Author Topic: First Post, a Few Questions.  (Read 12896 times)

John Partika

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First Post, a Few Questions.
« on: June 25, 2008, 11:17:09 PM »
Hi, I'm quite new to this forum, and I have just a few questions and would be very thankful if I could find an answer for them:

1.) For the Dog Brothers DVDs, are they based more on an educational style such as in the principles of the art, or on an educational style as in teaching the art?

2.) I've heard some rumors of Dog Brothers video lessons over the internet. I've searched the site and haven't found anything, is this just a rumor?

3.) In the Gatherings of the Pack, are such things as groin protectors and mouth guards allowed?

Thank you very much in advance for any input.
"Receiving human life, one should vow to transcend the rest of humanity, and be of aid to men. Exhausting his mind for others and making this his satisfaction to the end of time."

John Partika
White Dragon Martial Art School
Choy Li Fut Kung Fu


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Re: First Post, a Few Questions.
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2008, 06:30:33 AM »
Woof John:

Welcome aboard.  I hope others will chime in to answer your questions as well.

1) Yes  :lol:

2) Vid-lessons are part of the Dog Brothers Martial Arts Association (DBMAA).  Click on the appropriate page on the website here, and fill out the application.

3) Groin protectors and mouth guards are allowed.

The Adventure continues!
Crafty Dog

John Partika

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Re: First Post, a Few Questions.
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2008, 05:03:04 PM »
Thank you very much Guro Crafty; very helpful.
"Receiving human life, one should vow to transcend the rest of humanity, and be of aid to men. Exhausting his mind for others and making this his satisfaction to the end of time."

John Partika
White Dragon Martial Art School
Choy Li Fut Kung Fu