Author Topic: Guide Dog's Class.  (Read 9510 times)


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Guide Dog's Class.
« on: April 28, 2008, 03:19:45 PM »
I can't get over how well Guide Dog took us though his Class on Sunday. I never get a feeling like I wasted my morning.  I walked away AGAIN not only feelings accomplished at what he was showing us of DBMA but I also had a chance to meet some really great folks and a place to go (Close) and practice some Grappling at.

Bryan, Thank you again for the wonderful experiance and if any of the guys from there are on this site please drop me private message.

To others...If you guys are in the Chino Hills area or surrounding area's. It would be time well spent if you contact Guide dog and he hopefully has room or time to fit you in!

Guide Dog

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Re: Guide Dog's Class.
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2008, 09:20:43 AM »
Maxx keeps posting nice comments that make it sound like I'm paying him off.   :wink:  We have a nice group of folks that are starting to get together in Chino Hills on a semi-regular basis to train in full contact stick.  If you are interested in training, please contact me.  We have two folks who SHOULD (Show up! Show up!  Show up!) be fighting in the Gathering in August.  We have two Krav Maga instructors who just want a new approach to weapons.  Last week we had a new student, a young lady with some years in Doce Pares.  Her classical background was a real asset to her and she seemed to have a great time with some of the material we were working.

Now it's going to read like I am kissing Guro Crafty's a$$, but having DBMA in the mix of systems in which I train/teach has been a real gift.  If possible, you SHOULD get youself out to the Inosanto Academy for the Saturday afternoon DBMA class (starts at 1pm), or even better, arrange some private training with Guro Marc.  The DBMA class is usually so small (something about the upstairs, it also happens for Saturday Shooto class) that you may feel like you are getting a semiprivate.  I have picked up many concepts and ideas from class that have opened up my perspective in all areas of martial art.

Also, if you have ever toyed with participating in a Gathering, you should.  The recent closed door, three day Gathering was AMAZING!  If you told the high school version of myself that I would be doing this in my late twenties, I would have laughed at you.  DBMA is there for everyone who wants it.  If you absolutely cannot get out to train with Guro Crafty, my group is in Chino Hills.  My schedule is a bit volatile (one year old son, a wife that actually likes to see me, teaching 7-8th grade professionally, working on an advanced degree, training and teaching at two academies, etc.) so we don't have a regular day and time but we do the best we can to accommodate everyone.  I continue to meet amazing, unique people through DBMA both at the Gatherings and through my little training group.
Dr. Bryan Stoops, Ed.D.
Semi-Private/Private Instruction
Offered in Chino Hills, California
JKD/FMA/Silat/muay Thai/DBMA,
Savate/Wing Chun/grappling


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Re: Guide Dog's Class.
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2008, 06:54:09 PM »
Guide dog how long did you study FMA before you decided to participate in the gatherings.

Guide Dog

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Re: Guide Dog's Class.
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2008, 08:54:05 PM »
I think I went in for the first time after about two years. I made the mistake of attending a Gathering as a spectator about a month into my formal FMA training. I was shocked and appalled at the lack of clean deflection to checking to snake/vine disarms!   :-P  (The tongue face to indicate my naivete)

A few years after that, after being a troll on the boards and on the DBMA site, I ended up watching the clip on this site entitled "Rumbling Ruminations". I attended a DLO seminar shortly after that and I believe my first Gathering was a few months after that. I did not have any DBMA training, nor did I (unwisely) pursue any of the DBMA materials until about two Gatherings in.  It's been 27 stick fights now, and I consider DBMA to be one of the most important elements of my training matrix.

So tankdriver, I'll give my usual recruitment spiel: anyone out there who has ever considered participating should be out there doing so. There truly is a "higher consciousness" that exists just above the world of drilling, sparring, and your day job. It's right there for all those who want it.
Dr. Bryan Stoops, Ed.D.
Semi-Private/Private Instruction
Offered in Chino Hills, California
JKD/FMA/Silat/muay Thai/DBMA,
Savate/Wing Chun/grappling