Author Topic: Nutrition for Training  (Read 10965 times)


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Nutrition for Training
« on: January 30, 2008, 10:11:57 PM »
I heard Yams are great for a after work out sorce. Is this haga I am hearing?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2008, 10:14:57 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Nutrition for Training
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2008, 10:53:09 PM »
I heard Yams are great for a after work out sorce. Is this haga I am hearing?
I would not sell haga to a slayer such as you.  This is Stygian...the best!! :lol: :lol:
Who dares wins - British SAS


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Re: Nutrition for Training
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2008, 10:30:25 AM »
I heard Yams are great for a after work out sorce. Is this haga I am hearing?
I would not sell haga to a slayer such as you.  This is Stygian...the best!! :lol: :lol:

The only snakes I know of are those of Set and his cursed towers. Their evil has spread to every city. Two or three years ago it was just another snake cult, now... they're everywhere. It is said that they are deceivers... they murder people in the night... I know nothing.   :-D
« Last Edit: January 31, 2008, 10:32:27 AM by Maxx »


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Re: Nutrition for Training
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2008, 11:33:28 AM »
If we just say sweet potatoes then yes they are excellent.
They contain:
More beta carotene than any other fruit or veg
Great source of vitamin C
One of the only fat free sources of E
Both C and E help aid muscle recovery time
Great source of iron for oxygen production

Cut em up, drizzle with olive oil and garlic then roast them. :wink:



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Re: Nutrition for Training
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2008, 01:03:37 PM »
If we just say sweet potatoes then yes they are excellent.
They contain:
More beta carotene than any other fruit or veg
Great source of vitamin C
One of the only fat free sources of E
Both C and E help aid muscle recovery time
Great source of iron for oxygen production

Cut em up, drizzle with olive oil and garlic then roast them. :wink:


Thats what I heard and thank you for backing up what I heard.


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Re: Nutrition for Training
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2008, 02:46:38 PM »
I'm not big on supplements. I feel we can get everything we need from a smart, balanced diet. The only "vitamin" I take is Body Balance.

If you eat well, then everything as far as energy, stamina...should all be available before, during and after workout.

I workout 6 days a week very early in the am. Afterwards I eat breakfast to recharge and replenish nutrients.
I eat 2 hard boiled eggs, half a bagel with peanut butter, a whole bunch of steamed spinach and a 1/2 cup mixed nuts.
All of that provides a sufficient amount of good fats, carbs and protien.



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Re: Nutrition for Training
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2008, 07:05:24 PM »
Well for myself. I work out 6 days a week as well. I was doing 7 but I started to notice somethings..Crafty Dog pointed out something in a topic awhile back for me and a couple were happening to me..Not to mention alot of my brusies and bashes were not getting a chance to heal up.

I run a pretty serious and intence training..I started this game at 225lbs and I am 5'8 and after about 4 months, I am 170lbs and all muscle.

I start every work out with Creatine and a 250 Mg- L-Carnitine pill (A natural Fat burner)  and I end every work out with a Protein Shake and mix in Ammino Acids and then I eat something like either two cans of tuna and a apple or Chicken and some greens or Grilled Salmon and whole weat pasta or maybe just a good old fashion boiled american steak with some olive oil and now Yams =)  After I work out and eat I take 25 MG of zinc a Mens mulitVitamin, 1500 Mg of MsM (joint Health) 500 mg of L-arginine , 2000 MG of Vitamin C and 1000 mg of Glycosamine Sulfate and lots and lots of WATER

I noticed that this all aided in my power and speed and really helped me shed crap loads of weight and turn it all into muscle.

On my day off , I dont take anything..No Protein shake, No NOTHING..I have water all day long and I eat something filling like Grilled Salmon


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Re: Nutrition for Training
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2008, 07:01:50 AM »


Anyone using, know about, getting results, have a good source...

The book Adaptogens: Hebs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief is a great resource. By David Winston and Steven Maimes

I use them quite a bit. Basically qi tonics from the Chinese medical perspective.