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Messages - Erik

Pages: [1]
Martial Arts Topics / Re: What would you have done?
« on: April 19, 2007, 04:40:16 PM »
I read the article and thread but the video won't work with my firefox, so I'm guessing on a few variables.

As a bouncer (which I was for a few years), I would have probably come behind and held in the guy's elbows firmly enough to get his attention yet softly enough that he doesn't react as if he's being ambushed. 

Then, called into his hears something along the lines of "hey buddy, chill out.  You just hit a woman and you are being recorded on camera.  Easy, easy, come on, come on bro, take a breath... etc."

Here's why.

I don't think I can subdue him safely and reliably, though a fast, hard, rear-naked has worked for me in the past.  As said, if I know he's a cop and may be armed, then I'm hoping there is less risk in this approach than in going for the choke.

The message is in that form for several reasons.  Call him friend, use the phrases "hit a woman" and "on camera" to surprise him (if possible) and get past his mental guard and get him thinking, if possible.

Then, easy, easy, calm down, take a breath, etc., to get him thinknig of something non-tactical.  Hopefully, he'll chill.

No force-on-force, physically or psychologically, with this guy in this case.

This is my best guess on a tough situation.

As a patron, I would have probably just cleared people out of the way as best I could, opening a space around the moron, and fished out the injured woman as best I could.

Martial Arts Topics / Re: MMA Disqualifications in California
« on: April 16, 2007, 03:53:24 PM »
Sorry, I don't understand.

How is a cartwheel guard pass grounds for disqualification?

It's a real technique and, in certain, quirky situations, it's a good choice for passing guard (though I prefer a more conservative approach).

Oh- qualifications for making this claim - ca. 5 years Judo/BJJ/Sub. Wrestling.  I'm no expert, but I've seen and used (not very well) the move before.

Martial Arts Topics / FMA in San Mateo, CA
« on: April 13, 2007, 04:39:01 PM »
Hi Folks,

I'm new here and looking for an FMA club/school in or near San Mateo, CA.  :-D

Anyone know of any?

I'm mostly interested in knife but also in stick and stick grappling.

Thanks heaps.


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