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Messages - Erik Lilliedahl

Pages: [1]
Martial Arts Topics / Re: Vehicle issues
« on: March 15, 2008, 10:59:39 PM »
Long time lurker first time poster.

Wouldn't taking the first action be beneficial in this situation defensive or agresive?  A) That action being backing up and getting out of this situation altogether before the punches start flying? OR B) Once it becomes obvious that harm is coming your way strike first with a car door or the great suggestion of "car club" type weapon?  I realize legal issues arise at this point but in hind sight, bail money and a trial sounds better than convulsing in a parking lot.

In my experience which is very limited I found acting first usually results in a better out come for me.  A quick example of my thoughts: I lived Hollywood in a not great part of town.  One night while sitting in the passenger seat of a running vehicle in my drive way, a stranger jumped into the driver seat shut the door and threw the car in gear.  Before any words were spoken I attacked him and forced his head between the seat and the window pillar while I continued to strike.  On new cars the doors automatically lock when the car is put into gear.  This created a very large problem for all in the car.  I had two friends in the rear seats who couldn't get out.  The car jacker wanted to leave but couldn't get out either.  He he finally figured it out and exited the vehicle.  Point being striking first put me in the upper position even though it was a kind of ambush.  To my supreme luck he had no weapon.   

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