Is there any was to desensitize myself a bit?
<snip>...From this POV, the solution would be to deal with this sort of situation more often. I'm not sure that'd be too wise, however... 
YES! There are many ways to both train yourself to function inside your adrenaline! Here are some suggestions that I have found to be helpful to me.
A. An adrenaline dump is a normal and healthy thing. Tell yourself not to fear it because it's only a physiological response to a stimuli. It's not fear, it's just a chemical. Once you understand that you can step back from yourself and look at the experience and begin to manage it instead of it managing you. I attempt to look at my adrenaline as another weapon in my arsenal. I try to use it both defensively and offensively.
B. Good news is that to practice training yourself to deal with your adrenaline you do not have to get into life threatening situations. This is one of the reasons we promote real-contact fighting. In a real-contact situation you will find that your body/mind will respond, in terms of adrenaline, very much as if you are truly fighting for your life. But, there are other ways to familiarize yourself with your adrenaline.
C. Although not the intensity of a fight I have found great value in exposing myself to adrenaline stimulating "entertainment" such as an intense roller coaster. Agreed... It's not the same as a real-contact fight but I surely get an adrenaline dumpand if I'm actually seeking to experience and understand my body and experience the adrenaline NOT fir entertainment but rather for exploration I find this seemingly silly idea to be VERY helpful to me. I approach the "ride" as an experiment and i purposefully train myself To be aware of my physiological responses during the experience. All I can say is that this has helped me.
DBMA is well aware that a familiarization of, and resulting comfort with one's adrenaline response is important because it can free you to respond much better than if you become confused and debilitated by it.
I'm sure others will have more ideas. But do be encouraged because your adrenaline dump IS trainable and, if you are like me, you will benefit greatly from doing so.