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Messages - fmcrae

Pages: [1]
Martial Arts Topics / Re: March 8-10, 2013 DBMA Training Camp
« on: February 20, 2013, 06:28:06 AM »
There is no way we will have a "cabin" done in time for the camp. there is a plumbing issue that will delay that effort until next year. but that still doesnt mean you cant stay for sure. We have one range member that has proposed that you guys can stay at his house just around the corner(country corner) from the range. but I need a good count of how many people want to sleep in the Dojo. So use the email string that Crafty Dog has started to let me know. Looks ike things are coming together rather niceley for the camp.

Martial Arts Topics / Re: March 8-10, 2013 DBMA Training Camp
« on: January 30, 2013, 04:43:08 AM »
OK so wanted to get on and say sorry for not being able to post anything. I had an engagement in Arlington for a friend last week. we are looking into a small "cabin" arrangement for the camp. Not sure if we will be able to get it all complete before the camp but we are investigating a small area with bunks and a shower for those needing a place to stay. The accommodation we have now is the floor of the dojo and a classroom. There is a porta john for use and showers are in my brother's house connected to the dojo. I dont like to make that too available for people because he does have a life and I dont like to impose too much. but we are working on it. And if all else fails we have a water hose out side(haha) for those that really stink. We will keep you posted with updates. Talk with you guys later. Frankie

Martial Arts Topics / Re: March 8-10, 2013 DBMA Training Camp
« on: January 04, 2013, 01:19:21 PM »
each day will start at approximately 10 am and end when we get done. The will be some long days, but for Sunday we will end training at 6pm to allow travel . Drive time from RDU is about 1.5 hrs, travel from FAY is about the same.hope this helps. Crafty is getting all the info together and putting together a schedule.

Martial Arts Topics / Re: Tactical Gun Issues
« on: January 03, 2013, 04:34:13 PM »
I would say that all the myths you hear about lapping barrels and "breaking them In " is just that a myth. A barrel comes from the factory(if it is a good quality gun)( and Remington 700 is a good gun) with a good barrel already on it. It will have good grooves cut , however there will always be small little pits and imperfections. that being said, those can easily be covered and filled with copper from the jacket that just cut through that barell for the shot. All my Long Range Instructors agree that building up that copper is better than lapping a barrel and taking one shot then cleaning it and then another and cleaning is a waste of time. Anytime you lap a barrel you are in essence cutting the height off the shoulder of the lans and grooves. but by shooting it you build up copper in the imperfections and that then becomes the surface. When cleaning dont use copper solvent. use a good cleaning solution like M-Pro7 and dont clean it too much. one of my mentors was a Sniper in a unit here at Ft Bragg and he never cleaned more than the surface and the barrel with a cloth patch. the most he ever used was a nylon bore brush if trash got up in the barrel. remember copper is our friend, lead can be cut with just simple patches.  I hope this helps, and of course in the spirit of discussion I am sure there are plenty of people out there that would say I am crazy. But that has worked for me for years and it still works today at the Special Forces Sniper Course. Most of the OCD cleaning rituals people do on a precision Rifle is just that OCD. It takes such patience and effort to be a great sniper. So people transliterate that into cleaning as well. I applaud those types, I however do not have the time patience or the energy to apply that to cleaning as I do training. remember cleaning is a support task, not a mission essential task. Keep guns functional clean and they will work. Peace Out.

Martial Arts Topics / Re: March 8-10, 2013 DBMA Training Camp
« on: January 03, 2013, 04:15:07 PM »
I wrote an article for an online blog about three years ago called the Mindset of Combat Marksmanship. Crafty Dog and I think a lot alike in the reaction and action of a fight. The reason I say reaction first is mainly for the civilian reader that should not be the aggressor but , by no means, the victim in any situation. The fighter, whether with empty hand or implement or firearm should always be prepared for the worst case scenario they can think of in any environment they find themselves. The problem comes when the fighter does not have the thought process or experience yet to think of everything and they have to adapt what they have in hand, on the ground, or in their head to fight off an attack. with out going too deep into the physical aspects of the adrenal state. I would like to let a few readers understand my philosophy of mindset. This will also save time during the spring training camp of not having to cover something that you can read and hopefully comprehend. I am not the writer or wordsmith that Crafty Dog is by a long shot. As all learning is never finished, I have many more things to add to this article , however, I think I would always stay with these as the core tenants of survival and much more  useful for victory.
The Mindset of Combat Marksmanship.
Combat Marksmanship (CMMS) is the ability to place lethal precision fire on a threat target in all environments under the stress of combat in order to reduce a threat to a point that it is no longer viable. CMMS differs from Marksmanship (MMS) fundamentals, in a way that, the enemy is firing at you or was just firing at you. In marksmanship shooting events, the shooter has all the time to make a shot count. In CMMS, the shooter has limited time, literally the rest of his life to perceive a threat and then eliminate that threat.  When a UFC fighter goes into the octagon, they call it combat. However, is it really? He cannot bite, head butt, or gouge the opponent’s eyes. It is nothing more than a very painful athletic event. The UFC fighter has the ability to say, “I quit” or tap out. In combat, the face off of opponents is to the death, you do not have the ability to quit. If you quit it is very likely that you or someone else will die.

CMMS begins with a mindset that the shooter is going into a combat situation.  When a boxer enters the ring, he expects to be hit. When a person has taken on the responsibility to protect himself or others, he has to assume that once the fight is on, it is to be to the end. It may end peacefully. Posturing may actually work. Studies show that a gun presented by a victim actually keeps the assailant at bay or runs him away. The mental decision of the “victim” to refuse to be a victim was the first action completed to save his life. That decision was made as soon as that person decided to arm himself.  The correct mindset for the “Combat” situation starts with preparedness.

Preparedness is the situational awareness that something may happen and “prepares” the mind by thinking out the “what ifs”.  “If this happens, I will do this……..”. This little saying is one of the best thoughts to have before something actually happens. Human reaction times to a stimulus are as fast as .25 seconds.  These reaction times are achieved when a person can think thru the actions needed to accomplish a task before it is needed. This is a mental rehearsal.  My collegiate wrestling coach was a big advocate of the “mental rehearsal”.  Before matches, I would lie in bed the night before and mentally picture the match in my head. I would visualize the actions I was going to do first and think to myself “if this or that happens, then I will do this…..” I wrestled the match virtually many times before I wrestled it actually. Now, I am a much better shooter than I was a collegiate wrestler, but I learned a lot from those simple mental exercises. These prepared me for many situations in life. Preparedness also influences determination and the ability to be proactive.

Determination is the next principle of the mindset for combat. It is the innate personal decision to “not quit” until the situation is over. By being mentally prepared, the shooter is not as surprised at the situation and therefore not as overcome by events as someone that has no idea about what is going on. Because a person can think ahead in the gunfight, he can then realize the outcome and be proactive, not reactive. By being determined and proactive, the gunfighter has a diminished fear factor. I am not saying that there is no fear in the gunfight. There is fear, fear of others getting injured or dying and other types of fear. Maybe fear of the bad guy getting away. However, determination, the mental attitude that “I WILL NOT QUIT” carries us thru to the end of the fight. Determination gives us passion and passion can be the driving force that gets us out of bed on Saturday mornings and takes us to the range.
Passion is the love that we have for activities we do. Going to the range and training for tasks that are uncomfortable or hard to accomplish. However, once we accomplish those tasks we feel gratification and satisfaction.  That passion breeds more determination to excel and make ourselves better and push ourselves harder.   We just have to remember, too much “can do” sometimes can do us in. We need restraint at the right time in the training cycle. We must be able to control the passion and use the smoothness we develop in our actions to develop the mental speed needed to anticipate what happens next.

Speed, both mental and physical comes by training actions repetitively.  By repeating the same actions correctly many times, we “groove” that action in our brain. Once that motion is “grooved”, the action can become almost reflexive.  There is no such thing as “muscle memory” per say. It is a term used to explain the reflexive actions of trained tasks that can happen with minimal outside influences.  A reflex by definition is a response to a stimulus that does not need to go to the brain and be processed. It goes to the spinal column and back to the point of origin. Training increases speed. Training gives us the experience to know what should be happening next in the sequence of events.

Passion drives us to train and determination keeps us going when it gets difficult. By focusing that passion and determination, we can “push thru” to the next level of accomplishment and our speed increases. With focused power and speed, we accomplish violence of action.

Violence of Action  is the execution of actions with surprisingly overwhelming force. It is a culmination of all the passion, determination and speed needed to realize victory. When faced with violence of action the assailant must reevaluate the situation. Violence of action also diminishes the bravado of the assailant and increases the bravery of the gunfighter. Violence of action is the one aspect that criminals use to surprise victims and totally dominate the situation. By dominating the situation, they control the victim. The gunfighter must use all the aspects of the COMBAT mindset to be the one that dominates the situation, eliminate any threats with the appropriate level of force and be prepared to go to that level of force.  Thereby controlling the situation and being victorious.

The Combat Mindset is not a natural born ability for most people. It is and can be a learned response. In preparing oneself for the fight, the combat mindset must be mastered.  You must have determination to go the distance, passion to work hard and the mental preparedness to be aware of the situation.

Martial Arts Topics / Re: March 8-10, 2013 DBMA Training Camp
« on: January 02, 2013, 10:09:46 AM »
Really looking forward to the March Camp. Looks like we will be able to make a lot of progress in a short time. Just want to be sure that people are prepared for the training by telling them that if you are new to shooting this is good time to train, if you are not new to the shooting realm then this is still great training for anyone. My approach is more than unorthodox to conventional thinking. I like to think that I have used my experience to narrow the gap in reflexive action to a tactical situation by using common tasks that fit the %90 rule. I believe in multi-use tactics so that you can master the basic skills needed in the adrenal state to win the fight. There really is no advanced shooting techniques just fast ass execution of the basics, that overwhelm the enemy.

Martial Arts Topics / Re: DBMA 2012 Summer Camp
« on: May 14, 2012, 01:53:36 PM »
JT, thanks for the comments. I don't know if we actually know each other or not but cant wait to meet you. It should be some very practical training for both Military and civilian students alike.  Marc and I have to pin down the details a little more but we got some good stuff planned.

Martial Arts Topics / Re: DBMA 2012 Summer Camp
« on: April 04, 2012, 05:06:16 AM »
Yes, I agree, especially after the things we worked on here together. did you want to have that as a round robin type thing while the CQB is taking place. I would love to have the scenario drive to that situation during the practical application exercise. That would be something I think the students would have a lot of involvement in. It would show the true deficit that a gun presents in the Close Quarters situation or should I say the intimate distance. WHICH IS WHERE YOUR SKILLS ARE A TRUE LIFESAVER.

Martial Arts Topics / Re: DBMA 2012 Summer Camp
« on: March 29, 2012, 06:19:21 AM »
OK THAT BEING SAID, you guys live in a communist country. what happened to the second amendment. anyway. after that educational brief I will leave the ammo situation to who ever wants to sign up for the class. We offer classes in RENO and are looking at a place in Yuma Arizona for you southern subjects of the Democratic People's Republik of Kalifornia (DPRK) so if the ammo situation is too much you can illegially enter the US thru your arizonia border and you dont have to worry the Border Patrol will be on a union break anyway.

Martial Arts Topics / Re: DBMA 2012 Summer Camp
« on: March 28, 2012, 03:44:36 PM »
If people sign up for the live fire class I will be able to order enough ammo and have it drop shipped to the training site. It will not be included in the price. that will be a separate deal altogether and I can probably beat the's prices. but it will be a prepaid order in the name of the person who signed up for the class.

Martial Arts Topics / Re: DBMA 2012 Summer Camp
« on: March 27, 2012, 03:01:45 PM »
OK, I have a log in name and password now. I am not a big blogger or as eloquent(is that spelled right) as Marc is. But basically Marc and I are looking at a few days of training that will allow the most people access to the training in the safest manner possible. I know that when you guys fight it is full on. well, in a gunfight it is instant death, so we are using airsoft as a training tool for a majority of the training. However there will be some live fire training the last day or two. I will need to get up to date on the state laws you guys have in CA. Here in NC we can own machine guns and all other types of firearms with out any restriction to capacity. So once I figure out what I can bring(lawfully), I should be able to provide some handguns for training. ammo is expensive and in our classes it is not uncommon to shoot 750 rounds in an afternoon. With every round being shot with a purpose. So i will develop a curriculum that will limit the amount of rounds to the bare minimum and still get the maximum amount of training. I still have to discuss a few things with Marc about providing airsoft. I know CA has a huge Airsoft market because you cant own guns with out the law getting in your face. I can however provide handguns and rifles for approximately ten students, But, at no time will a student be able to participate with out proper eye protection. I don't care what you wear on your body but your eyes must be protected on all sides! so basically here is what we are looking at covering on the grand scheme of things ( these are introductory versions of our DOD courses of Instruction)( course descriptions are below)
13 July- Intro Tactical Combat casualty Care
14 July- In car anti-hijacking skills (part of our advanced concealed carry course)
15 July- Close Quarters Battle Skills
16 July- Close Quarters Battle Skills
17 July- Tactical Handgun Class (part of our Gunfighter Series)

2 Day intro to Close Quarters Battle
This course introduces the principles and fundamentals of Close Quarters Battle. It is the perfect training for support personnel that are attached to Special Forces ODA’s and NSW SEAL Task Units.  It begins with two-man room clearing and progresses to multi team multi-room CQB. To attend this course the student is required to attend a three-day marksmanship course first.  Hallways and Stairwells are NOT covered in this course. This course is specifically geared for the support personnel of a USSOCOM unit. This course begins as a simmunitions/air-soft course and evolves to live –fire maneuver. Unit risk assessments will need to be completed before training starts and all Individual Combat Gear will be used.

1 Day Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) TSE-NRBL-100
TCCC is quickly becoming the standard of care for the tactical management of combat casualties within the Department of Defense and is the sole standard of care dually endorsed by both the American College of Surgeons and the National Association of EMT’s for casualty management in tactical environments.
TCCC is built around three definitive phases of casualty care:
Care Under Fire:
Care rendered at the scene of the injury while both the medic and the casualty are under hostile fire. Available medical equipment is limited to that carried by each operator and the medic.

Tactical Field Care:
Rendered once the casualty is no longer under hostile fire. Medical equipment is still limited to that carried into the field by mission personnel. Time prior to evacuation may range from a few minutes to many hours.

Tactical Evacuation Care (TACEVAC):
Rendered while the casualty is evacuated to a higher echelon of care. Any additional personnel and medical equipment pre-staged in these assets will be available during this phase.

This one-day course covers the Care under fire and Tactical Field care phases for soldiers that are isolated or in small units away from medical assistance, using small bags that have minimal equipment. The Warfighter will learn these techniques in a classroom setting and then apply the techniques in a combat simulated field setting on moulaged patients.

Three Day Gunfighter Course TSE-NRBL-400   
This course develops a solid gunfighter mentality and skill set needed for integrating both primary and secondary weapons systems with focus on the tactical urban gunfight. The student will exercise these skills in a variety of stressful shooting situations from daylight to nighttime shooting. The student will quickly gain experience, confidence and increase their skill level with the handgun and carbine.  A comprehensive Combat Tactical Skills evaluation is given and measured results are stress induced.

Skills  Taught
Weapons assembly/disassembly and maintenance 
Weapons loading/unloading
Fundamentals of Combat Marksmanship (CMMS)
CMMS principals
Bore/sight relationship
Immediate action for malfunctions
Tactical and Speed reloads
Integrated weapon transition   
Trigger manipulation drills
Recoil management drills
Slow aimed fire
Rapid aimed fire
Single target engagement
Multiple target engagement
Use of cover and concealment
Night fire using tactical lights
Barricade shooting
Shooting and moving
Shooting while moving
Combat Tactical Skills Evaluations
Timed Shooting Stress Evaluations

Course Requirements
   Individual issued weapons
   Usual individual tactical gear to include holster and ammo pouches
   Unit required personal protective equipment
   Unit required uniform
   1000rds of issued ammunition primary weapons NO GREEN TIP AMMO
   1000rds of issue ammunition secondary weapon
Course  Goals
Dramatic increase in shooting ability from start to finish of course
Complete understanding of fundamentals of CMMS
Understanding of weapons integration
Understanding of methods of engagement


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