infighting going on in certain fma's and have read one too many... i deem them irrelevent...

in regards of my question, perhaps i can clarify what i meant...

i would like to know the TECHNICHAL differences/contrasts between the various filipino martial arts (weapons based)... that is why i posted this question in this ( site as it seems to be more objective then other certain popular forums...

hope i made it more clear...




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« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2004, 07:45:07 AM »
WELL thanks for your response, I will not be the one to comment on your request for technical differences, and myself would like to see the information at hand. I can tell you this.. Its probably going to be hard to get some master of BOOTIE WAN system to give his most detailed secrets up or technical aspects which makes their system unique from others. Tell me what you are looking for..
MAYBE i can break it down some for you if you have an idea what your looking for..

Different concepts, different methods of fighting, ranges, angles of attack, different stepping, picking nose techniques, stick handling, when to and not too..

TELL ME what your looking for and maybe a can break it down best to what i know and if i do not have an answer someone in DOGBRO's can help you out. I am not all the answers but love to help if i can. I was asking the same questions 14 years ago, trying to figure out what is what, who is where and why is this done this way.

Would be easier if i know what u are looking for in general. If you are looking for syllabus/requirements that will be little harder to give you. Some things are meant to be kept secret. But i will show you little things here and there if i can or qualified to.


DOGBROTHERS... I remember you back in the day when arnis was not a household name and you were just making a name for yourselves battle testing that junk to prove your point. GOOD STUFF GUYS

I am always looking to get beat, if you looking to expand your organization to Northern CA.. I AM YOUR guy. I love being a rag-doll clinic and punching bag. LOOK ME UP


BBQ_Dogg, "America's second white meat"