For those who didn't attend the last Tribal Gathering, could someone elaborate on the format of the event?
The fighting is pretty much exactly the same format as with a public gathering, except there is no audience besides family. I don't remember if we skipped knife fights last year. The first day, we start in the morning, take a lunch break, and then fight again in the afternoon. Sunday is more of the same, but we don't break for lunch; it's one session and then we close. In the past, Kaju Dog has done some nice informal presentations on emergency medicine after the second day of fighting.
The event has usually taken place in Temecula, CA which is about 60 miles north of San Diego County, instead of of the usual Los Angeles County location.
Trickydog, may I request a mae sowks (you) vs. siniwali (me) fight on Day 2? My blood pressure just shot up as I typed that, but I would enjoy the opportunity!