Thanks for weighing in, Crafty.
I guess that the amount of fight experience I have is relative - in relationship to some of the others here, I am a neophyte. Nonetheless, I am growing as an artist and testing my skills in different competitive venues when the opportunity exists (either in actual formal competitive "events" or informal sparring matches with training partners). That said though, as a developing fighter/artist, I can appreciate that my ability to develop fighting technique from the practice of arts that do not regularly test free-fighting skills may not lead me to be the best fighter that I can be.
I especially appreciate the need to work things out to make sure they work for me. The fact that your experience with Bukti Negara, for example, suggests that the training was rather devoid of testing confirms my impressions about this "cluster" of arts, in general. I have the greatest respect for all martial artists, and am therefore not trying to disrespect anyone. Rather, I am trying to find the best fit for me that is informed by the experiences of others.
I've decided to concentrate on the Muay Thai skills for now and continue to incoroprate some grappling, because these seem to be the best fit for me right now. I think C-Kaju dog's comment about training with those who have an escrima background is very insightful, and doing so will do the most to complement both my empty handed as well as weapon fighting skills.
The key for me, right now at least, is to develop the most effective fighting skill sets that address various ranges, and I think that the "stick and kick" is kinda the way for me to go right now. Thanks a lot for the input! It is invaluable to me right now.