From what that says and from what I have been seeing is that it seems I by mistake am taking a Legal over the counter steroid. This was not my intention when I first got the product. I got the product like anyone who works out/ LIfts weights would get a product. It was from over hearing people/Friends talk about it just like they would creatine, New Protein Shakes and or No explode.
I have tried the Tribex Tribulis (Natural Testosterone Booster) and Novadex (Estrogen Blocker) Combo and it worked for building super lean muscle, Increase Sex Drive and Massive energy but it was pretty normal combo.
Can I get kicked out of the Military for this?
IF IN DOUBT, STAY AWAY FROM IT... (Better safe than sorry)
Its not worth the risk. The penalty is the same for steroids (read on):
HMCS Trouble to SN Trouble
To All Hands:
On 7 Jan 2005, one of our shipmates, HMCS Trouble, was found guilty at general court martial for wrongful use of cocaine and a number of related charges.
The sentence adjudged was:
Confinement for a period of nine (9) months
Reduction to E-3
Bad Conduct Discharge from the United States Navy
A bad situation all the way around. The Command ensured Seaman Trouble received treatment for her drug problems and I am hopeful that she will be able to recover from this significant setback and go on to lead a productive life.
There are many lessons here, the obvious one being the Navy's (and this Command's) Zero Tolerance for illegal drug use.
There is also a lesson about the financial impact this has on a person's life. If you think about the loss of retirement benefits (pay, medical, commissary and exchange, etc.) and factor in the potential impact this has on starting a new career, the results are staggering. Consider the following, which is a rough estimate:
Military retirement: 1/2 Base pay * 40 years (actuarial table suggests life span of 79): = $960,000
Commissary/exchange savings (estimated 10%): = 52,000
Medical insurance savings: = 61,600
OTHER MONETARY LOSS (unable to calculate)
Potential impact on a future career and retirement from that career
Increase in life insurance
Loss of VA mortgage benefits
Educational benefits loss
Loss of right to vote
Loss of right to own or possess a firearm
Loss of security clearance
Loss of being a retired Chief Petty Officer
This entire incident has been devastating for Seaman Trouble. It's been difficult for the Command. It is not something we need to repeat. We all know the policy
This is straight from the UA Certification NKO course: (& yes I am certified to run UA on you)

Steroids offer different challenges to the UPC in determining if they should be tested for and then in collection, handling, and shipping. But first you need to understand what steroids are and what they can do to the user.
Anabolic steroids are a group of powerful compounds closely related to the male sex hormone testosterone. Developed in the 1930's, steroids are seldom prescribed by physicians today. Current legitimate medical uses are limited to certain kinds of anemia, severe burns, and some types of breast cancer.
Taken in combination with a program of muscle building exercise and diet, steroids may contribute to increases in body weight and muscular strength. Because of these properties, athletes in a variety of sports have used steroids since the 1950's, hoping to enhance performance. Today, increasing numbers of young people seeking to accelerate their physical development are joining them.
Steroid users subject themselves to more than 70 side effects, ranging in severity from acne to liver cancer and including psychological, as well as physical reactions. The liver, the cardiovascular, and reproductive systems are most seriously affected by steroid use. In males, use can cause withered testicles, sterility, and impotence. In females, irreversible masculine traits can develop along with breast reduction and sterility. Psychological effects in both sexes include very aggressive behavior known as 'roid rage' and depression. While some side effects appear quickly, others, such as heart attacks and strokes, may not show up for years.
Steroids are produced in tablet or capsule form for oral ingestion, or as a liquid for intramuscular injection.
Signs of steroid use:
Quick weight and muscle gains (if steroids are being used in conjunction with a weight training program)
Behavioral changes, particularly increased aggressiveness and combativeness
Jaundice, purple or red spots on the body
Swelling of feet or lower legs
Unexplained darkening of the skin
Persistent unpleasant breath odor
If a Command has personnel suspected (without possession) of anabolic steroid use, the following actions should be taken:
Contact Legal and Medical for assistance with a probable cause test
Conduct a fitness for duty physical examination by a physician to include the possible use of anabolic steroids.
If the physical examination provides the opinion that use of anabolic steroids could exist, the Command should then:
Require the individual to provide a urine sample of 60 ML or more.
The preferred collection premise is a Consent Test (VO).
If the Service member refuses consent and the Command thinks there is sufficient probable cause to suspect anabolic steroid use, a Probable Cause (PO) test may be conducted.
As a last option use Command Directed (CO) test premise.
Collect the sample using the Specimen Custody Document form (DD Form 2624).
Samples should be mailed via overnight express whenever possible. If overnight express is not available use First Class U.S. Mail.
Ensure compliance with packaging procedures outlined in OPNAV 5350.4 Series
Contact PERS-671 for Authorization Number.
Send sample to UCLA Analytical Lab with the DD 2624 and memo from Commanding Officer or designated authority requesting sample be tested for steroids.
Be sure to include PERS-603 Authorization Number (See Appendix ‘I’ of UPC Handbook for example of memo.)
NOTE: Modified to delete Military phone #s and shipping address for such tests.Yip