Author Topic: UFC 113 in Montreal  (Read 11388 times)


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UFC 113 in Montreal
« on: May 09, 2010, 08:18:34 AM »
Mixed feelings about the final results. Our team member Patrick Cote did not win in his first fight back after his knee injury of 2008. We hosted the Shogun Rua team this week at GAMMA. They were a very tight but family oriented group. Not standoffish at all. Shogun was very determined to do what he did. He worked that material all week. And he kicks like a mule. They have an especially thick kicking pad for him. They trained from about 10pm-12pm to approximate the fight time they would have at the UFC so going home early was not an option this week. They had all three brothers (Shogun, Ninja, and Shaolin) training for upcoming fights so the whole team was out in force. I sat near some of them at the event and boy did they scream when Machida went down. those Brazilians are pretty passionate. Marcus Davis also spent a couple of days here sharpening his tools and cutting a bit of weight. He knocked Jonathan Goulet out in his fight.


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Re: UFC 113 in Montreal
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2010, 11:33:51 AM »
It sucks that Cote lost, I jumped off my couch when he threw his leg over Belchers head to finish that Kimura, knowing he trains with Fabio I thought he would have had that one for sure.

Better luck next time though.


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Re: UFC 113 in Montreal
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2010, 08:08:01 AM »
The UFC left me with a bad feeling. None of my picks won. However, Shogun is awesome. For some reason I feel like he is supposed to be the villain??? Maybe because Machida is Uber respectful and we are not used to seeing it. Super bummed with Cote. That dude he fought was strong. The Koscheck thing weird. Kimbo. Sam Stout fought really well. Opinions?


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Re: UFC 113 in Montreal
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2010, 08:35:47 AM »
As Machida waited for the fight to begin I did not sense his mind to be 100% right and the initial exchanges increased my sense of this.  In my analysis the determining factor in the first fight, which I think (and Lyoto's ribs think too I suspect) Rua won, was that Rua shut off LM's ability to move right (i.e. to the outside angle for the mirror lead structure presented by lefty vs. righty).  Perhaps this was due to the threat of Rua's hook (see e.g. the Zirconia like hook with which he knocked out Chuck Lidell)?

I saw L try circling right one time (I've only watched the fight once and will watch it again before deleting it) but then he got manuevered into circling left again.  I'll have to check, but I suspect SR's left foot was outside LM's right foot at the moment of his right hand coming over L's left hand.

I continue to root for Kimbo and was glad he had some nice takedowns, but you would think that by now he would have the basics of defending his legs from kicks in place , , ,

I forget whether it was Stout or Stevens (IIRC?) but someone in that fight used linear Zirconias 2x very nicely.