During a pre/post (can't remember) fight this weekend with Pappy, I was commenting that so many of the people who come to my training group meetings start out by saying something like, "It's one of my major dreams in life to fight at a Gathering."
I usually respond by telling them the date of the next Gathering, and saying something like, "Well that's an easy one. Come train with me, and I'll do my best to get you ready. Make sure to show up on the day, and I can connect you with people that I think might be a good fit for you, or if you feel more comfortable, you can have your first fight with me, and move on from there. Then that's one major life goal to put a line through."
I will put this out there again, on the public board: If you have ever thought, even in the back of your mind, "You know, maybe I could fight in a Gathering one day", you should attend in September, and FIGHT!
The time is NOW.
I'm Guide Dog, so if it helps, follow this idea, this path, or do the opposite. Either way, I'm living up to my nickname:
I'm 30 years old. I'm a full Dog Brother. I DID not play football in high school. I'm short. I DO NOT walk around in this life dwelling on how "tough" I am, or "what a bad a$$" I am. When I was 11, I remember seeing an old Panther Video advertisement for the RCSF series, and thinking, "Those guys are crazy." A long story, and several versions of myself later, at 27 I fought in my first Gathering. Just about a year ago, I was "sworn in" as a full DB amongst a group of men that at the time, seemed to be in agreement that I deserved it.
I just got back from a weekend of fighting, and 10 fights later, my body feels more chewed up than it ever has from a Gathering. Some of my fights were good. The fight where Cyborg Dog entered on me (at will), threw me like a rag doll, and choked me out within a period of 30 seconds, not so good. Oh well. Cyborg's a very strong, very talented guy. Maybe my purpose in that moment was to just be there, to provide a dummy for Cyborg, and to learn from the experience.
Anyway, I could go on and on. The Gatherings are amazing. They are happening right now. September will be here before you know it. I'm not calling anyone out. I'm encouraging you. The Tribal Gatherings are even MORE special, because you get the chance to hit and get hit by some VERY talented folks, most of whom will be willing to tell you after the fight exactly how they did what they did to you.I can almost feel those of you out there that are just one step away from giving it a go. If you have the means, don't wait. Don't put it off.
Sorry to have turned this into a recruiting spiel. This weekend was amazing. Congrats to ALL the WELL-DESERVED tribe ascensions. Thanks to all who had to make a trip, whether from the east, or Canada, or Europe, or Tahiti. Our brotherhood and tribe is truly strong ALL across the world.
I will post more details on the member's forum (little plug there for joining the association).
Guro Crafty, I thank you again for the weekend, and I hope that days like Saturday and Sunday validate your decision to quit law.
Bryan "Guide Dog" Stoops