The one thing I have noticed from the Sayoc Kali stuff on you tube is that it's very fancy..There seems to be alot of Choreographed knife techincs where the person who is getting cut just seems to go with it..
Which clip are you refering to? There's some "fancy" stuff on youtube because those clips were for the Combat Choreography demo reel, they are not instructional clips but for film.
I have a problem here because in the chaos of battle ppl tend to slip or move away and not allow you to follow a predetermined set of patterned cuts. This is where I find the type of Kali that I take to be alittle more on the Cutting edge then this..We don't follow a pattern like that and have 6 strikes that move with the person durring the chaos.
Am I wrong here or is it just seem like that's what is being showed on the video's?
Yes, you're looking at it from a context that doesn't apply to Sayoc which is understandable if you've never trained in it.
The templates are not choreographed in the purpose you are describing it. What the Sayoc templates give you are optional lines of attack to vital targets. The drills give you a core pattern of flow, but after you train in them, you are no longer limited by the pattern. However, you retain WHY you do this slash versus a thrust and vice versa.
Imagine learning a jab, cross combo. That's a pattern.
Now add a left hook. That alters pattern.
After you learn how to box - those three strikes can make up numerous patterns once you have the coordination, concepts and body mechanics down.
What becomes important for a good boxer is WHY they are doing one move versus another.
Also, if the quantity of your "strikes" are "cutting edge" at the number 6, then would a system that gave you 3 "strikes" be even more cutting edge?
As per "chaos of battle", that's exactly why the Sayoc templates were created in the first place because the word "Chaos" to us means that one lacks a formula to solve a specific problem. To a JJ guy what they do is not chaos, but to an untrained eye it looks foreign. However, the JJ guy could be perfectly at ease in their realm.
Btw, since Sayoc is a Feeder- based system, the goal is not to move with the person, the goal is to make the person move with you.
If you have any more questions about Sayoc - please venture over to the site's public forum or better yet, give the guys at Intergrated a visit. It is much easier to grasp all this by actually training a little of it in person.
Sayoc Kali