Woof All:
Tiny (I knew a 300 pound bouncer by that name many years ago-- where are you from?

) wrote:
"Yes, but the variables discussed were in argument for a different point. There are two issues within this article (though they are slyly presented as one):
"a) That sexual misconduct and pregnancy has increased due to mixed-gendered units/ranks/what-have-you
"b) That the presence of women was a factor in causing acts of cruelty against Iraqi POWs" :
I would suggest that the issue is like the heading says: "Women and the breakdown of discipline". Apart from pregnancy (whether as a prelude to abortion after being removed from danger or to completion) similar questions arise with gays.
The issue has many facets, but all ultimately relate to military efficiency.
For example, it seems pretty obvious to most people that if a ship of war in harm's way loses 22% of its crew due to pregnancy that military efficiency and discipline suffer dramatically.
For example, if an officer screws the husband of an enlisted man that too hurts morale and discipline. This was the fact in the case of the woman nuke bomber pilot who was punished for adultery only to have the femi-nazis in Congress in an uproar and the military frantically backpeddle.
For example, it is bad for morale and discipline if, as was the recent Air Force Academy case discussed at length on this forum, a woman cadet breaks rules and goes to the room of an upper classman and gets drunk to the point of passing out and gets laid and then destroys the cadets career for "rape".
For example, it should be pretty clear that when troops are in harm's way that there should be no taint of favoritism due to sexual favors or morale will suffer. Do you want the sergeant deciding who goes through the mine field first getting blow jobs from some members of the squad? In that many/most young people will f*ck, it makes sense, as the US Military held for centuries prior to the impositions of President Clinton and his femi-nazi crew, that the best solution was to have hetero-sexual men. Readily granted that there has been much stupid hate of gays, and readily granted that the capabilities of some women have been overlooked and/or demeaned, but the military is not a democracy. It is there to defend this democratic republic and broad generalizations have their place.
For example, it should be pretty clear that standards should not be changed for reasons of affirmative action.
As for the possibility raised by the article that started this thread that the presence of women may have altered behavior, I fully agree it is not proof--nor did the article present itself as such! But I also think it unassailable that men and women both act differently in mixed and unmixed company. The PC fascism of our times (e.g. calling people "traitors to their gender"

) makes difficult what should instead be a lively conversation in search of truth.
Do you think women and men act the same or differently in each others presence? If so, how?
Forward, in search of truth!
Crafty Dog