Author Topic: Dog Dean "Kajukenbo"  (Read 11044 times)


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Dog Dean "Kajukenbo"
« on: July 28, 2008, 09:38:05 PM »
Any other location then the one on the site. I am heading back into the military and looking to see if those are the only ones listed

Kaju Dog

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Re: Dog Dean "Kajukenbo"
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2008, 10:04:44 PM »

Here's the link to our Cafe/Forum school listings section.

If you don't find what you are looking for there, register and put in a request thread.  There are still many underground/garage schools out there.

I'd like to add:

1)  Thank you for your service.

2)  Thank you for your interest in Kajukenbo.

3)  No matter how much I love Kajukenbo, "Seek the teacher, not the style".

Just like here with the Pack, there are a lot of schools and instructors of various backgrounds, but you must find the teacher that fits your needs.  I've been very fortunate to have found my teacher the young age I did.   

You can spend a lifetime looking for the right teacher. 

Good luck and always remember your roots.

Stay Safe and always stay progressive.

If you contact us and let us know where you end up, someone here can most likely steer you in the right direction.

I know some great Kajukenbo teachers and some crap ones (the truth hurts) but thats just the way it is.

Your on the right track with Crafty and the Pack.  There are a couple Kajukenbo Dogs lurking here.  We are all from the same cloth IMHO, we are Ohana/Family.

Seek the teacher Grasshopper....


« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 10:07:54 PM by "Dog" Dean »

Kaju Dog


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Re: Dog Dean "Kajukenbo"
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2008, 09:30:52 AM »
Thanks for the info Dean. I also have another question. In the Blade Wounds topic we talked shortly about you having a personal Cold Steel Knife on you. How would I get a Personal blade with me when I leave back in?

Kaju Dog

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Re: Dog Dean "Kajukenbo"
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2008, 10:12:36 AM »
How would I get a Personal blade with me when I leave back in?

Every Command is a bit different, but almost every one I know has not had any problems taking there own blade(s).  Worst case, you can have it mailed to you and then mail it home befer returning from overseas.  A final option would be to have a medic carry it in his med bag.


Kaju Dog


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Re: Dog Dean "Kajukenbo"
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2008, 10:22:36 AM »
Ok, Thank you. I was not sure if I had to clear it and it seems I need to find out before I mail myself my Cold Steel Khurkri Or even my Tiger Claw.


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Re: Dog Dean "Kajukenbo"
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2008, 10:16:58 AM »
Dean, I keep trying to private message you and the forum wont allow me to send you a PM. Could you PM me so I can ask you a few questions?

Kaju Dog

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Re: Dog Dean "Kajukenbo"
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2008, 04:18:41 PM »
Dean, I keep trying to private message you and the forum wont allow me to send you a PM. Could you PM me so I can ask you a few questions?

PM sent.

feel free to email me also.

The link is in my signature line. 8-)

Kaju Dog


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Re: Dog Dean "Kajukenbo"
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2008, 05:08:55 PM »
I tried and it wouldnt let me PM you, Said you couldnt be found. So I emailed you the questions. Thank you again!

Kaju Dog

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Re: Dog Dean "Kajukenbo"
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2008, 09:12:30 PM »
You have mail :evil:

Kaju Dog