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Topics - TomFurman

Pages: [1]
Martial Arts Topics / Blade Wounds by a Surgeon
« on: April 10, 2008, 12:54:48 PM »
This is from a surgeon with martial arts experience. It was posted on . Very interesting.

"Anyway, the upshot is killing someone with a blade isn't as easy as it looks on TV. The scene where someone gets stabbed in the belly, then looks shocked, then drops dead is unrealistic. Either a fair amount of damage needs to be done, some very vital structures injured, or a fair amount of time to pass if the wounds aren't horrendous in order for someone to die from stab or slash wounds.

There's quite a bit of variability as to how folks respond to trauma in general. Some seem to die with minimum injury and others seem to withstand huge blood loss and horrific injuries. I haven't a clue what differentiates these two populations but wish I knew...

I said it before and I'll say it again. In a conflict for my life, I would rely on a blunt force instrument to the head before a bladed weapon to just about any anatomic structure to most quickly stop a threat. It doesn't matter what level of adrenaline you've got or what drugs you may have in your system. If you're struck hard enough in the head, you're going down. Also, the long term implications of a survived head injury are (in general) worse than those of a knife wound you recover from.

Trauma and human response to trauma is very interesting. I don't know if I believe that primates and humans in particular are harder to kill. Hunting injuries to animals are typically(hopefully) quite precise and should result in a rapid humane kill. Fighting injuries to humans presenting to trauma centers are less so. I would guess those folks shot by skilled snipers die quickly, similar to hunting wounds.

Anyway, at risk of being accused of being "disturbing" again, here are some generalities for delivering fatal wounds with a bladed weapon.

First: the blade must absolutely be sharp. I've operated on plenty of folks in which a dull edge pushed structures away rather than incising them. Arteries are relatively thick walled and elastic, a dull edge will displace rather than cut them.

Second: All other things equal, a larger blade will be better.

Third: Relying on a single wound to incapacitate an opponent is a bad idea.

Anatomic considerations: The body's actually pretty well designed and protects the most important structures.
If you want to get to the heart there are two reliable ways: A very sharp and sturdy knife thrust strongly just left of the sternal border around the 4th interspace(about nipple level on a guy) will do it. Otherwise, just go under the sternum(under the xiphoid) and aim at the left shoulder. This is basically how we place a needle in the pericardium to drain fluid out from around the heart.

The flexor/medial/anterior surfaces of the extremites are where the money is. In the arm, that's the inner aspect of the upper arm, the crease at the elbow, the palmar aspect of your forearm. In the lower extremity imagine a line from the crest of your pelvis to your pubic bone. About 1/2 of the way up(usually a bit less actually) you get your femoral artery and vein. If the weapon is directed back and up into the abdomen a bit, you can get the iliac vessels. These are especially hard to get to surgically and can not easily be treated with direct pressure. The femoral artery goes medially down the thigh (there's a deep branch as well) and then behind the knee in the midline roughly. It breaks into three vessels below the knee and is no longer that great a target.

In the abdomen, you'd be trying to get to the aorta or the vena cava. This would be actually VERY difficult with anything you're likely to carry around. There are some posterior approaches taht would work, but I doubt they'd be useful in the middle of a chaotic fight. The liver occupies the right upper quadrant and is a giant target. A large knife and multiple wounds would be necessary and there no guarantee whatsoever that this would end a fight quickly.

Stab wounds to the chest in general are likely to get the lungs which can result in collapse(by pneumo or hemothorax) and bleed quite a bit in general. Here, you might actually do well with a smaller knife, since if the opening in the chest is big enough, they won't get what's called a tension pneumothorax. In a similar vein, a small wound to the heart, like an ice pick doesn't kill by bleeding. The blood gets in the sac around the heart, and when the pressure builds up the heart can't fill. If it can't fill, it can't pump and that's that.

The neck is a tried and true target for bladed attacks. A tracheal injury in and of itself may well do nothing.
The carotid artery is medial to(on the inside of) the jugular vein and is a good target. Honestly, if I were able and wanted to inflict maximum damage from a bladed attack to the neck I would insert by stabbing where I thought the jug/carotid were and direct the knife to the contralateral side and backwards. When withdrawing, I'd try to pull the whole thing over to the other side. Alternatively you could direct it to the other ear(the back of it.) If you make a muscle in your neck, you'll see your sternocleidomastoid muscle. There's an inverted V formed by this muscle as one head goes to the clavicle and the other goes to the sternum. the hollow at the top of this V is a pretty good shot on the carotid and jugular.

If you get stabbed or cut and the guy runs off(or if it's an accident, etc) the treatment is DIRECT PRESSURE. Avoid tourniquets. Don't use pressure points above the injury. Get some rags or whatnot and jam them right on the wound and push HARD. Virtually all extremity injuries and even most neck injuries can be controlled by this maneuver.

Bear in mind that a fatal wound won't necessarily equal stopping your opponent. It does you no good if you get killed and then your opponent dies later in the ED or in the ICU.

Hence my statement about head injuries."

Martial Arts Topics / Check out this guy's progress.
« on: March 29, 2008, 01:41:25 PM »
I've watched this guy train over the last year. This YouTube I posted is the whole year. Beyond incredible.


Martial Arts Topics / Russian Stick Work
« on: November 19, 2007, 04:46:02 PM »
Vlad has always impressed me, even though some RMA practitioners seem to mimic him and not "get it". Sonny P has impressed people who are battle hardened and jaded so that interests me. Here is Vlad's take on stick. Watch the last few seconds at normal speed.

You have to download this in Quicktime form.


--Tom Furman

Martial Arts Topics / Control Position
« on: September 26, 2007, 10:54:26 PM »
Tony Blauer does a good job of communication. I have a problem with the "bad guy controls the technique used." This is a Receiver thought process and not the Feeder.
Any other tactical comments are welcome. Remember the limitations of video tape and the difference of live training.

Martial Arts Topics / Lonely Dog DVD plans?
« on: September 11, 2007, 06:41:03 PM »
I know Benjamin has done a 'Budo' "Power" tape, and from what I read, a DBMA Conditioning program. What are his plans for commercial DVD's? His structure of KrabiKrabong to Ground and everything in between certainly shows the futuristic morphing of the DB's.

--Tom Furman

Martial Arts Topics / Strength and Conditioning Seminar
« on: July 29, 2007, 12:18:06 PM »
With permission of Crafty Dog I'd like to inform you of this training opportunity.

Dave Randolph, Steve Cotter, and I will being doing a workshop near Cincinnati on August 18. Massive amounts of material from three instructors will be provided. I allows have an outline of notes I provide to clients which include professional athletes. This promises to be a real good session which will broaden your horizons of how conditioning relates to martial arts training.
The details are here,..along with the bio's of the rowdies presenting ;-)

Thanks you,
Tom Furman

Martial Arts Topics / Bukti Negara Stickgrappling
« on: June 14, 2007, 12:21:22 PM »
Here is a quick clip..... Very tight structure.

Martial Arts Topics / What does Kali Tudo 2 have in store for us??
« on: April 12, 2007, 10:05:43 PM »
What parts of Dumog, Harimau, and Wali Songo do you feel integrate well with the BJJ-wrestling game of todays MMA game?
I am very interested considering your observation of Herman Suwanda's groundfighting.

Casually, I think Eddie Bravo's innovations along with Chris Haueter and Roy Harris, to be kind of an "American" BJJ game.
The SEAsian spice could be an interesting addition. Hmmm. Rubber Guard with Kerambit Fighting.

--Tom Furman

Martial Arts Topics / What make Thornton think Kali is dead??
« on: February 06, 2007, 08:31:01 PM »
I give credit to Matt Thornton for expressing his training values insofar as active, resisting, opponents are needed. This, however has been around for thousands of years. The TRAINING METHODS vary and that is probably where the disagreement starts. However, his organization kind of fell apart, and people like Rodney King for one, is taking a more gradient approach and stressing technique and returning to his roots (Certified from Fairfax via an older Thai Master).

This following quote is from the SBG section of the Underground forum on
"Regards Kali, yes I think the vast majority of what I have seen labeled as FMA is completely absurd. Another in a long line of dead pattern traditional Martial Arts. I was once asked about training in more traditional Martial Arts weapons, and my response was. . . . yes, some people like to practice those things just as some people dig civil war reanactments. It's just not my thing."

Oddly enough, two years ago, Matt tried to promote his own stickfighting method, "SMAC" or Stickfighting Methods and Counters. I guess he is innovative enough to outdo thousands of years of sparring, fighting, blood, death, and honor, for many, many, cultures. Amazing. The Alive vs Dead argument, and the Street vs Ring debate have been beaten to death on forums since the internet began. I just don't think he gets it. If he can't watch Crafty and TopDog on Kali-Tudo (tm), and absorb their conversation,...then there is no hope. Some people never learn. I just guess a Matt/SMAC vs TopDog/Kali Gathering match might allow theory to hit the concrete. One view of the Tom Kier Stickgrappling DVD is sobering enough for anyone of average IQ.  Oh well, Rant over.

Martial Arts Topics / Quick Preview of my upcoming DVD
« on: January 25, 2007, 04:28:24 PM »
Crafty if this is out of line, feel free to remove it...

I put this up on YouTube. We compressed from HD to this streaming video for Youtube, so it is not as clear as the widescreen/HD by about thousand times.
The DVD contains , Bodyweight, Kettlebells, Bands, Weightvest, Indian Clubs, and rattan.

Martial Arts Topics / Lonely Dog's "Power" DVD
« on: January 20, 2007, 11:42:07 AM »
I caught a clip of Lonely Dog's "Power" DVD on Youtube. What is the brand of "wobble" platform that he is using while practicing the 'fluid attack'??

Thanks. Tom Furman

Martial Arts Topics / Remember Count Dante??
« on: December 06, 2006, 08:12:13 PM »
I found some footage from a documentary. It's on my blog. Very cool stuff from my youth.


Martial Arts Topics / This "Tactical Blade" looks hokey.
« on: November 17, 2006, 09:55:26 PM »
Plenty of places for Mr. James Williams to have his wrists cut in this video. Also, any strong resistance vs a long gun will not end up with the good guy tossing the bad guy effortlessly. The actors dummied for the instuctor in my opinion.
It is one cool looking video though. I just think is gives budding practitioners that they don't have to sweat, bend their knees, do cardio, strength train, or feel some pain when they train.

Compare this to the Atienza's Mass Attack Clip. That is chaos, but it is a METHOD, of dealing with chaos as well.

Tom Furman

Martial Arts Topics / Interesting Knife Fight
« on: November 14, 2006, 03:17:09 PM »
I can't read or understand the verbage. It is grainy but rather interesting. The girl in this vid is very dangerous. Thank goodness she didn't have a hidden blade.

Martial Arts Topics / La Canne
« on: October 05, 2006, 02:09:09 PM »
There is a nice video on YouTube that I posted on my blog about French Stick. Worth a look.--Tom Furman

Martial Arts Topics / Carlito Bonjoc
« on: June 12, 2006, 09:28:06 PM »
This guy rocks--

Nice vids-

Martial Arts Topics / Chris Poznik
« on: March 20, 2006, 01:12:46 PM »
Apart from being a tough, strong, guy, I understand Chris Poznik is a gifted BJJ instructor. Any chance of him doing instructionals from a street and bounty hunter point of view??

--Tom Furman

Martial Arts Topics / Top Dog's training
« on: January 17, 2006, 08:21:58 AM »
Some years ago Top Dog promised his training program to the readers of Eskrima Digest. He has stayed in seclusion, perhaps developing new ways to smack people with sticks.

Beyond the genetics, (pain tolerance, legs of another species), what can we learn from his conditioning for rattan warfare??

--Tom Furman

What is the current state of the art of Guru Dan's silat. I know he changes constantly and is adding upper levels to the art. This would obviously include material from Victor DeThouars and Steve Benitez/Tony Felix.

His original concept was to make Westerners familiar with the effectiveness of silat by A: Using Panantukan to deal with Western Boxing attacks, and B: Use MuayThai to deal with the kickboxer vs the Silat man. This allowed a steeper learning curve so you did not have to spend years on Djuru, Lanka, and Sambut. A few years ago he mentioned at a seminar that he was allowing his silat students to grapple when they hit the ground and some adopted a BJJ structure and others a Shooto structure. He said this was OK since everyone will find their own way. What innovations has Guru Dan added with the input of years with Dr. Gyi, The Machado's, Herman and Rita Suwanda, the Wali Songo Clan, and Richard DeBordes that would represent cutting edge adaptations to the Silat Ground Game??

I am very interested in this, and have been playing with Guru Cliff Stewart's material from WaliSongo relative to groundfighting. I'll probably be in LA in June at Cliff's annual get together.

--Tom Furman

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