Author Topic: Mactan chieftain Lapu-lapu the Movie  (Read 19544 times)


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Mactan chieftain Lapu-lapu the Movie
« on: December 16, 2007, 03:02:55 PM »
No mention of the current production in IMDB, which means a few
things. Biggest is that a major studio hasn't picked it up yet, for
either production, financing, or distribution. There are previous
"versions" of this story out on IMDB, the latest being 2002. Seems
like they want to do a U.S. based reboot of the story, with big studio
budget financing and production.

Anyways, here's the convo.

PRODUCER. A retired seaman who asked for anonymity emailed me to
express his interest in producing a Cebuano/Visayan movie on the life
and exploits of Mactan chieftain Lapu-lapu, the country's first hero.
He wrote that producing a Cebuano/Visayan film has been his dream even
before he started working overseas. The retiree from Carcar added that
he wants Boholano actor Cesar Montano to play Lapulapu and asked for
my opinion if getting him for the role is alright. Cesar may not be a
Cebuano like Lapulapu but his looks, body built and complexion could
highly qualify him for the role of the local chieftain.


BUDGET. The retired seaman also wrote that he has a budget of slightly
over P5 million for his initialventure. Frankly, I don't know if this
amount is enough to produce a period flick. He also plans to tieup
with a Manila-based producer as far as getting other stars for his
initial offering is concerned.However, I advised the film
producer-to-be to tap Cebuano talents themselves if he intends to save
a lot in terms of plane tickets, billeting, security, food and other
incidental expenses. The retired seaman is targeting August as the
start of the shooting period. This writer might be involved in the
production as one of the screeners and interviewers of those
interested to appear in the movie. The retired seaman has promised to
call me as soon as the date and venue of the screening and interview -
and most probably a screen test - shall have been fixed.HOPE. I don't
want to belittle the retired seaman's dream but I could only hope that
he will succeed inhis venture. His dream of producing a
Cebuano/Visayan movie is indeed laudable but honestly, I doubt if he
could come up with a second or follow-up production. To me, the ideal
ratio is at least two movies per year, if we are to ensure the
revival, viability and sustainability of the local film industry. One
moviealone per year is not enough to entice the general public to
patronize local films. Of course, catchingup with the number of
Tagalog productions per week, not per month or per year, is next to
impossible.However, two Cebuano/Visayan movies per year is good
enough—as a start. If this number increases eventually, so much the

( if any of you are wondering who the actor is they are talking about. He was in the great Raid)