What do you do? Do you force yourself back into the mode, or do you just go with the flow?
It seems that since the last gathering, most of my time has been spent in my new circle of writing peers, smoking those hippie-like herbal cigarettes and drinking too much wine
I really haven't trained a lick, just some bjj for fun, and it seems as though the burn for a good, healthy squabble just isn't calling my name, when for so long I couldn't think of anything else. wtf

I've always known that I've never been at the same aggression level as some of the other pack members, but there has always been that drive to train and do the best I could, even if I wasn't that guy out there mixin it up as often as some the old-school guys that really go for it, but it was always a ton of fun, and I really loved it.
Am I the only one who strays off the path?
Maybe a little too much time on the jits mats has made me soft, huh?

I'll tell you this much though, it is kind of nice going to bed and getting up without the stick-hickeys and the sore bones from stick grappling with Crafty. ha ha ha...
Anyways... hope you guys are doing well, haven't heard from anyone but Cisco in a while.
Best to all.