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Messages - oldboy

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Martial Arts Topics / Re: Liner lock issues
« on: April 04, 2008, 11:32:11 AM »
Can someone explain to me a bit better ?

I have a Kershaw Blackout which has a liner lock and I tried to twist the knife as in the video and I could not get it to close by twisting.

Martial Arts Topics / Re: Movie Fights
« on: March 15, 2008, 12:42:37 AM »
Once Were Warriors (1994) - Jake the MUS, simple and to the point, street style

I want to get Jake the MUS T-shirts made. What a legend.

Martial Arts Topics / Re: Movie Fights
« on: March 15, 2008, 12:41:00 AM »
I know it's weird talking about this movie cause it's my username. But that's cause it's such a rocking film.

Has anyone here also seen the Hammer fight from Oldboy ? There are no camera cuts the whole fight and it's one of the dirtiest, grittiest, most awesome movie fight scenes I have ever seen in my life. I am yet to see a cooler fight scene in a movie ( or even a cooler movie overall ).

here is the trailer for Oldboy :

Another movie that had really cool fighting, but more old school was another Korean film called "Musa: The Warrior". Very cool movie.

Martial Arts Topics / Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« on: February 20, 2008, 12:22:01 AM »
I have been doing a Power & Speed workout that I saw on one of those Title Boxing vids ( achieving speed and power in boxing ).

You can use 2 dumbells ranging from 1 pound to 5 pound. You don't want to go higher because the speed required to get the benefits, you might injure yourself on higher weights. I am only using 2 pound and it completely destroys me so if you really need a badass challenge you can try 5 pound.

The idea is you do 4 sets ( 12 minute workout ). each set is 3 minutes . each three minute set is made up from 6 exercises. So you do one exercise for 30 seconds then without any break you go straight into the next one. When you finish one set you take a 30 second break. All the exercises in the first two sets were different and then set 3 and 4 is just repeating 1 and 2 again. 

The important thing is you use speed and power with the weights as fast as you can without self-injury.

Just doing this for the past couple weeks has made a huuuge improvement in my speed and power. Also, I have noticed after 3 hours of rigorous sparring I still don't drop my gloves.

good luck finding a new workout for yourself.

Martial Arts Topics / Re: New to the DBMA Forum
« on: February 15, 2008, 11:25:12 PM »

Me thinks I will check it out then. Sounds awesome.

Martial Arts Topics / Re: New to the DBMA Forum
« on: February 15, 2008, 11:01:44 AM »
Hi there !

May I ask what were your experiences with the AMOK! training ? There is a training group in reasonable distance from me and I was always wondering about it.

Martial Arts Topics / Re: The new guy
« on: February 15, 2008, 10:31:24 AM »
Hi there !

Where are you from ? If you don't mind me asking.

Martial Arts Topics / Re: Donga ( Nguni Stickfighting )
« on: February 11, 2008, 10:07:15 AM »
Hi Maija,

The Iklwa was developed by Shaka Zulu. It is a short handle with a long spear head and it was used primarily for stabbing. Many of the battles of that day were standoffs where the two armies would get in range and then hurl spears at each other. What Shaka did was to introduce the shorter stabbing spear ( Iklwa or Short Assegai ), as well as taller, wider shields. Their long spears ( Assegai ) were still used but were used as diversion attacks to let them get into close range fighting. They would then use their shields to trap their opponent's shield and expose their ribs for the Iklwa to stab. Also Shaka stopped his soldiers from wearing sandals which he thought hinered mobility/toughness in the Veld. Those who refused to go barefoot ( barefoot training also consisted of running up to 50 miles a day ) were killed.

The other tactic Shaka is known for developing is the "Buffalo Horns" formation.

from wiki:

The famous "buffalo horns" formation

Most historians (Morris, Knight et al.) credit Shaka with initial development of the famous "buffalo horns" formation. It was composed of three elements:
the "horns" or flanking right and left wing elements to encircle and pin the enemy. Generally the "horns" were made up of younger, less experienced, but quicker moving troops.
the "chest" or central main force which charged into the enemy center and delivered the coup de grace. The prime fighters made up the composition of the main force.
the "loins" or reserves used to exploit success or reinforce elsewhere. Often these were older veterans.

Coordination was supplied by regimental izinduna (chiefs or leaders) who used hand signals and messengers. The scheme was elegant in its simplicity, and well understood by the warriors assigned to each echelon.

This combined with their short range fighting capabilities, and their extreme attributes and aggression, made them the most feared tribe around.

In case you still are not sure here is a pic of the Iklwa.

Martial Arts Topics / Donga ( Nguni Stickfighting )
« on: February 10, 2008, 10:54:42 PM »
For anyone who is interested in some info.

Zulu Stickfighting or Nguni Stickfighting or Donga, is the traditional MA of Nguni herdsboys in the Kwazulu/Natal region of South Africa ( a lush green area filled with rolling hills and beautiful beaches ). The Nguni boy will typically start his training at the age of 3. At the age of 15 the boy will choose his own pair of sticks.

Typically the weapons will be either double sticks ( normally one for offensive and one for defensive ) or double sticks with shield. The longer defensive stick is held in the same hand as the shield while the shorter offensive stick is in the other hand. Full contact shots to any part of the body is allowed and no protection is used. Most shots are aimed at the head. Because of this, serious injury and death have been known to happen. Since the abolishment of Apartheid in SA, there has been an effort to make Nguni stickfighting into a regulated sport with rules and regulations, so that it will be more acceptable in today's society, as well as to preserve African traditions.

Using sand on that guy's wound is typical, since as a man in a traditional Zulu tribe, you are expected to be tough as nails. For example, under Shaka Zulu, his soldiers would have to trample what we call "devil thorns" barefoot, and were beaten to death with a Knobkerrie ( a strong, short wooden club with a heavy rounded knob or head on one end ) if they showed any sign of pain. They would trample the thorns into dust so that their feet were tough enough to run through African Veld.   

Someone mentioned the shields, and I just thought I should point out that, like in FMA, the way a stick can also represent a bladed weapon, in Nguni stickfighting, their attacking stick would be replaced, in a real war situation, by the Assegai ( ). on top of that they liked to throw spears to soften a target and to close the distance needed to use their Assegai, so a shield was very important.

Nelson Mandela actually practised Nguni stickfighting as a child.

As far as my understanding goes, there is no specific "system" or standard of techniques. The more experienced older fighter will usually be the one to train the young, therefore they will take on his characteristics and strategies.

Hope this is of interest to anyone who wanted to know more about South African Stickfighting.

Martial Arts Topics / Re: Hello from SA
« on: February 10, 2008, 10:05:36 PM »
Guro Crafty,

Thank you for the welcome.

I do not feel any kind of expert on SA's traditional stickfighting method ( Nguni Stickfighting ) and Knife fighting. I will try to share what little I know.

On the topic of crime, there is unfortunately too much to share. The realities of violent crime in SA is one of the things that caused me to search for my own truths in MA these last 8 months.

Kind Regards. 

Martial Arts Topics / Hello from SA
« on: February 10, 2008, 02:10:39 AM »
Hi to all,

My name is Kevin. I live in Johannesburg, South Africa and I am 26 years old.

I have been practising mainly JKDC with mainly Inosanto Blend and Lameco Eskrima, Muay Thai, Western Boxing and Greco Roman grappling/wrestling. This has been for the last 8 months.  been in MA in general for about 10 years so I'm still a baby  :-D .

There are no Kali or JKD schools in my area, so I have had to learn as much as possible from videos. I was given a beginners session in person by my good friend's two older brothers, who learned Kali from a guy here, who learned it from Paul Vunak. Fortunately,I have a very open attitude towards MA I know nothing about, and when they mentioned Kali in a conversation about MA, I said "please show me". In the very short time we had, they at least taught me a few basic attacks and blocks, pointed out any major mistakes and gave me a feeling of how the "energy" of Kali feels.

Since then I have been learning from the training videos of Guro Dan Inosanto, Guro Edgar Sulite, Paul Vunak, Randy Couture and Bas Rutten. I have been planning on getting some DBMA dvds for a while now since I consider it some of the best training on the planet.

For the last 3 months I have been stickfighting regularly ( at least once a week ) with a good friend. We only have hand protection at the moment so some of it is fullcontact ( to the arms ) but we go easy near the head and medium shots everywhere else. It has been an awesome experience in so many ways. I am buying some new equipment at the end of the month, Yay !.

The name Dog Brothers also really appeals to me because I have always had a great love for dogs. I have a 1 and a half year old Staffy girl, who loves to lie in the grass and watch the stickfighting.

I think it is truly an amazing thing that through learning violence we can become more peaceful and gentle to others.

I look forward to us all learning from each other.

Best Wishes,

Martial Arts Topics / Re: Movie Fights
« on: February 09, 2008, 11:03:38 AM »
Old Boy is my favorite hands down. The fight scene with the hammer is about the coolest I've ever seen.

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