Thanks guys.
PhilipG: Yes, the video was limited in scope. There's only so much you can fit in 2 minutes, and just compiling that from the small amount of video footage I have, adding the narration, etc., took hours. If someone was paying me to do this, then I'd be happy to make an hour long video demonstrating all the possibilities, variations, etc. But, I'm doing this for fun! Also, there were 5 movements in the drill I included, not 3, and one was in fact a low line thrust. I meant to only show the "sombrada" portion of the drill, or what I call "sombrada", not PT "thrusts on tapping", break in-break out, etc. I do find that the drill can be done for technical benefits, fun, and exercise even remaining in that one pattern...continually focusing on striking your partner rather than the stick. I find it's a good way to zone out and ingrain the motions.
Good day to you all,