Author Topic: MoreDBMA self defense on DVD / Marc  (Read 31420 times)


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MoreDBMA self defense on DVD / Marc
« on: November 04, 2005, 03:53:56 PM »
I just recently watched Kali-Tudo and I think it is one of the best DVD's on
the market today, thankyou for producing it Marc. I really liked the short
segment were you showed a self defense example. Will there be anything
forthcoming that will delve more into this aspect of DBMA?



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MoreDBMA self defense on DVD / Marc
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2005, 04:09:56 AM »

First a thanks for your kind words and an apology for letting your question slip off my radar screen.

An experience at a seminar last year triggered my awareness that I had not been addressing self-defense directly.   In that Kali is so very much about exactly that, it is kind of odd when I think about it-- but there it was.

In addition to the segment in Kali Tudo, self-defense is directly addressed in the STAFF dvd.  In the pipeline are also "Short Impact Weapons" and one dedicated specifically to the particular SIW "The Palmstick" which will be done by Guro Lonely Dog.    There also will be more Kali Tudo DVDs-- at present the plan is to have one on Clinch and FUT (a term from Southnark meaning "fouled up tangle" and one on Groundfighting.

Again, sorry for the delay in my reply.
Crafty Dog


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MoreDBMA self defense on DVD / Marc
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2005, 05:59:48 PM »
Marc thanks for the response and absolutley no problem on the delay :D
I am really looking foward to the other Kali Tudo DVD's. What are your high
% takedowns, and will these be covered in the Clinch DVD? I personally
have had alot of success with sapu,biset,kinjit siko, and puter kepala from
the set ups that I use to use from wrestling. And I like them better than
finishing with more traditional wrestling finishes because I can stay on my
feet wich I think is important in alot of street assault scenarios and because
they are not as rough on my body to practice. Also what are your high%
entries against attacks that come from "conversation" distance like so
often happen on the street? I use the Silat Dive alot. Thanks for reading
this and keep putting out those DVD's .



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Re: MoreDBMA self defense on DVD / Marc
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2006, 03:26:14 PM »
Woof Shane:

Our new "Die Less Often:  Intro to the Interface of Gun, Knife, and Empty Hand" triple disc DVD addresses many of the questions you ask.

The material for Kali Tudo clinchand KT ground is currently under vigorous research. :wink:

Crafty Dog


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Re: MoreDBMA self defense on DVD / Marc
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2007, 04:15:15 AM »
Woof All:

"Die Less Often 2: Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight" is currently being edited.  This summer we will be shooting "Kali Tudo 2".  Also in the works are "Short Impact Weapons" and "Empty Hand vs. Stick, Stick vs. Empty Hand".

The Adventure continues,
Guro Crafty


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Re: MoreDBMA self defense on DVD / Marc
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2007, 06:26:25 PM »
It sounds like I am going to be a loyal customer and student from a far.

I just saw Kali-Tudo and was impressed. I can't wait till the others come out. I am glad they are not out right now because I have alot to digest.


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Re: MoreDBMA self defense on DVD / Marc
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2007, 09:13:58 AM »
I just finished disc one of Kali Tudo and am really enjoying the material as well. Cannot wait to run it with partner!