Author Topic: Emergency Tips, Emergency Medicine, Trauma Care, and First Aid  (Read 157843 times)


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Emergency Tips, Emergency Medicine, Trauma Care, and First Aid
« on: February 13, 2007, 09:17:58 AM »
Woof All:

In DBMA we use "The Three Hs" of Bando:  Hurting, Healing, Harmonizing.

Healing may refer to keeping our selves healthy, to healing training injuries and the like.  It can also refer to emergency injuries such as knife or gun wounds.  Given DBMA's mission statement of "Walk as a Warrior for all our days", it makes sense that we should seek to grow in our knowledge of how to keep ourselves and others alive while getting proper medical attention.  This thread is for such things.

The Adventure continues,
Crafty Dog

Quick response to bleeding wounds  Submit a Tip
Submitted by:
Officer Jeremy Phillips, Trumann (AR) PD
Trumann Police, Arkansas


A tip learned in the military a few years back to help stop serious bleeding:

Feminine napkins and tampons, which are super absorbent, are great for helping to control bleeding wounds. Tampons fit bullet wounds (some better than others) pretty well and swell to help stop bleeding. Pads are pretty much, if not exactly the same thing as battle bandages.

Sucking wounds can also sometimes be helped by the plastic wrapper of a cigarette pack or a latex glove. Even a pat down glove or anything you can fit over the sucking wound to stop it from sucking.

Of course, nothing is better than formal training for first aid, but we don't always have those luxuries. Use what you have with you.

Fight to live so you can live to fight. Your wife/husband wants you home, and your partner's wife/husband wants them home.

Breaking car windows easily  Submit a Tip
Submitted by:
Officer Clifton Chang (ret.), NYPD


As a former glazier, I'm aware that all side windows of automobiles are made of tempered glass (baked in an oven) and are weakest on the edges. To break one, simply insert a screwdriver or knife between the window frame and glass and pry! The glass will shatter quietly.

If you're breaking the window to get to a baby in a car seat accidentally locked inside, go to the opposite side to minimize any danger to the child.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2013, 04:32:13 PM by Crafty_Dog »

Kaju Dog

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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2007, 04:16:56 PM »
Woof All:

A tip learned in the military a few years back to help stop serious bleeding:

Feminine napkins and tampons, which are super absorbent, are great for helping to control bleeding wounds. Tampons fit bullet wounds (some better than others) pretty well and swell to help stop bleeding. Pads are pretty much, if not exactly the same thing as battle bandages.

I have heard this before.  However, this post could be missleading.  Without the aid of, either "Constant Direct Pressure" or proper application of a "Tourniquet", the bleeding has not been stopped.  Pardon my twisted explanation here...  Think of how much a female can bleed without dying, each month.  Tampons and pads dont stop the bleeding, they just hide the mess.   :-P  :|)

When wounded in battle it's a different situation.  Point being (back on track now), a tampon or pad can "absorb" a lot of blood.  THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU HAVE STOPPED SERIOUS BLEEDING!  All you have done is fool yourself into believing that the bleeding has stopped.  Be carefull with this one...

Sucking wounds can also sometimes be helped by the plastic wrapper of a cigarette pack or a latex glove. Even a pat down glove or anything you can fit over the sucking wound to stop it from sucking.


Not a bad tip...  I would like to expand on this a bit.   
The most frequently missed step, when someone deals with a "Sucking Chest Wound", is looking for the exit wound.  You may find one, you may not...  But, you had better look for it.  If you find an exit wound, and it is above the abdomin but below the clavical, treat it the same. 

An occlusive dressing (air tight seal) is not only used for the "Sucking Chest Wound" but also for severe to moderate bleeding on the neck area. 
The main difference between the Chest and Neck wound.  The occlusive dressing on the chest needs to be taped on only three sides.  This allows air to escape from the chest, relieving pressure and allowing the lungs to expand.   Put the wounded person in a position of comfort once treated. 

A simple technique to learn, in order to help the wounded person breath, is called a "Needle Thoracentisis".  To learn more see the attached link below.

Thats my .2 C's -

"Devil Doc"

Kaju Dog

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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2007, 04:34:21 PM »
A simple but valuable tool for your EM kit,


Yep, the same stuff you use in the kitchen to keep your food freshly sealed. 

I carried it in Iraq and used it.  It's light weight, cheap and easy to carry.  What do I use it for?   SEVERE BURNS!

On a severe burn the victim will have pain on the outer layers 1st and 2nd degree zones.  3rd degree area has burned the nerve endings and is not painfull at the center but the outer areas will be very painfull.  A couple major concerns here are infection and dehydration that can and often add to the level and type of shock the victim is in. 

Seran wrap will: 
1)  Keep out dirt and infection pretty well.
2)  Keep in moisture and help slow the dehydration process.
3)  Keeps out wind.   Think of how you feel in the wind when you have a bad sun burn.  You get chills, and it can hurt too. 

Keep the body temp regulated and help prevent infection!   Its not the cure all, but a great tool that is even used by Navy Seal Corpsmen.

more tips to come...   Chew on this for now.

USN Corpsman of Marines, Combat Vet and medical training Petty Officer

Hit me with any questions you may have.  I will throw out a bone hear and there.  If I dont have the answere, I promise I will find it and we will learn together.


Kaju Dog


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2007, 11:47:09 PM »
Woof LoyalOneHK:

Great contributions!

This is an area wherein I feel myself to be sorely lacking and I have resolved to lessen my ignorance.

Please feel free to continue sharing as much as you wish.


Kaju Dog

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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2007, 05:57:37 PM »
Tourniquet:  By definition should completely stop the flow of blood from an artery. 

I have seen many a "Tourniquet" that in the wrong hands fails to do just that...  In addition not everyone knows how to be sure that the blood flow has been stopped. 

Lets be practical here...  (A quick story)  In the not so distant past all the best combat "medics" were pooled together during an evolution that focused on the design of a new and improved, no ship, "TOURNIQUET" that was marketable and functionable.  So, several groups went off that night to brainstorm and come up with this new and improved tourniquet that must meet the definition "STOP THE BLEEDING" once in place.  All varieties of medics were present, from all branches of the military and special forces...  Long story short,  most spent all night comming up with various ideas...  But, then there was the "Navy SEAL Corpsman".  "DOC" and his team left the meeting, went straight over the one of the trucks, took one of the rachet tie downs and modified it to an appropriate length, then with the mission accomplished went straight to the nearest bar. 

Point being...  Keep it simple and take care of business!

Many of us have tie downs already.  If not, you can go out to "Wally World" and buy a pack of 5-10 for a minimal fee, compared to the life you may save by using it in time of need. 

Here are some things about "T's" you need to remember;

1)  The strap should be no less than a prefered 2 inches wide.  (This will help to avoid possible nerve damage)
2)  Place the "T"  2 inches (two fingers) above the wound site (between the heart and the wound).
3)  Never place the "T" over a joint.
4)  No matter whether applying an ACE bandage, Pressure dressing or Tourniquet...  Always, check "PMS" (Pulse, Motor skills - ie. can you wiggle your fingers/toes and Sensation - ie "can you tell me what finger/toe I am touching?") distal to the wound site. 

The biggest argument I hear, when I get a student fresh out of EMT school is, "Tourniquets, are only used as a LAST RESORT!"
I wont tell you what to do here...  Like most things, "Situation" will dictate.   But ponder this...  Crafty, you will appreciate this point.

Millions of people undergo surgery every day...  Sugeons control the excess bleeding by use of several methods...  One of the most traditional, was to apply a touriquet on the limb, above the site to be worked on.  Truth is, in many cases a Tourniquet can stay in place for 4-6 hrs before permanent damage to that limb is certain.  Plus, you can always loosen it just a bit to allow some blood flow to the extremity every 2-3 hrs.  The most import thing is making the "Life over Limb" decision. 

Note the time that the "T" was applied - and pass that knowledge onto the DR as soon as possible. 

Research this and make your own assesments...   
Q:  How long can you hold your breath or go without breathing?

Q:  How long does it take to bleed out from a major arterial bleed?

We all hear about the good old ABC's of first aid.  (Good stuff)  One I like to share for Combat Life Saving scenarios is, "Stop the bleeding, restrore the breathing"...  It shouldn't take you but 30 seconds at the most to apply a "T" with practice and remember you can always loosen it.  Just dont take it off.  Let a trained DR do that. 

Make your own situational call...   But, if it's me...  I would rather take the few seconds to slap on a "T" before starting rescue breathing.  If you have help - share the duties...  Dont get tunnel vision...

But hey???...  Dont take my word for it...  I am not a doctor.  I advise you to do your own research... 
I am just sharing some of the nuggets that I have been taught by DR's and key things that I KNOW from first hand experience WORK!


I can think of many a knife technique that includes cutting arteries....  and I have yet to meet a person that NEVER gets cuts.  Put the odds of survival in your favor.

More to come later... 


« Last Edit: February 15, 2007, 06:00:04 PM by loyalonehk »

Kaju Dog

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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2007, 06:35:07 PM »
I love acronyms...  Here a quick easy one to remember, S>M>O>K>E

Remember this one when treating someone that goes into SHOCK!

Keep in mind there are 7 common types of shock.  I wont go into a long drawn out explanation here...  Look e'm up!

But you can apply SMOKE to all of them.

S=Shock - Your going to help someone in shock.

M=Maintain a good airway. 

O=Oxygen.  I know most of us dont carry oxygen with us so you can replace this with Outside if you like.  Imagine someone in a smoke filled house...  Best medicine, get them outside away from the smoke and get them some fresh air. ( = more oxygenated air)

K=Keep them warm. 

E=Elevate the victims legs and or head (unless contraindicated).  Help keep the heart from having to work too hard. 


Kaju Dog

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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2007, 01:44:15 PM »

Thank you whole heartedly for creating this thread...  I am a great believer in that, if we have the ability to cause injury, as "True Warriors" we should have some knowledge of how to heal.  We train, in hope that we can prolong our lives and the lives of our loved ones, through hands on or the use of projectiles to defend them.  The way I look at it...  Injuries and illness are just another form of attack from an outside source.

This thread (as I am suspect, you intended) gave me an itch to scratch.  I look forward to, and hope, others inject there input.  I am passionate about healing, but I am (IMHO) still a novice.  Lets share... 

I look forward to meeting you and the rest of the pack in June.   8-)  There is no greater bond than that built by combat...


I do work with DR's every day and will soon be relocating to Naval Air Station Hospitol in Lemoore, CA.  As stated before, if I dont have an answer to a question...  I will take advantage of my many resources and we will find the knowledge together:wink:


Kaju Dog


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2007, 03:56:07 PM »
Woof Dean:

In DBMA we take from Bando "The Three Hs: Hurting, Healing, Harmonizing".   Thank you for for sharing with us your knowledge of healing.  Scratch that itch to your heart's content.


Kaju Dog

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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2007, 04:20:34 PM »
I got to thinking about this after conversing with C-Baltic Dog and hearing of the cut and infection that occured after one of his fights.  Incidently his hand was cut open by his opponents teeth.



1. With adequate irrigation and close attention to aseptic technique, prophylactic antibioticts are rarely required in most wounds.  (Time is your enemy here - irrigate ASAP dont wait!)

2.  Wounds requiring antibiotic prophylaxis;
a)  Wounds involving avascular tissue (open fratcures, tendon lacerations, open joints)
b)  Wounds with high risks of infection ( anterior tibia, grossly contaminated, extensive non-facial flaps, extensive through-and-through lip lacs)
c)  Mammalian and other animal bites


WOUND                                        FIRST CHOICE                             SECOND CHOICE

Open Fracture                                   cephalosporin                               erythromycin
Open Joint                                        or penicillinase-                             
Tendon Injury                                   resistant PCN                               
Non-oral, high risk areas
Oyster shucker injuries

Oral wounds                                       penicillin                                      erythromycin

Human bite                                        penicillin                                      erythromycin
Dog bite

Cat bite*                                            penicillin                                      tetracycline

        Other bites - may require investigation as to primary organism of concern and possible disease transmission.

        *Primary organism of concern in cat bite (Pastuella multocida)  has been found to be resistant to erythromycin.


a) Most effective if given early (within 3 hours of injury), not of much value if given after this
b) Loading dose:
-  500 mg - 1 gm by mouth if seen early
-  1 gm IV or IM if seen later:  IV provides better immediate coverage
c) Maintenance dose
-  1 gm by mouth per day for 3 days, with wound check on 2nd or 3rd day
-  Lab data shows 24hrs of antibiotic coverage sufficient
-  Tradition says 5 day course
-  Recommend 3 day course at 1 gm by mouth per day and return for wound check in 3 days


USE CLEAN/STERILE WATER OR NORMAL SALINE   (Field tip:  Normal Saline is just a sterile salt water solution.  You can take a small salt packet that is found in just about every fast food joint and mix (1) with 8-12 oz of your favorite bottled water, whalla...  NS that you can use to irrigate. 

Again, I advise you to see a DR for expert advise and proper wound care. 

Above are just some tips and guidlines that have been taught to me during my time as a Combat Medic and I do not take any responsibility for your actions in the case of an emergency...  This info can also be found on line in other forms.  Remeber the DB's code...  No Suing anyone, for any reason, anytime.   

Heres a great link for more on the subject:
« Last Edit: March 07, 2007, 05:12:58 PM by loyalonehk »

Kaju Dog


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2007, 10:16:44 PM »
Hello all,

For open wounds:

Hold direct pressure on the wound. If you don't have any open cuts you can use your own bare hand to immediately slow the bleeding down... assuming no one has a good dressing...

Then elevate the limb over the heart if possible.

If you have ice or cold packs, you can toss them on. Just be sure it isn't directly on the skin. Put a towel in-between the cold and flesh so they don't get frost bite.

If a dressing ever becomes soaked with blood, put another dressing on top. Never remove the old ones because you can rip the clot out.

Then you can use a Tourniquet. You already talked about that.


If the wound is a fracture, never apply traction to it unless you have the expertise and means to keep the traction on permanently.


If someone suffers injuries that are really bad and you suspect internal bleeding or their has been a lot of gross bleeding... and you can spot internal bleeding by distention, bruising, tenderness, rigidness, or the symptoms of agitation, restlessness, dizziness, or tiredness... lay the person down, elevate their legs, and pile on some blankets. Raising the legs will keep the blood pressure up where it needs to be. - Always call for help. Anyone who gets hurt should go to the hospital...


If anyone ever gets stabbed, NEVER remove the impaled object unless it is stuck in their face and messing with their breathing. You can pack towels around the object and hold it still with tape so it doesn’t move around and cause more damage. An impaled object will cause a lot of trauma, but the muscles around it will clamp down, restricting blood flow. Think of the impaled object as a plug, keeping the blood in. If you pull it out, they will die.



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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2007, 05:05:35 PM »
Brought over from the SCE forum:

Honey Remedy Could Save Limbs
Brandon Keim  10.11.06 | 1:00 AM
When Jennifer Eddy first saw an ulcer on the left foot of her patient, an elderly diabetic man, it was pink and quarter-sized. Fourteen months later, drug-resistant bacteria had made it an unrecognizable black mess.

Doctors tried everything they knew -- and failed. After five hospitalizations, four surgeries and regimens of antibiotics, the man had lost two toes. Doctors wanted to remove his entire foot.

"He preferred death to amputation, and everybody agreed he was going to die if he didn't get an amputation," said Eddy, a professor at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

With standard techniques exhausted, Eddy turned to a treatment used by ancient Sumerian physicians, touted in the Talmud and praised by Hippocrates: honey. Eddy dressed the wounds in honey-soaked gauze. In just two weeks, her patient's ulcers started to heal. Pink flesh replaced black. A year later, he could walk again.

"I've used honey in a dozen cases since then," said Eddy. "I've yet to have one that didn't improve."

Eddy is one of many doctors to recently rediscover honey as medicine. Abandoned with the advent of antibiotics in the 1940s and subsequently disregarded as folk quackery, a growing set of clinical literature and dozens of glowing anecdotes now recommend it.

Most tantalizingly, honey seems capable of combating the growing scourge of drug-resistant wound infections, including group A streptococcus -- the infamous flesh-eating bug -- and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, which in its most severe forms also destroys flesh. These have become alarmingly more common in recent years, with MRSA alone now responsible for half of all skin infections treated in U.S. emergency rooms. So-called superbugs cause thousands of deaths and disfigurements every year, and public health officials are alarmed.

Though the practice is uncommon in the United States, honey is successfully used elsewhere on wounds and burns that are unresponsive to other treatments. Some of the most promising results come from Germany's Bonn University Children's Hospital, where doctors have used honey to treat wounds in 50 children whose normal healing processes were weakened by chemotherapy.

The children, said pediatric oncologist Arne Simon, fared consistently better than those with the usual applications of iodine, antibiotics and silver-coated dressings. The only adverse effects were pain in 2 percent of the children and one incidence of eczema. These risks, he said, compare favorably to iodine's possible thyroid effects and the unknowns of silver -- and honey is also cheaper.

"We're dealing with chronic wounds, and every intervention which heals a chronic wound is cost effective, because most of those patients have medical histories of months or years," he said.

While Eddy bought honey at a supermarket, Simon used Medihoney, one of several varieties made from species of Leptospermum flowers found in New Zealand and Australia.

Honey, formed when bees swallow, digest and regurgitate nectar, contains approximately 600 compounds, depending on the type of flower and bee. Leptospermum honeys are renowned for their efficacy and dominate the commercial market, though scientists aren't totally sure why they work.

"All honey is antibacterial, because the bees add an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide," said Peter Molan, director of the Honey Research Unit at the University of Waikato in New Zealand. "But we still haven't managed to identify the active components. All we know is (the honey) works on an extremely broad spectrum."

Attempts in the lab to induce a bacterial resistance to honey have failed, Molan and Simon said. Honey's complex attack, they said, might make adaptation impossible.

Two dozen German hospitals are experimenting with medical honeys, which are also used in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. In the United States, however, honey as an antibiotic is nearly unknown. American doctors remain skeptical because studies on honey come from abroad and some are imperfectly designed, Molan said.

In a review published this year, Molan collected positive results from more than 20 studies involving 2,000 people. Supported by extensive animal research, he said, the evidence should sway the medical community -- especially when faced by drug-resistant bacteria.

"In some, antibiotics won't work at all," he said. "People are dying from these infections."

Commercial medical honeys are available online in the United States, and one company has applied for Food and Drug Administration approval. In the meantime, more complete clinical research is imminent. The German hospitals are documenting their cases in a database built by Simon's team in Bonn, while Eddy is conducting the first double-blind study.

"The more we keep giving antibiotics, the more we breed these superbugs. Wounds end up being repositories for them," Eddy said. "By eradicating them, honey could do a great job for society and to improve public health."

1 This story was updated to clarify that there are a range of MRSA symptoms, of which the most severe is necroticizing fasciitis. 10.11.06 | 6:01 PM 

Tony Torre

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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2007, 11:13:20 AM »
Funny you mention the medicinal applications of honey.  My grandmother used to give us a shot glass worth of honey and freshly squeezed lemon 3-4 times a day when we would get a cold.  For adults she included some whiskey in the mix :wink:

Here are some more useful home remedy's. Vinegar poured directly on the skin immediately relieves sunburn.  Do this in the shower the smell is very strong.  Cheyenne pepper helps stop bleeding and speeds up healing.  I've also heard it has anti microbial properties.  Soaking your foot in ice water with Epsom salts helps ankle sprains during the first few days and warm /hot water with Epsom salts furthers the progress once the swelling is gone.  Also try rolling a cold beer bottle or pipe under your foot for ankle sprains. Spearmint tea (made from fresh leaves preferably) will give you a nice energy boost, not at all like the jittery caffeine one.  Ginger tea made from a fresh root will do wonders for muscle soreness.  It is probably best if blended with juice or something since the flavor can be strong for some people.

Tony Torre
Miami Arnis Group


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2007, 11:36:07 AM »

I am completely clueless in these matters, but this URL seems well worth the time for those looking to develop in this area.  It is military, so a large percentage of the contents are militarily driven, but there seems to be a lot of civilian relevant content as well.



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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2007, 09:47:03 AM »
Hat tip to the WT forum:

see this on for more info Antibiotics in tactical combat casualty care 2002. care%202002..pdf


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Dirty Bomb radiation protection
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2007, 12:00:12 AM »

Los Angeles is a city likely to go into heavy gridlock in the event of Islamofascist attack.  If the attack is a dirty bomb, what are the realistic options for the citizen at home or caught in the mother of all gridlock on some LA freeway.  Picture a woman with children in a van.  What is she to do?  I've heard iodine potassium (IIRC) tablets protect the thyroid gland.  Is there some sort of mask that lessens inhalation of nasties into lungs?  Will a child wear these?  What else?



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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2007, 06:43:00 PM »

Casual contact through closed-mouth or "social" kissing is not a risk for transmission of HIV. Because of the potential for contact with blood during "French" or open-mouth kissing, CDC recommends against engaging in this activity with a person known to be infected. However, the risk of acquiring HIV during open-mouth kissing is believed to be very low. CDC has investigated only one case of HIV infection that may be attributed to contact with blood during open-mouth kissing.

In 1997, CDC published findings from a state health department investigation of an incident that suggested blood-to-blood transmission of HIV by a human bite. There have been other reports in the medical literature in which HIV appeared to have been transmitted by a bite. Severe trauma with extensive tissue tearing and damage and presence of blood were reported in each of these instances. Biting is not a common way of transmitting HIV. In fact, there are numerous reports of bites that did not result in HIV infection.

Saliva, Tears, and Sweat
HIV has been found in saliva and tears in very low quantities from some AIDS patients. It is important to understand that finding a small amount of HIV in a body fluid does not necessarily mean that HIV can be transmitted by that body fluid. HIV has not been recovered from the sweat of HIV-infected persons. Contact with saliva, tears, or sweat has never been shown to result in transmission of HIV.


Woof All:

Before the humoruos reparte' about the inclusion of the CDC's comments on kissing begin :wink:  I'd like to point out that I understand the comments on biting to be when an HIV does the biting.  It seems to me though that a different question is presented when the healthy bite the HIV, and in this case the comments on kissing, though not dispositive, have relevance.

Any comments from anyone actually informed or qualified to comment?



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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2007, 08:42:38 AM »

A concussion is a brain injury that may result in a bad headache or unconsciousness.
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Dark Days Follow Hard-Hitting Career in N.F.L. Expert Ties Ex-Player’s Suicide to Brain Damage A Journey Through Concussion's Foggy Terrain In Sports, Play Smart and Watch Your Head Reference from A.D.A.M.
There are more than a million cases of concussions each year in the United States.

A concussion may result when the head hits an object or a moving object strikes the head. A concussion can result from a fall, sports activities, and car accidents. Significant movement of the brain (jarring) in any direction can cause unconsciousness. How long a person remains unconscious may indicate the severity of the concussion.

Often victims have no memory of events preceding the injury, or immediately after regaining consciousness. More severe head injuries can cause longer periods of memory loss (amnesia).

Usually, a person has the most memory loss immediately after getting hurt. Some of the memory comes back as time goes by. However, complete memory recovery for the event may not occur.

Bleeding into or around the brain can occur with any blow to the head, whether or not unconsciousness occurs. If someone has received a blow to the head, they should be watched closely for signs of possible brain damage.

Things to watch for include repeated vomiting, unequal pupils, confused mental state or varying levels of consciousness, seizure-like activity, weakness on one side of the body or the inability to wake up (coma). If any of these signs are present, immediately call your health care provider.
Back to TopSymptoms
A concussion results from a significant blow to the head. Symptoms can range from mild to severe. They can include:

Loss of consciousness
Memory loss (amnesia) of events surrounding the injury
Emergency signs:

Persistent unconsciousness (coma)
Altered level of consciousness (drowsy, hard to arouse, or similar changes)
Persistent confusion
Repeated vomiting
Unequal pupils
Unusual eye movements
Muscle weakness on one or both sides
Walking problems
Back to TopSigns and Tests
A neurological examination may show abnormalities.

Tests that may be performed include:

Head CT
MRI of the head
Back to TopTreatment
An initial "baseline" neurological evaluation by a health care worker determines appropriate treatment for an uncomplicated concussion. If a blow to the head during athletics leads to a bad headache, a feeling of being confused (dazed), or unconsciousness, a trained person must determine when the person can return to playing sports.

If a child or young adult has lost consciousness, that person should not play sports for a period of 3 months. Studies have shown that there is an increased rate of brain injury and occasionally death in people who have had a previous concussion with unconsciousness.

Concussion complicated by bleeding or brain damage must be treated in a hospital.
Back to TopExpectations (prognosis)
Full recovery is expected from an uncomplicated concussion, although prolonged dizziness, irritability, headaches, and other symptoms may occur.
Back to TopComplications
Intracerebral hemorrhage
Brain injury
Back to TopCalling Your Health Care Provider
Call your health care provider if anyone has a head injury that produced unconsciousness, or a head injury without unconsciousness produced symptoms that caused concern.

Go to the emergency room, call the local emergency number (such as 911), or contact your health care provider immediately if emergency symptoms develop.
Back to TopPrevention
Attention to safety, including the use of appropriate athletic gear, such as bike helmets and seat belts, reduces the risk of head injury.
Review Date: 3/21/2006
Reviewed By: Eric Perez, MD, Department of Emergency Medicine, St. Luke's-RooseveltHospital Center, New York, NY. Review provided by VeriMed HealthcareNetwork.

A head injury is any trauma that leads to injury of the scalp, skull, or brain. The injuries can range from a minor bump on the skull to serious brain injury.
Head injury is classified as either closed or open (penetrating).
A closed head injury means you received a hard blow to the head from striking an object.
An open, or penetrating, head injury means you were hit with an object that broke the skull and entered the brain. This usually happens when you move at high speed, such as going through the windshield during a car accident. It can also happen from a gunshot to the head.
There are several types of brain injuries. Two common types of head injuries are:
Concussion, the most common type of traumatic brain injury
Contusion, which is a bruise on the brain
See also:
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Subdural hematoma
See All » News & Features
Man Regains Speech After Brain Stimulation When Seasickness Persists After a Return to Solid Ground When a Brain Forgets Where Memory Is At Risk: One Head Injury Sets the Stage for a Second One in Children Reference from A.D.A.M.
Alternative Names
Brain injury; Head trauma; Contusion
Every year, millions of people sustain a head injury. Most of these injuries are minor because the skull provides the brain with considerable protection. The symptoms of minor head injuries usually go away on their own. More than half a million head injuries a year, however, are severe enough to require hospitalization.

Learning to recognize a serious head injury, and implementing basic first aid, can make the difference in saving someone's life.

In patients who have suffered a severe head injury, there is often one or more other organ systems injured. For example, a head injury is sometimes accompanied by a spinal injury.
Common causes of head injury include traffic accidents, falls, physical assault, and accidents at home, work, outdoors, or while playing sports.

Some head injuries result in prolonged or non-reversible brain damage. This can occur as a result of bleeding inside the brain or forces that damage the brain directly. These more serious head injuries may cause:

Changes in personality, emotions, or mental abilities
Speech and language problems
Loss of sensation, hearing, vision, taste, or smell
Back to TopSymptoms
The signs of a head injury can occur immediately or develop slowly over several hours. Even if the skull is not fractured, the brain can bang against the inside of the skull and be bruised. (This is called a concussion.) The head may look fine, but complications could result from bleeding inside the skull.

When encountering a person who just had a head injury, try to find out what happened. If he or she cannot tell you, look for clues and ask witnesses. In any serious head trauma, always assume the spinal cord is also injured.

The following symptoms suggest a more serious head injury -- other than a concussion or contusion -- and require emergency medical treatment:

Loss of consciousness, confusion, or drowsiness
Low breathing rate or drop in blood pressure
Fracture in the skull or face, facial bruising, swelling at the site of the injury, or scalp wound
Fluid drainage from nose, mouth, or ears (may be clear or bloody)
Severe headache
Initial improvement followed by worsening symptoms
Irritability (especially in children), personality changes, or unusual behavior
Restlessness, clumsiness, lack of coordination
Slurred speech or blurred vision
Inability to move one or more limbs
Stiff neck or vomiting
Pupil changes
Inability to hear, see, taste, or smell
Back to TopFirst Aid
Get medical help immediately if the person:

Becomes unusually drowsy
Develops a severe headache or stiff neck
Vomits more than once
Loses consciousness (even if brief)
Behaves abnormally
For a moderate to severe head injury, take the following steps:

Call 911.
Check the person's airway, breathing, and circulation. If necessary, begin rescue breathing and CPR.
If the person's breathing and heart rate are normal but the person is unconscious, treat as if there is a spinal injury. Stabilize the head and neck by placing your hands on both sides of the person's head, keeping the head in line with the spine and preventing movement. Wait for medical help.
Stop any bleeding by firmly pressing a clean cloth on the wound. If the injury is serious, be careful not to move the person's head. If blood soaks through the cloth, DO NOT remove it. Place another cloth over the first one.
If you suspect a skull fracture, DO NOT apply direct pressure to the bleeding site, and DO NOT remove any debris from the wound. Cover the wound with sterile gauze dressing.
If the person is vomiting, roll the head, neck, and body as one unit to prevent choking. This still protects the spine, which you must always assume is injured in the case of a head injury. (Children often vomit ONCE after a head injury. This may not be a problem, but call a doctor for further guidance.)
Apply ice packs to swollen areas.
For a mild head injury, no specific treatment may be needed. However, closely watch the person for any concerning symptoms over the next 24 hours. The symptoms of a serious head injury can be delayed. While the person is sleeping, wake him or her every 2 to 3 hours and ask simple questions to check alertness, such as "What is your name?"

If a child begins to play or run immediately after getting a bump on the head, serious injury is unlikely. However, as with anyone with a head injury, closely watch the child for 24 hours after the incident.

Over-the-counter pain medicine (like acetaminophen or ibuprofen) may be used for a mild headache. DO NOT take aspirin, because it can increase the risk of bleeding.
Back to TopDo Not
DO NOT wash a head wound that is deep or bleeding a lot.
DO NOT remove any object sticking out of a wound.
DO NOT move the person unless absolutely necessary.
DO NOT shake the person if he or she seems dazed.
DO NOT remove a helmet if you suspect a serious head injury.
DO NOT pick up a fallen child with any sign of head injury.
DO NOT drink alcohol within 48 hours of a serious head injury.
Back to TopCall Immediately for Emergency Medical Assistance if
Call 911 if:

There is severe head or facial bleeding.
The person is confused, drowsy, lethargic, or unconscious.
The person stops breathing.
You suspect a serious head or neck injury or the person develops any symptoms of a serious head injury.
Back to TopPrevention
Always use safety equipment during activities that could result in head injury. These include seat belts, bicycle or motorcycle helmets, and hard hats.
Obey traffic signals when riding a bicycle. Be predictable so that other drivers will be able to determine your course.
Be visible. DO NOT ride a bicycle at night.
Use age-appropriate car seats or boosters for babies and young children.
Make sure that children have a safe area in which to play.
Supervise children of any age.
DO NOT drink and drive, and DO NOT allow yourself to be driven by someone who you know or suspect has been drinking alcohol.
Back to TopReferences
Marx JA, Hockberger RS, Walls RM, eds. Rosen’s Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice. 5th ed. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby; 2002.

DeLee JC, Drez, Jr., D, Miller MD, eds. DeLee and Drez’s Orthopaedic Sports Medicine. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders; 2003.

Goetz CG, Pappert EJ. Textbook of Clinical Neurology. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders; 2003:1130-1134.
Review Date: 1/8/2007
Reviewed By: Eric Perez, MD, Department of Emergency Medicine, St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center, New York, NY. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network.

A.D.A.M., Inc. is accredited by URAC, also known as the American Accreditation HealthCare Commission ( URAC's accreditation program is an independent audit to verify that A.D.A.M. follows rigorous standards of quality and accountability. A.D.A.M. is among the first to achieve this important distinction for online health information and services. Learn more about A.D.A.M.'s editorial policy, editorial process and privacy policy. A.D.A.M. is also a founding member of Hi-Ethics and subscribes to the principles of the Health on the Net Foundation (

A.D.A.M. Copyright
The information provided herein should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. A licensed medical professional should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions. Call 911 for all medical emergencies. Links to other sites are provided for information only -- they do not constitute endorsements of those other sites. © 1997- 2007 A.D.A.M., Inc.


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2007, 09:47:06 AM »


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2007, 04:02:11 AM »
I see in the news the NFL player Sean Taylor has died from being shot in the leg.  Apparently the bullet hit the femoral artery and even though ST was taken to the hospital and presumably the best of care applied, he died.  This is similar to the case of the bouncer who was knifed in the leg by a FMA trained person in NYC a few years back.

I know this thread has some people with a good level of understanding reading it and hope that some of them will comment.  Why is it that once someone is at the hospital they simply can't clamp off the femoral?

And what words of wisdom for what we should know?  If a tourniquet is available?  If not?
NY Times
Redskins Star Sean Taylor Dies After Shooting
          MIAMI (AP) -- Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor has died, a day after he was shot at home, said family friend Richard Sharpstein.

He said Taylor's father called him around 5:30 a.m. to tell him the news.

''His father called and said he was with Christ and he cried and thanked me,'' said Sharpstein, Taylor's former lawyer. ''It's a tremendously sad and unnecessary event. He was a wonderful, humble, talented young man, and had a huge life in front of him. Obviously God had other plans.''

He said he did not know exactly when Taylor died.

Doctors had been encouraged late Monday night when Taylor squeezed a nurse's hand. But Sharpstein said he was told Taylor never regained consciousness after being transported to the hospital and that he wasn't sure how he had squeezed the nurse's hand.

''Maybe he was trying to say goodbye or something,'' Sharpstein said.

The 24-year-old Redskins safety was shot early Monday in the upper leg, damaging an artery and causing significant blood loss.

Miami-Dade Police were investigating the attack, which came just eight days after an intruder was reported at Taylor's home. Officers were dispatched about 1:45 a.m. Monday after Taylor's girlfriend called 911. Taylor was airlifted to the hospital.

Sharpstein said Taylor's girlfriend told him the couple was awakened by loud noises, and Taylor grabbed a machete he keeps in the bedroom for protection. Someone then broke through the bedroom door and fired two shots, one missing and one hitting Taylor, Sharpstein said. Taylor's 1-year-old daughter, Jackie, was also in the house at the time, but neither she nor Taylor's girlfriend were injured.

''It could have been a possible burglary; it could have been a possible robbery,'' Miami-Dade Police Lt. Nancy Perez said. ''It has not been confirmed as yet.''

Taylor was shot at the pale yellow house he bought two years ago in the Miami suburb of Palmetto Bay. It came about a week after someone pried open a front window, rifled through drawers and left a kitchen knife on a bed at Taylor's home, according to police.

''They're really sifting through that incident and today's incident,'' Miami-Dade Police Detective Mario Rachid said, ''to see if there's any correlation.''

Taylor starred as a running back and defensive back at Gulliver Preparatory School in Miami. His father, Pedro Taylor, is the police chief of Florida City, Fla.

Teammates and coaches often have portrayed Taylor as misunderstood, and that much was true. A private man with a small inner circle, Taylor became distrustful of reporters and anyone else he didn't know well. He rarely granted interviews, sometimes declining with a smile and a handshake and sometimes with a snarl that said: ''Get out of my way.''

But, behind the scenes, Taylor was described as personable and smart -- an emerging locker room leader.

Especially since the birth of his daughter Jackie.

''From the first day I met him, from then to now, it's just like night and day,'' Redskins receiver James Thrash said. ''He's really got his head on his shoulders and has been doing really well as far as just being a man. It's been awesome to see that growth.''

An All-American at the University of Miami, Taylor was drafted by the Redskins with the fifth overall selection in 2004. Coach Joe Gibbs called it ''one of the most researched things'' he's ever done, but the problems soon began. Taylor fired his agent, then skipped part of the NFL's mandatory rookie symposium, drawing a $25,000 fine. Driving home late from a party during the season, he was pulled over and charged with drunken driving. The case was dismissed in court, but by then it had become a months-long distraction for the team.

Taylor was also fined at least seven times for late hits, uniform violations and other infractions over his first three seasons, including a $17,000 penalty for spitting in the face of Tampa Bay running back Michael Pittman during a playoff game in January 2006.

Meanwhile, Taylor endured a yearlong legal battle after he was accused in 2005 of brandishing a gun at a man during a fight over allegedly stolen all-terrain vehicles near Taylor's home. He eventually pleaded no contest to two misdemeanors and was sentenced to 18 months' probation.

Taylor said the end of the assault case was like ''a gray cloud'' being lifted. It was also around the time that Jackie was born, and teammates noticed a change.

''It's hard to expect a man to grow up overnight,'' said Redskins teammate and close friend Clinton Portis, who also played with Taylor at the University of Miami. ''But ever since he had his child, it was like a new Sean, and everybody around here knew it. He was always smiling, always happy, always talking about his child.''

On the field, Taylor's play was often erratic. Assistant coach Gregg Williams frequently called Taylor the best athlete he's ever coached, but nearly every big play was mitigated by a blown assignment. Taylor led the NFL in missed tackles in 2006 yet made the Pro Bowl because of his reputation as one of the hardest hitters in the league.

This year, however, Taylor was allowed to play a true free safety position, using his speed and power to chase down passes and crush would-be receivers. His five interceptions tie for the league lead in the NFC, even though he missed the last two games because of a sprained knee. Teammates said he had overhauled his diet this year to include more fruit, fish and vegetables and less red meat.

''I just take this job very seriously,'' Taylor said in a rare group interview during training camp. ''It's almost like, you play a kid's game for a king's ransom. And if you don't take it serious enough, eventually one day you're going to say, 'Oh, I could have done this, I could have done that.'

''So I just say, 'I'm healthy right now, I'm going into my fourth year, and why not do the best that I can?' And that's whatever it is, whether it's eating right or training myself right, whether it's studying harder, whatever I can do to better myself.''

His hard work was well-noted.

''He loved football. He felt like that's what he was made to do,'' Gibbs said. ''And I think what I've noticed over the last year and a half ... is he matured. I think his baby had a huge impact on him. There was a real growing up in his life.''
« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 05:36:51 AM by Crafty_Dog »

Kaju Dog

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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2007, 09:24:24 AM »
I see in the news the NFL player Sean Taylor has died from being shot in the leg.  Apparently the bullet hit the femoral artery and even though ST was taken to the hospital and presumably the best of care applied, he died.  This is similar to the case of the bouncer who was knifed in the leg by a FMA trained person in NYC a few years back.

I know this thread has some people with a good level of understanding reading it and hope that some of them will comment.  Why is it that once someone is at the hospital they simply can't clamp off the femoral?

And what words of wisdom for what we should know?  If a tourniquet is available?  If not?

Unfortunately this is one of the toughest bleeds to get control of.   First line of defense would be strong direct pressure as high as possible near the groin area on the same side as the wound.  I would sugest using a knee in this area as to get as much body weight as possible onto the Femoral artery.  (Right next to the groin and in the crease of the hip area on the inside (medial) aspect of the leg.  Use your hands and if need be "use your knife for good" open the wound enough, while maintaining direct pressure above the wound, and get to the artery as best as pssible (if you dont - he/she is going to die).  You could use a shoe lace or fishing line to tie around the artery (if you get to it). 

If you have pointed nose pliers, paper clip (whatever) try to clamp it. 

Best option, (IMHO) have some "Quick Clot" or the like to control the bleeding.  *Note:  Quick Clock requires special training and certification to use legally. 

I heard a story about a Combat Vet (IDC) Independent Duty Corpsman (a lot like a PA) was at the LA trauma center (we go there for training sometimes).  The Dr was unsuccessful controlling a femoral artery bleed and was giving up...  The IDC ran to his car and grabbed some Quick Clot from his bag of tricks.  Came back and told the Dr to try it (what do we have to loose).  The Dr used it and the patient survived.

I dont know why more trauma centers dont use it - but it works. 

(Crafty, theres some in the kit you now have).

I'll send you a vid of an Arterial bleed video put out by Quick Clot. 

Dean 8-)

Kaju Dog


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #20 on: January 17, 2008, 06:45:19 AM »
Sent to me by a friend at Border Protection:

STROKE: Remember The 1st Three Letters.... S.T.R.

My nurse friend sent this and encouraged me to post it and spread the word. I agree. If everyone can remember something this simple, we could save some folks. Seriously..

Please read:


During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) .....she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.

They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening.

Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 pm Ingrid passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don't die.... they end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.

It only takes a minute to read this...

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke... totally . He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.

Thank God for the sense to remember the "3" steps, STR . Read and Learn!

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke .

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simp le questions:
S * Ask the individual to SMILE.
T * Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently)
(i.e. It is sunny out today)
R * Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE o f these tasks, call 999/911 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

New Sign of a Stroke -------- Stick out Your Tongue

NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue.. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other , that is also an indication of a stroke.

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.




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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2008, 09:39:06 AM »
this is all good stuff. i look at it as i won't be able to see a dr. or emergency room. with all of the new things looming on the horizen, like the "real i.d. card" if oyu do not have this you will not be seen by an emergency room or dr. i think we will have to learn to be our own dr.s' anyway, there is a fantastic burn cream out there called "ching wan hung" it is simmilar to yunan bai yao as in it was developed and kept secret for awhile. the 2 main ingredients are frankinscense and myrhh, 2 very potent and healing herbs,also prophectic if you look deep enpough. i have seen this burn cream help when nothing else would. a friend of mine got brned bu hot,hot coffe on the hand,it swelld,turnde red and blistered. she wet to the hospital,they iced it,gave oral pain killers and silver nitrate.2 days later she showed my, we immedietly putt the ching wan on, and in 4 days no lie it was healed. the old flesh came off and new pink flesh was there. you just keep applying the cream.check it out

chinese medicine has almost all of your bases covered. but look out the fad wants all chinese meds. and herbs gone. under the "safety" guise. yet they don't tell you haw many people die evry year from fda approved meds. the new one is "chantix", the stop smoking drug has already caused deaths.


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2008, 07:09:24 PM »
the 2 main ingredients are frankinscense and myrhh, 2 very potent and healing herbs,also prophectic if you look deep enpough.

I too have long been a fan of boswellia (frankincense)*.  For unbroken skin a menthol/boswellin cream carried by most health food stores works well on muscle strains or contusions.  The oral capsulse is an excellent anti-inflammatory for acute injuries, arthritis and even perhaps asthma.  I actually was going to start a thread/poll on anti-inflammatories, but I might as well ask the question here.  I was wondering, do most of stickfighters stop aspirin/ibuprofen/etc. a week or two prior to combat in order to decrease the risk of hematomas?  Especially those pesky intracranial or subdural Woody Allen put it, "Damage my brain? But that's my second favorite organ!

*From Wikipedia...
Boswellia is a genus of trees known for their fragrant resin which has many pharmacological uses particularly as anti-inflammatories. The Biblical incense frankincense was probably an extract from the resin of the tree, Boswellia sacra.
There are four main species of Boswellia which produce true Frankincense and each type of resin is available in various grades. The grades depend on the time of harvesting, and the resin is hand sorted for quality. Anyone interested in frankincense would be well advised to first obtain a small sample of each type from a reputable dealer in order to ascertain the difference between each resin.
[edit] Medicinal uses
Boswellia has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine. Recently, the boswellic acids that are a component of the resin it produces have shown some promise as a treatment for asthma and various inflammatory conditions (Gupta I, Gupta V, Parihar A, et al. Effects of Boswellia serrata gum resin in patients with bronchial asthma: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled, 6-week clinical study. European Journal of Herbal Medicine 1998; 3:511-14.) In West Africa, the bark of Boswellia dalzielii is used to treat fever, rheumatism and gastro-intestinal problems (Arbonnier 2002. Arbres, arbustes et lianes des zones sèches de l'Afrique de l'Ouest)
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« Last Edit: January 24, 2008, 08:14:46 AM by foxmarten »
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2008, 10:07:31 PM »
good reply foxmarten. there are also good trauma or "hit pills" you can buy in the chinese pharmacy,or as i do make your own.they are to be taken immediatly after the trauma,ie;hits from blunt force. a really good book on  taruma t.c.m. at a basic but very informative level, is "tooth from the tigers mouth" by tom bisio. very well written and includes some good basic formulas you can get filled at the chinese pharmacy. a good friend of mine,that is a ba gua teacher in boston, dale dugas, just gave me a formula specifically for stick fighting,as it can be used even if you have small scratches or weils,that usually accompany hits from sticks. it is completely non toxic but a very good healer of bruises.and blunt trauma. i will be sending some to crafty to brew for the fighters. these are all good posts. we all need to become  emts' in our own right and to some varying extent. it is good to see alot of people on this board really know what they are talking about.


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #24 on: January 28, 2008, 09:38:24 AM »
What in the formula makes it "specifically" for stick?


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2008, 11:26:42 AM »
it is not necessarily just for stick .i have many dit da jow formulas, but most could not be used if the skin was scratched or broken. i asked my sifu who is also an herbalist if he had a formula to be used for blunt trauma,with the possibility of a few layers of skin missing,ie; hit from a stick. he used an old taoist formula and added to it to make it specific for blunt trauma with no toxic ingredients so it could be used on weapons injuries. i will be getting crafty some herbs thiis week to brew some up for the dog bros. i will send all brewing instructions, and in 6 weeks he will have some fantastic jow for blunt trauma.


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2008, 10:01:32 AM »
Could this tragedy have been avoided if someone knew to slam on a tourniquet?

Sergeant's Last Words: 'Tell My Wife I'll Miss Her'
5637 Views 260 Comments Share Flag as inappropriate 
Officer in New Jersey search for the only suspect still at large. (AP)
Philadelphia Inquirer

May 06, 2008

PHILADELPHIA – Nancy Braun was sitting on a couch watching one of her favorite TV shows, Trading Spaces, when gunfire erupted down the street yesterday morning.

“I heard three shots – real loud,” Braun said from a rocking chair on the front porch of her Schiller Street rowhouse. “Then a lady started screaming, ‘A police officer’s been shot!’ “

Braun and her boyfriend, Joe Czarnik, both 43, bolted out of the house and ran to Schiller and Almond Streets, she said. She was not wearing shoes at the time, she said, and ran in her socks.

In the street next to a compact police cruiser, Braun said, she saw Sgt. Stephen Liczbinski. Others were trying to apply pressure to his stomach and an arm.

Keith Petaccio, 45, was at his front door greeting his wife as she came back after walking their dogs.

A police cruiser “flew by,” and Petaccio stepped outside to see what was going on just as the gunfire started, he said. He said he had run to Liczbinski.

Throughout the block as noon approached, chaos ensued.

A woman spun around yelling that a man had put a gun to her head and threatened to kill her. People young and old poured out of houses and onto their porches. One man chased the shooter’s stolen Jeep as it bolted south on Almond Street. Others called 911 on cell phones.

An older man nearby had taken the fallen officer’s radio and was saying, “A police officer is down. He’s shot multiple times. Get an ambulance,” Braun said.

Braun yelled at another neighbor for towels to try to stop the gushing blood. She grabbed four kitchen towels and gave them to those trying to stop the bleeding, she said.

A neighbor tying to help Liczbinski looked up at Braun and said, “His arm is just dangling off.”

Petaccio said he had stayed with Liczbinski talking to him as he tried to save his life.

He said Liczbinski had looked at him and said, “I want you to tell my wife I’ll miss her.”

Joe Farrell was cooking breakfast for his children, he said, when he heard the shots feet from his porch. He yelled at the children to get down on the floor and ran out the door to help.

“They were holding rags on him trying to stop the blood from pumping out,” Farrell said. He said he had helped get Liczbinski into the back of a police car.

Minutes later, swarms of police and detectives arrived. They quickly strung yellow police tape for blocks around the intersection.

“I feel bad for the family and the police,” Braun said. “What they have to go through today, it’s horrible.”

Petaccio said that on Saturdays the neighborhood streets were usually filled with children playing. Yesterday few people were outside when the drama began.

“My heart goes out to his family,” Petaccio said. “I can’t believe it happened.”

Many of the porches in the neighborhood have colorful flowers hanging in baskets or in pots.

By 6 p.m., when most police cars had left and the police tape had been collected, some had placed flowerpots at the curb where Liczbinski fell.

(c) 2008 YellowBrix, Inc.


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #27 on: May 09, 2008, 01:39:51 PM »
Man Saves Own Life, Uses Steak Knife for At-Home Tracheotomy

OMAHA, Neb. — An Omaha man struggling to breath used a steak knife to perform an at-home tracheotomy.

Steve Wilder says he thought he was going to die when he awoke one night last week and couldn't breath.

Wilder says he didn't call 911 because he didn't think help would arrive in time. So, the 55-year-old says, he got a steak knife from the kitchen and made a small hole in his throat, allowing air to gush in.

Wilder suffered from throat cancer and related breathing problems several years ago. About that time, he had an episode where he couldn't breath because his air passages swelled shut. He says that's what happened this time around.

Doctors don't expect Wilder to suffer any adverse affects from the tracheotomy once it's healed.


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Quik Clot
« Reply #28 on: May 14, 2008, 09:19:28 PM »
 DOD picks QuikClot Combat Gauze


U.S. Department of Defense Picks New QuikClot(R) Combat Gauze(TM) as First-Line Hemostatic Treatment for All Military Services

Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care Cites Dual Navy/Army Testing Efficacy, Familiar Format, Ability to Treat Penetrating Wounds, Ease of Removal WALLINGFORD, Conn., May 14 /PRNewswire/

Z-Medica Corporation(Z-Medica), a medical products company focused on innovative blood clottingnano-technologies, announced that the United States Department of Defensehas selected the company's newest hemostatic product, QuikClot(R) CombatGauze(TM) brand, for all military services as the first-line hemostatictreatment for life-threatening hemorrhage that is not amenable totourniquet placement.

Bleeding is the number one cause of death forsoldiers injured in battle and QuikClot(R) products offer the mosteffective solution to severe blood loss outside the operating room setting.They have been proven in battlefield use and, with more than one millionunits deployed, are the leading hemostatic agents in the field. The Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC) made thedecision to recommend QuikClot(R) Combat Gauze(TM) after reviewing testreports on a number of hemostatic products.

QuikClot(R) Combat Gauze(TM)was the only one of these products tested by both the Naval MedicalResearch Center and the U.S. Army Institute for Surgical Research. Inaddition to test efficacy, the committee sited a number of other factors inaccording QuikClot(R) Combat Gauze(TM) the number one position:
-- Preference for the gauze delivery format, which is familiar to combat medical personnel. -- Ability of QuikClot(R) Combat Gauze(TM) to be shaped to any wound and to reach bleeding vessels in penetrating wounds.

-- Ease of removal once hemostasis has been achieved. "Z-Medica's approach to product innovation has always been to listen tothe voice of our customer and to focus our research & development effortson delivering life-saving products that meet their needs," said Z-MedicaCEO Raymond J. Huey.

"With QuikClot(R) Combat Gauze(TM) we have provided aproduct that is virtually 100% effective in a very intuitive format thatcan be applied quickly and simply by anyone." QuikClot(R) Combat Gauze(TM) combines surgical gauze with a proprietaryinorganic material that stops arterial and venous bleeding in seconds
--even more rapidly in this format than earlier Z-Medica products.

Based on adifferent mineral than zeolite-based QuikClot(R) products, it generates noheat. It shares the benefit of being inert and non-allergenic. QuikClot(R)Combat Gauze(TM) comes in rolls four yards long by three inches wide.

In addition to the military testing, the new product was tested inpre-clinical trials at the University of California, Santa Barbara, the University of Massachusetts Medical School and at various field facilities.It has 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. TheUnited States Department of Defense has awarded Z-Medica a $3.2 milliongrant for large-scale testing of the product on penetrating wounds. Thesemulti-center clinical trials will take place during 2008.

Earlier QuikClot(R) products are in use by all branches of the U.S.Military, by first responders and security agencies across the U.S. and in36 countries worldwide, with more than a million units in distribution.Z-Medica recently launched its first products for consumers.

About Z-Medica Founded in April 2002, Z-Medica Corporation is a medical productscompany focused on innovative blood clotting technologies -- hemostaticsolutions that save lives. QuikClot(R) was developed in cooperation withthe Office of Naval Research (ONR), the U.S. Marine Corps WarfightingLaboratory, the U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command and university hospitals.

It represents the first and most effective solution to severe blood lossoutside the operating room setting. Z-Medica serves several global verticalmarkets, including military, first responder, homeland and private security.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Office of Grants &Training added 'hemostatic agent' to its 2006 Authorized Equipment List(AEL), qualifying QuikClot(R) for purchase using grant dollars, subject toeach State's administrative agency's approval.

And, in 2007, the NationalTactical Officers Association gave the company and its new products theircoveted official seal of "NTOA member tested and approved". In addition toQuikClot(R) Combat Gauze(TM), the company is fully engaged in acceleratingthe development and distribution of QuikClot(R) brand hemostatic agent,QuikClot(R) ACS+(TM), QuikClot(R) 1st Response(TM), QuikClot(R) Sport(TM),QuikClot(R) Sport Silver(TM) (antimicrobial) and related products. Z-Medica headquarters is located at 4 Fairfield Blvd., Wallingford,Connecticut 06492. For more information, please call (203) 294.0000 or visit


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2008, 06:20:15 AM »
This is a great thread.  Kudos to alll those who have responded.  As a civilian Paramedic I honestly expected a lot of chest pounding.  Not a bit here.  I only have one thing to add.  I appreciate that there are a lot of home remedies that actually work and that the medical standards of some local hospitals and doctors mught not work as well, but sometimes you gotta go with the experts.   Especially with our type of hobby (fighting).  The doctors may not have the slightest clue what you are talking about when you explain what happened.  But if you try to avoid the doctor altogether for  a personal remedy you may be leading to bigger issues later.

I had a neck injury from a wrestler using a "can opener neck crank".  My coach at the time said don't worry and it will resolve itself.  One month and a grappling tournament later, the pain was horrible and my left arm was not moving the same way.  "weird feeling, can't really describe it". I finally gave up and went to the doctor who sent me to an orthopedic surgeon.   Long story short, after taking an hour to explain what a "can opener" was, and what it felt like now, I was sent for all sorts of tests.  Results were C3,4,5 ruptured disks approximately 4mm from the spine itself.  I'm officially out of the grappling game.  I made the mistake of listening to a person with no medical training and a bit of a chest pounder and screwed myself up worse.  I opted not to have surgery on my neck because it would have been pins and/or fusion.  I just can't grapple anymore.  Hitting someone with sticks is just fine though.  Kinda fun too.

Don't get me wrong, you can take care of a lot on your own and you probably should.  It would make my day easier.  Here is the rule we teach people who took too long to call us and they really needed help.  If it hurts on the outside.  You can usually take care  of it yourself or with a simple doctor visit.  If it hurts on the inside.  Go to the hospital or call 911 now.  I'd rather over treat and not nead it, then under treat or not treat at all and find out too late you were in trouble.  I honestly couldn't tell you how many people I have told this to when we come to get them at their homes after multiple hours or DAYS of difficulty breathing, chest pain or head pains from trauma.


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Gamer Samaritan
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2008, 01:04:07 PM »

I remember when my knee was snapped in 1992 (ACL, PCL, LCL ligaments all snapped in half) in a freak BJJ accident some idiot purple belt wanted to manipulate my knee.  I asked if he was trained.  No he wasn't. :-o What a fcukin' idiot!  :x  It turns out that it was quite fortunate that the peroneal nerve was not severed.  For all I know, I saved it by asserting myself and not allowing this idiot to posture by using my knee.

Changing subjects, here is this:

Gamer uses virtual training to save lives

Player of America's Army used in-games techniques in a rescue situation.

By Ben Silverman

Think playing video games is little more than a great way to waste time? Then you haven't met Paxton Galvanek. Last November, the twenty-eight year-old helped rescue two victims from an overturned SUV on the shoulder of a North Carolina interstate. As the first one on the scene, Galvanek safely removed both individuals from the smoking vehicle and properly assessed and treated their wounds, which included bruises, scrapes, head trauma and the loss of two fingers.
His medical background? None - other than what he's learned playing as a medic in the computer game America's Army.
The first-person shooter is developed and distributed by the U.S. Army. Though part of its mission is to promote its military namesake, America's Army is a fully-featured game that takes players through a virtual representation of real-life soldiering, from basic training to the field of battle. To play as a medic class, players must sit through extensive medical training tutorials based on real-life classes.
Lucky for the two survivors that Paxton Galvanek didn't zone out during the training, as the gamer credits this experience with teaching him how to handle himself in an emergency situation.
"In the case of this accident, I evaluated the situation and placed priority on the driver of the car who had missing fingers," he said. "I then recalled that in section two of the medic training, I learned about controlled bleeding. I noticed that the wounded man had severe bleeding that he could not control. I used a towel as a dressing and asked the man to hold the towel on his wound and to raise his hand above his head to lessen the blood flow which allowed me to evaluate his other injuries which included a cut on his head."
By the time help arrived in the form of -- ironically enough -- an Army soldier, the individuals were in stable condition and awaiting the paramedics.
Galvanek's decisions were lauded by game project director Colonel Casey Wardynski. "Because of the training he received in America's Army's virtual classroom, Mr. Galvanek had mastered the basics of first aid and had the confidence to take appropriate action when others might do nothing. He took the initiative to assess the situation, prioritize actions and apply the correct procedures... Paxton is a true hero."
According to the developers of America's Army, this is the second time one of their users has reportedly applied techniques learned in the game to real-life emergency situations. You can find more information about the game at


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Re: Quik Clot
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2008, 04:33:25 AM »
DOD picks QuikClot Combat Gauze


U.S. Department of Defense Picks New QuikClot(R) Combat Gauze(TM) as First-Line Hemostatic Treatment for All Military Services

Greetings and Salutations,
  I just wanted to say that we love QuikClot here and always have a couple of packs in our First Aid kit.  I suggest QC Silver (It has the anti-biotic) and you can get QuikClot at Cabella's via their on-line store.  You'll need more than one pack for larger wounds, though (and WoundMate surgical zippers work well in conjunction with them if you are familiar with their use).
  Just tossing in my two-cents worth.
    Train hard and stay safe,
         Scott (Emir/Pencak Silat Sharaf)
« Last Edit: May 18, 2008, 04:35:45 AM by Scott »


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #32 on: July 01, 2008, 06:39:34 AM »
Hi all,this might sound crazy but i once saw a farmer stop a bad cut on one of his horses by packing handfulls of granulated table sugar onto the wound in order to facilitate clotting.  Ive never tried it on anyone myself, just throwing it out there :|

Tony Torre

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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #33 on: July 01, 2008, 05:23:35 PM »
Here's some important info I cut and pasted from an e-mail

 It only takes a minute  to read this...

        A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke  victim within 3 hours he
can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...  totally. He said the trick
was getting a stroke recognized,  diagnosed, and then getting the patient
medically cared for within 3  hours, which is tough. 


        Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, STR.  Read  and  Learn!

        Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify.  Unfortunately,
the lack of awareness spells disaster. Th e stroke victim  may suffer severe
brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the  symptoms of a stroke.
Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke  by asking three simple

        S  * Ask  the individual to SMILE. 
        T  * Ask  the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) ( i.e.
It is  sunny out today)
        R  * Ask  him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

        If  he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call 999/911
immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.. 

        New  Sign of a Stroke -------- Stick out Your  Tongue

        NOTE:  Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his
 tongue..If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other  ,
that  is also an indication of a stroke.

        A  cardio logist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10
people; you can bet that at least one life will be  saved.

Tony Torre
Miami Arnis Group


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Verbal Trauma Control
« Reply #34 on: July 18, 2008, 08:56:42 PM »

        with Charles Remsberg <>

**P1 Exclusive:* Verbal Trauma Control*

*What you say to a wounded officer can make a life-or-death difference*

If you’re with a fellow officer who’s been seriously injured in a
training accident, a squad car crash or a shooting or knife attack,
watch your mouth.

You may literally be able to talk that officer into surviving. But with
the wrong approach, you may drastically worsen his or her chances.

The key, says popular trainer Brian Willis, a specialist in survival
psychology, is the combination of mental imagery, language and
expectation you exhibit at the scene.

“If you understand the critical role you can play and know how to use
certain powerful techniques,” says Willis, “you can help even an
unconscious victim control his bleeding, reduce his pain, improve his
respiration, and ease his fears about his condition.

“With words to supplement your first aid, you often can use the time
before EMS arrives to alter the ultimate outcome even of desperate,
life-threatening situations.”

Willis, founder and president of Winning Mind Training, Inc., teaches a
unique course called Verbal Trauma Control which informs officers how to
speak in a supportive, healing fashion to a downed fellow cop, and to
injured or medically stricken civilians as well. PoliceOne sat in on one
of his classes, sponsored by Oak Lawn (Ill.) PD in a Chicago suburb.


The key to Willis’ approach is the subconscious human mind. In contrast
to the logical, analytical and rational conscious mind, the subconscious
is the doorway to imagination, emotion and self-preservation, he explains.

“When people are in traumatic circumstances, they are in an altered
state of consciousness, in which their subconscious mind is highly
active,” Willis says. “They not only are likely to feel scared,
uncertain, confused and alone, but they are much more receptive to
emotion-based input than normal and highly suggestible.

“Even if they are unconscious, they can still hear what is said within
earshot, and what they hear can affect important physical functions
through the mind-body connection.”

Medical researchers have confirmed this in experiments with surgical
patients. Even though a patient is knocked out by anesthetic, he or she
still hears what’s said in the operating room and can react physically
to suggestive messages, Willis says.

“Progressive hospitals now caution doctors and nurses to scrupulously
avoid negative comments in the surgical suite, such as ‘This doesn’t
look good’ or ‘I don’t think she’s gonna make it.’ Some hospitals even
appoint staff members to continually feed positive messages to patients
during surgery because the right kind of input has been shown to lessen
bleeding, control blood pressure, improve heart and lung function and
speed up healing later on.”

These same techniques, Willis says, can be applied by LEOs to help one
of their own or a civilian who’s hurt. “Even in the best urban settings
you may have 3 to 5 minutes and in remote rural areas 30 minutes or more
before EMS arrives,” Willis says. “What you say in whatever time you
have—very simple language—can have a tremendously powerful impact.”

EMS personnel can successfully apply these techniques also, as can
firefighters, rescue workers, military medics and others who must deal
with wounded individuals.


“Your words, body language and actions need to project confidence and
show that you are taking control of the scene,” Willis says. Avoid
judgmental comments (“Boy, you really got yourself into a helluva
mess!”) and “concentrate on delivering positive messages that have a
purpose. While your hands are busy with first aid, your mouth can be
rallying the victim’s physical defenses through his mind.”

Willis offers some specific suggestions for what to say early in your
contact, along with their rationale:

*• “I’m here to help.” *

Injured people “tend to feel very alone, regardless of how many other
people are around,” Willis says. “They may be scared of what’s going to
happen to them, afraid of dying or being permanently injured or
disfigured, possibly worried about losing their job or current
lifestyle. Their mind may be going all these places. Telling them you’re
going to help them allows you to quickly opens a personal connection so
they no longer feel so alone and makes them more receptive to what you
say from then on.”

With civilians, “establish your authority at the outset.” Tell them your
name, rank and department and say, “I’m trained in emergency care,” even
if you don’t actually know much about medical treatment. “This instills
confidence, immediately creates credibility and starts calming the
injured party because it suggests that someone’s there who knows what to

*• “The worst is over.” *

“These four simple words send a critical message,” Willis stresses. “To
the injured person, they mean that his circumstances are only going to
get better from here on. This orients his mind toward a positive outcome.”

Adding that “The ambulance is on its way,” that “They’re getting ready
for you at the hospital” and that “You’re going to be alright” is
reassuring that a “greater level of care is imminent” and plants “a
positive expectation in their imagination.”

*• “I need you to help me as best you can. Will you do that?” *

Give the injured person something to do, even if it’s just holding a
bandage in place, “so they understand they’re part of a team effort.
This gets their mind off their injury and focused on something else,
tends to lessen pain and gives them a feeling of empowerment and
control. When they agree to help, they make a commitment to their
survival.” Also tell them what you are going to do and why, Willis
advises. “This takes away some of their fear of the unknown and removes
uncertainty. It makes them less anxious.”


Once you’ve established some rapport, you can start delivering pointed
messages that will stimulate the victim’s subconscious mind to directly
influence his physiology, affecting such survival essentials as pulse
rate, breathing control and bleeding.

“Here, your tone of voice is very important,” Willis says. “You much
convey your absolute belief in the ability of the mind to control
certain physical functions.”

In class, Willis outlines what these messages might typically consist of
and how to present them for greatest receptivity. The officers attending
practice on each other in a variety of imaginary injury situations.

As with the introductory statements, the words are simple but, in
reality, powerful. The techniques include these kinds of language

*• “As I/You Can.” *

As you tell the injured officer or civilian what you are doing to tend
to him, you subtly implant suggestions for his subconscious mind to
activate. Example: “As I hold this bandage on your arm, you can feel the
bleeding slow down and stop” or “As I lift your head up onto this
pillow, you can begin to notice how much easier your breathing becomes.”

“You’re going to be doing care-taking things anyway, so you may as well
give positive suggestions to go with them,” Willis says.

*• “Notice how.” *

A variation is to draw the subject’s attention to something you want to
occur for them. “Notice how much cooler [or warmer, depending on what’s
desirable] your body is beginning to feel” or “Notice how the bleeding
is slowing down.”

Says Willis: “‘Notice’ is a powerful word that tells them something has
already started to happen. They just need to pay attention to it.”

*• “As you listen.” *

As a means of getting the injured to focus on you and screen out
possibly disturbing distractions, direct their attention to your voice:
“As you listen to the sound of my voice, you’ll begin to feel calm and
you’ll feel your breathing start to slow down.”

You can reinforce this with a “notice” statement and a presumptive
question: “Notice how you’re feeling calmer? You’re feeling more
comfortable now, aren’t you?”


Offer the injured party a choice in how to reach a desired goal. For
instance: “Would you be more comfortable with your arm at your side or
resting on your lap” or “Would you be more comfortable with the blanket
on or off?”

“Either option implies that they are going to benefit, but giving them a
choice increases their sense of involvement and control,” Willis explains.


Reassurances that others have survived similar circumstances can
motivate injured parties to hang on and feel better. Even if you have to
make up a story, tell them about a situation similar to theirs that
someone else lived through and recovered from completely.

Start the story with “Did you see that show on ’60 Minutes’… ” or “I
know a guy who….” “If you tie the story to a credible TV show or to an
authority figure like yourself, people will especially think it’s true
and take courage from it,” Willis says.

A variation of the testimonial approach is the “Some people find…”
lead-in: “Some people find that when they think about important people
in their life, it helps them feel more comfortable,” etc. This deepens
the testimonial with a positive suggestion and also gives them something
to do that’s diverting.

Building on these fundamentals, Willis leads officers through some
easy-to-perform yet sophisticated psychological tools, including how to
“dial down” a victim’s discomfort level, how to create “guided images”
that can control physiological functions from heart rate to blood
coagulation, how to mentally bring “healing energy” to victims suffering
from painful burns, how to use “anchors” to induce relaxation, and how
to protect victims from the harm of negative people they may encounter
after they leave you.

“This is not magic, “ Willis says, “and it is not infallible. The
subconscious mind can reject suggestions as well as accept them, and if
you’re dealing with someone who doesn’t want to survive, they may not.
Also some injuries are so severe they can’t be overcome. But the
overwhelming evidence is that for most people in most situations, verbal
trauma control works.”

In fact, some of the techniques can be adapted to work on you if you
happen to be the one that’s injured. And that’s something Willis
explores in his important training program, too.

[*Note:*For more information, contact:
<> or phone 403-809-5954. Tactics for helping
yourself or another wounded officer are also featured in Chuck
Remsberg’s new book, *BLOOD LESSONS: What Cops Learn from Life-or-Death
Encounters*, available from Calibre Press by calling (800) 323-0037

Charles Remsberg co-founded the original Street Survival Seminar and the
Street Survival Newsline, authored three of the best-selling law
enforcement training textbooks, and helped produce numerous
award-winning training videos. His nearly three decades of work earned
him the prestigious O.W. Wilson Award for outstanding contributions to
law enforcement and the American Police Hall of Fame Honor Award for
distinguished achievement in public service.


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #35 on: July 20, 2008, 09:06:37 PM »

Army Video Game Helps Save a Life in Raleigh
By John Gaudiosi, Special to WRAL LTW
Posted: Jan. 21, 2008

Editor’s note: John Gaudiosi is a national journalist who has been covering the video game business for more than a decade. In addition to blogging for at Gaming Guru and covering the video games industry for WRAL Local Tech Wire, he also writes about gaming for Wired Magazine, The Washington Post, and Yahoo! Games.

CARY - For the most part, mainstream media only reports negative video game stories--usually lamely blaming some real-world tragedy on some dated game like Doom. But here's a positive story involving the free online game, America's Army developed by RTP-based Virtual Heroes, and how a player was able to use his virtual medic knowledge to rescue a car accident victim.

Twenty-eight year old Paxton Galvanek credited the combat medic training he completed in the popular America's Army with teaching him the critical skills he needed to evaluate and treat the victims at the scene. This is the second time an America's Army player has reported successfully using medical skills learned through playing the game to respond in a life-threatening situation.

In order to assume the role of combat medic in the America's Army game, players must go through virtual medical training classes based on the actual training that real soldiers receive. The creators of America's Army developed the training scenarios with young adults in mind, recognizing their need to be able to respond in emergency situations. Through the game, players learn to evaluate and prioritize casualties, control bleeding, recognize and treat shock, and administer aid when victims are not breathing.

On Nov. 23, 2007, Galvanek was driving West-bound on I-40 in North Carolina with his family. About 25 miles south of Raleigh he witnessed an SUV on the east-bound lanes lose control of the vehicle and flip about five times. While his wife called 911, he stopped his vehicle and ran across the highway to the scene of the accident.

Assuming the role of first responder, he quickly assessed the situation and found two victims in the smoking vehicle. Needing to extract them quickly, he helped the passenger out of the truck and noticed he had minor cuts and injuries. He told the man to stay clear of the smoking car and quickly went to the driver's side where he located a wounded man. He pulled the driver to safety on the side of the road.

Galvanek immediately noticed the man had lost two fingers in the accident and was bleeding profusely. The victim had also suffered head trauma. Galvanek located a towel, put pressure on the man’s hand, and instructed him to sit down and elevate his hand above his head while pressing the towel against his lost fingers. Galvanek then attended to his head cut and determined that injury was not as serious as his hand.

Roughly five minutes later, an Army soldier in plain clothing arrived on the scene of the accident and informed Galvanek that he was medically trained and could take over until the paramedics arrived. He looked over the injured men and told Galvanek that he had done a great job. Once the soldier assured Galvanek that the two men were in stable condition and there was nothing more he could do to assist until the paramedics arrived, Galvanek left the scene and continued on his journey.

Since America's Army launched on July 4, 2002, users have invested over 211 million hours virtually exploring the Army from Basic Training to operations in the War on Terrorism. America's Army ranks among the Top 10 online PC action games played worldwide. The game provides a unique, interactive experience allowing players to gain a perspective into Army occupations and values by assuming virtual roles as U.S. Army Soldiers. Players navigate through challenges real Soldiers confront. As they dominate these challenges, they expand opportunities for advancement and development in roles from Special Forces to combat medic.


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #36 on: July 28, 2008, 02:06:12 PM »
Sucking wounds can also sometimes be helped by the plastic wrapper of a cigarette pack or a latex glove. Even a pat down glove or anything you can fit over the sucking wound to stop it from sucking.


Forget the cigarette pack wrapper. If you have a latex glove, put it on and hold it over the sucking chest wound. You'll be a lot more successful.

While we're on the subject, what is a sucking chest wound and why does it need to be covered up?

A sucking chest wound is any penetrating injury (such as a knife wound) that creates a new "path of least resistance" for outside air to enter the thorax during inspiration. The diaphragm contracts, increasing intrathoracic volume (hence decreasing intrathoracic pressure), which makes air enter through the sucking chest wound instead of through the nose and mouth (and bronchial tree and alveoli for gas exchange). In other words, air in and out through the sucking chest wound is not oxygenating red blood cells. It's just taking up space inside the chest and preventing air from going where it's supposed to go (inside the lungs). Since it's possible that air will enter through the sucking chest wound but not exit during exhalation, air can build up inside the chest, which causes severe air hunger and respiratory distress. This air bubble (pneumothorax) can eventually push the heart and great vessels over to the other side of the chest (tension pneumothorax), eventually crimping the superior vena-cava (the main vein returning blood to the heart) leading to a rapid fall in blood pressure and death. Note: this crimping of the superior vena-cava is the reason you will see jugular venous engorgement (an impressive bulging of the veins in the side of the neck). You may also notice asymmetry of the chest. The textbooks say that you will see a tracheal deviation toward the unaffected side, but in real life this usually requires a chest x-ray to appreciate. These are the patients who require needle decompression of the chest if they are to survive, but I would not recommend that you attempt it unless you are prepared to receive criminal charges for practicing medicine without a license.

"Talent is God given. Be humble.
Fame is man given. Be thankful.
Conceit is self given. Be careful."


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #37 on: July 28, 2008, 02:26:53 PM »
Man Saves Own Life, Uses Steak Knife for At-Home Tracheotomy

OMAHA, Neb. — An Omaha man struggling to breath used a steak knife to perform an at-home tracheotomy.

Steve Wilder says he thought he was going to die when he awoke one night last week and couldn't breath.

Wilder says he didn't call 911 because he didn't think help would arrive in time. So, the 55-year-old says, he got a steak knife from the kitchen and made a small hole in his throat, allowing air to gush in.

Wilder suffered from throat cancer and related breathing problems several years ago. About that time, he had an episode where he couldn't breath because his air passages swelled shut. He says that's what happened this time around.

Doctors don't expect Wilder to suffer any adverse affects from the tracheotomy once it's healed.

Now that's a man! :)

Seriously though, this gentleman had almost certainly been trached before.

In other words, he probably cut directly over the scar tissue from the previous trach.

"Talent is God given. Be humble.
Fame is man given. Be thankful.
Conceit is self given. Be careful."


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Re: Gamer Samaritan
« Reply #38 on: July 28, 2008, 02:30:36 PM »

I remember when my knee was snapped in 1992 (ACL, PCL, LCL ligaments all snapped in half) in a freak BJJ accident some idiot purple belt wanted to manipulate my knee.  I asked if he was trained.  No he wasn't. :-o What a fcukin' idiot!  :x  It turns out that it was quite fortunate that the peroneal nerve was not severed.  For all I know, I saved it by asserting myself and not allowing this idiot to posture by using my knee.

Very good point.

Obvious severely injured knees are generally splinted in the position found.

"Talent is God given. Be humble.
Fame is man given. Be thankful.
Conceit is self given. Be careful."


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #39 on: September 27, 2008, 04:47:18 AM »

I want to keep this as one of our front and center threads.


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Sugar as an anti-biotic
« Reply #40 on: November 09, 2008, 12:54:48 PM »

The use of antibiotics by the PHCP in the field has the inherent dangers of improper dosing and allergic reactions. The associated activities of preparing the N/antibiotic infusion and monitoring the N drip rates can be difficult during patient transport. Given these drawbacks, the use of granulated sugar for the treatment of infected wounds offers a practical, proven approach for wound care. The use of granulated sugar for treatment of infected wounds is recommended by some as a treatment of first choice. Sugar has been called a nonspecific universal antimicrobial agent. 8 Based on its safety, ease of use, and availability, sugar therapy for the treatment of infected wounds is very applicable to the needs of the PHCP.

Sugar and honey were used to treat the wounds of combatants thousands of years ago. Battlefield wounds in ancient Egypt were treated with a mixture of honey and lard packed daily into the wound and covered with muslin. Modern sugar therapy uses a combination of granulated sugar (sucrose) and povidone-iodine (PI) solution to enhance wound healing.

As with any traumatic wound, the wound is first irrigated and debrided. Hemostasis is obtained prior to the application of the sugar (PI) dressing since sugar can promote bleeding in a fresh wound. A wait of 24 to 48 hours before the application of sugar is not unusual. During this delay, a simple PI dressing is applied to the wound. Once bleeding is under control, deep wounds are treated by pouring granulated sugar into the wound, making sure to fill all cavities. The wound is then covered with a gauze sponge soaked in povidone-iodine solution.

Superficial wounds are dressed with PI-soaked gauze sponges coated with approximately 0.65 cm thickness of sugar. In a few hours, the granulated sugar is dissolved into a "syrup" by body fluid drawn into the wound site. Since the effect of granulated sugar upon bacteria is based upon osmotic shock and withdrawal of water that is necessary for bacterial growth and reproduction, this diluted syrup has little antibacterial capacity and may aid rather than inhibit bacterial growth.

So to continually inhibit bacterial growth, the wound is cleaned with water and repacked at least one to four times daily (or as soon as the granular sugar becomes diluted) with more solute (sugar) to "reconcentrate" the aqueous solution in the environment of the bacteria.

A variety of case reports provide amazing data supporting the use of sugar in treating infected wounds. Dr. Leon Herszage treated 120 cases of infected wounds and other superficial lesions with ordinary granulated sugar purchased in a supermarket. The sugar was not mixed with any anti-septic, and no antibiotics were used concurrently. Of these 120 cases, there was a 99.2 percent cure rate, with a time of cure varying between 9 days to 17 weeks. Odor and secretions from the wound usually diminished within 24 hours and disappeared in 72 to 96 hours from onset of treatment.

Photo 23: Sugardyne is a commercially available sugar/povidone-iodine com- pound. Its proven antimicrobial properties make it particularly useful for infected wounds encountered in the field. (Sugardyne donated by Dr. RichardA. Knutson; distributed by Sugardyne Pharmaceuticals, INC.,Greenville, MS 38701.)

Like Dr. Herszage, Dr. Richard A. Knutson has had very successful results from the use of sugar in wounds. One of Dr. Knutson's most unique cases is recounted as follows.
A 93-year-old man was treated at Delta Medical Center for a fracture of his right hip. Concurrently, he received treatment for an old injury to his left leg, sustained 43 years earlier in 1936, when a tree had fallen on the leg while he was chopping wood. He had sustained an open fracture of the tibia and soft tissue loss to the leg anteriorly. Although the fracture had healed, bone remained exposed, surrounded by a chronic draining ulcer 20 cm x 8 cm overall. The patient was able to recall the various treatments used in attempts to heal the ulcer-iodoform, scarlet red, zinc oxide, nitrofurazone, sulfa, and a long list of antibiotics-all to no avail. He said that he had outlived six of the surgeons who had advised amputation. He was started on sugar/pI dressings, and then changed to treatment with sugar/PI compound as an inpatient. After hip surgery, the ulcer healed completely in 13 weeks. The ulcer defect filled completely, and skin grafting was not necessary.


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #41 on: November 09, 2008, 02:19:15 PM »
Second post of the day:

Austere and survival medicine


Where there is no doctor


Where there is no dentist

Resouce listings:

First Aid Manual


Aprehospital spinal care manual from australia. 235 pages PDF.

This manual has been produced for training and educational purposes only and is not for sale. It
can be downloaded for printing (at no charge) at PSC


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #42 on: November 09, 2008, 03:08:17 PM »
Just noticed this in C-Kaju's post of last year concerning tourniquets:

"No matter whether applying an ACE bandage, Pressure dressing or Tourniquet...  Always, check "PMS" (Pulse, Motor skills - ie. can you wiggle your fingers/toes and Sensation - ie "can you tell me what finger/toe I am touching?") distal to the wound site."

If I feel a pulse does is that a good thing, or does it mean that the Tourniquet is not tight enough?  :? 

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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #43 on: November 09, 2008, 05:39:19 PM »
In regard to a Tourniquet, feeling a pulse after you have applied it, means it is not tight enough.  In cases of a bleeding emergency, a tourniquet is used to stop the flow of blood if other means, e.g., the application of a pressure bandage to the wound, are not effective. In arterial hemorrhage (bright red blood spurting out in jets) the tourniquet is applied above the wound, i.e., between the wound and the heart.

Feeling a pulse would indicate a Pressure Bandage vs NO pulse would be a Touriquet. 


Sorry for the confussion.  Great question Sir
« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 05:41:03 PM by C-Kaju Dog »

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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #44 on: November 17, 2008, 09:58:30 AM »
Just wanted to make sure I had it clear in my mind  :-)


 NY Detective Saves Ex Cop Shot In Waldorf Heist By Relieving Tension PneumoThorax




November 16, 2008

A gunman dressed all in black shot a retired NYPD detective working as a security guard during a robbery of a jewelry store in the lobby of the famed Waldorf-Astoria hotel yesterday afternoon, police said.  Rafael Rabinovich-Ardans, 20, entered Cellini Jewelry - where gems and watches typically sell for tens of thousands of dollars - at the rear of the Park Avenue hotel's lobby just before 2:30 p.m., pulled a gun and announced a robbery, sources said.  The suspect - wearing black Army pants, a black shirt and black boots - allegedly smashed two display cases before Gregory Boyle, a 21-year-veteran of the 66th Precinct in Brooklyn, tackled him.  As they struggled, the gunman fired three shots, striking Boyle, 54, in the left armpit, sources said.  As the shots echoed through the lobby, panicked visitors began running for cover and hotel staff began to evacuate guests.

"I heard pops and instantly people screamed, 'Gunshot! Robbery! Get out!' Everyone ran to the exit," said Matt Luba, 49, of Old Tappan, NJ.

"Everybody just started running and I'm like, 'What's going on?' " said Jeff Johnstone, 51, who is in vacationing with his wife from Raleigh, NC.

He said he then heard a shot and saw people duck for cover behind chairs and pillars, and run into the bar.

"I just ran behind a column, just like everybody else," he said.

As the thief tried to flee the store an employee tackled him. The gunman managed to squeeze off another round, but hit no one, sources said. Hotel security then subdued him and held him for police.

"We saw mass commotion and lots of people started running," said Leanne McDonald, 34, of Freehold, NJ. "A few minutes later, cops flooded the lobby. A man was carried out on a stretcher and he had blood all over his chest."

An NYPD Hercules team, which monitors high-profile locations, was at Grand Central Station and was the first to respond, police said.
Detective Dennis Canale, who has training as a physician's assistant, put a stent in Boyle's collapsed lung, allowing him to breathe.

"He was pretty disoriented, that's the first sign of shock. That's what we were concerned about," said Canale, who kneeled in broken glass as he worked on Boyle. "It's a very deadly wound. I told him we'll take care of you."

Canale, 32, also saw a wound on Boyle's left forearm, but it was unclear what it was, he said.  Boyle, who retired in 2002 and whose son Edward is an officer in the 72nd Precinct, was rushed to Bellevue Hospital where he was "conscious and alert."

"He's a wonderful man," said the ex-cop's neighbor Isabella Damante, 78. "He's always helpful to us. The whole family is very well-respected in the neighborhood."

Rabinovich-Ardans, of Highland Park, NJ, was taken from the hotel in cuffs, weeping while he struggled with police. He was charged with attempted murder, assault, attempted grand larceny, robbery and criminal use of a firearm, police said.

Cops recovered two semiautomatic handguns - including a .45-caliber weapon - from the scene.


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Army stops use of WoundStat
« Reply #45 on: December 24, 2008, 07:17:07 AM »
Army Stops Use of WoundStat: Officials need to study first-aid item more
Updated 1:27 PM EST, Tue, Dec 23, 2008

WASHINGTON -- Until more testing can be done, Army medics are being told to stop using a new product just sent to the war front to help control bleeding among wounded troops.

Officials were in the process of distributing some 17,000 packets of WoundStat, granules that are poured into wounds when special bandages, tourniquets or other efforts won't work. But a recent study showed that, if used directly on injured blood vessels, the granules may lead to harmful blood clots, officials said Tuesday.

The Army Medical Command will continue its research and work with the manufacturer in hopes of figuring out in the next few months whether to resume use of WoundStat, said Col. Paul Cordts, head of Army health policy and services.

WoundStat manufacturer TraumaCure, Inc., of Bethesda, Md., had no immediate comment.

The product, which was developed at Virginia Commonwealth University, had been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It was one of the latest in a series of Army efforts to improve survival rates on the battlefield.

Today, 90 percent of injured troops survive their wounds, the highest rate of any war, Cordts said in an interview. He credited better training of combat medics, better body armor the troops wear and better tactics they use on the battlefield, as well improved bandages, tourniquets and so on.

Defense Department figures show that as of this month, more than 4,800 troops have been killed in Iraq and the global war on terror. The latter category counts casualties mostly from Afghanistan. Some 34,000 troops have been wounded in the wars, where insurgents have made wide use of roadside bombs and other explosives.

Excessive blood loss is the number one killer on the battlefield, and the Army announced in October that it was sending two potential lifesavers -- the WoundStat packets and a bandage called Combat Gauze -- to replace older other products that had been in use at the time.

A committee of Army medics, Navy corpsmen, surgeons and others recommended the Combat Gauze bandage -- which has an agent that triggers blood clotting -- should be the first-line treatment for life-threatening hemorrhaging in cases where a tourniquet could not be placed, such as the armpit or groin area.

The WoundStat granules were to be used if the bandage failed to work.

Cordts said the Army put out a message on Dec. 18, directing the temporary halt in use of WoundStat. Though it has arrived at the war zones, officials are unclear on how widely it has been distributed so far. They're working to identify any soldiers who got the treatment, study their cases and examine them for any problems with blood clotting, Cordts said.

He said he didn't know whether it had been used on any soldiers and thus had no reports back from the field -- positive or negative -- on how effective it might have been.

Cordts said that after an additional few months of study, officials will likely determine whether they should discontinue its use altogether or perhaps redistribute it with warnings for how it is to be used.

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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #46 on: January 16, 2009, 11:01:49 AM »
For those attending the April 09 Gathering, I am looking forward to giving a brief instruction on "Emergency Cricothyroidotomy".

I will also be bringing some CAT touriquets to give to those in attendance (I will give a quick refresher on application of these also)

With the blessing of our guiding force, Crafty.

(aka) HM2(FMF) "Doc" Webster


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #47 on: January 16, 2009, 12:59:56 PM »

Anything you ever would like to share with us is greatly appreciated!


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #48 on: April 25, 2009, 04:56:38 AM »

It is my hope that this thread will see lots of contributions and discussions, for example in this moment are there any suggestions for the Swine Flu now threatening to break out quite nastily?  Many are dead in Mexico already, where schools and Museums are already closed.  See the last several entries at
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 06:45:55 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Emergency Tips and Emergency Medicine
« Reply #49 on: April 29, 2009, 02:01:43 PM »

Speaking of swine flu or H1N1, if the event any of you are in a pickle trying to get your hands on an N95 mask; the CDC has a solution on their website.

I can't testify how effective it is, so your mileage may vary.

Hope this helps
Dog Kase

Attack life because its going to kill you anyway. --- Unknown