I didn't see these previously posted in this forum, but forgive me if this is a re-run. I recently stumbled upon EJMAS (Electronic Journals in Martial Arts and Sciences), a free, online publication:
http://ejmas.com/ejmasframe.htmThere are a few academic journals, including the International Hoplology Society (IHS), "...dedicated to the study of the evolution and development of human combative behavior," found here:
http://www.hoplology.com/index.aspSite navigation bar has many options, but most pertinent are:
Homepage (
About IHS (
Articles (
In this week's main feature, author(s) visit, "state of Kerala in southwest India to conduct a survey of combative systems and sports martial arts currently in practice."
I have not devoted a serious amount of time to investigating the quality of the journals...so, uh, if it's crap, my apologies.