Woof All:
All of the following are copyrighted by Dog Brothers Inc and are by Marc "Crafty Dog" Denny (a.k.a. Guro Crafty, Guro Marc, Marc Denny, etc). Permission to quote is granted upon the condition that the copyright symbol and name "(c) DBI" are placed with it.
My students call these "Craftyisms", which appeals to my vanity.

"Higher consciousness through harder contact."
The full version is this:
"The greater the dichotomy, the profounder the transformation. Higher consciousness through harder contact."
"Smuggling concepts across the frontiers of style."
"If you see it taught, you see it fought."
"If the feet stop, the heart stops."
"The greater the dichotomy, the profounder the transformation. Higher consciousness through harder contact." (c)
"He is the turd and you are the smell. Wherever he goes, there you are."
Using Wild Dog as a starting point on the Spiritual Level of Real Contact Stick Fighting:
"The Art is Brutal, which can easily hide the Spiritual Level to many, yet it is precisely this quality which lends deeply to its Power, the more pronounced the dichotomy, the deeper the result. The process strips us down to facing what Self it is we truly wish to defend. In the silence of a stick buzzing by your head, you experience the true answer to that question. The physical pain of the experience is nothing to the existential terror of facing the True Self that is revealed in that moment. And it is in that moment that we are most alive."
"Do not have a Way as you Play.
Fight the Way you Play.
Let your Fight be Play."
"Specializing in Generalizing so that we may have a Game to Play, instead of a Way."
"He is the turd and you are the smell. Wherever he goes, there you are."
"Specializing in Generalizing so that we may have a Game to Play, instead of a Way."
"Unless you prepare for that day, when the sun of youth goes down, you find yourself in the dark."
"If we dissolve the nature versus nurture debate and instead simply see a continuum of conception to death (cf. the evolutionary biology ditty "The ontogeny recapitulates the philogeny.") then we can say that man is born genetically requiring acculturation in harmony with his genetics."
"It is not a matter of superseding biology, rather one of manifesting its inner logic into balances of complementary opposites."
"The everlasting search for the neverlasting advantage."
"Being all that you can be, and preparing for what you will be.
By being what you can be, you create what you will be.
By preparing for what you will be, you become what you are."
"Hands are like dicks, they're more useful when they're up."
"If you ain't the lead sled dog the view is all the same. No one beats everyone, so everyone looks at someone's butt sometimes-- so be not humble and be not proud. Respect others as you respect yourself."
"Together our Strength in service of the Heart."
"According to ancient FMA tradition, consistent use of terminology in different systems is prohibited."
"Smuggling concepts across the frontiers of style"
"In search of the totality of ritual and reality"
"Stepping through the portal to the magical dimension where martial arts and crafts actually work"
"working one's way through a cranky crowd of scurrilous scum , , ,"