I witnessed the riots of the 70's, 80's and 90's here in Miami. During the McDuffy riots they actually bused us out of school. During the Mcduffy riots I learned many things. First of all the scumbags are organized and pick their targets ahead of time. Targets of opportunity will be taken advantage of immediately. A teen age boy was sodomized by other teenage boys which precipitated the busing of kids out of our school. The groups divided among racial and ethnics lines. The rioters planned to loot, pillage, and burn the neighboring Cuban neighborhood. They where met by a HIGHLY armed group causing them to return and burn their own neighborhood. Everybody knew what was going on by word of mouth. With cell phones and social media modern riots will probably be more widespread. During the time of the L.A. riots we had our own here probably inspired by news footage.
Tony Torre
Miami Arnis Group