Author Topic: Stick Grappling  (Read 16046 times)


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Stick Grappling
« on: January 01, 2011, 05:02:35 PM »
Woof Crafty, woof all,

As a newcomer to this group, but not to the martial arts, one of the things I find most interesting at the moment is the clinch-range use of the stick, as in stick-grappling. My interest is in real-life survival, not tournaments. I am of relatively small build, not especially strong, and 65. It's not realistic for me to plan in terms of rolling around on the ground (especially as he probably has buddies). My style generally is to close quickly to the side and use elbows, knees and neck-locks along with T'ai Chi-like evasions and go-behinds; but I realize how difficult it is to avoid ending up on the ground. I have several of the DBMA DVDs, and am very impressed by what I've seen of the stick grappling techniques (the Fang, for instance).

My question is, which of the DVDs focus most on this aspect?

Peter the Pagan


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Re: Stick Grappling
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2011, 10:17:17 PM »
Woof Peter:

In addition to #5 in the Real Contact Stickfighting series which focuses on the fang choke and counters to the head lock, I would draw your attention to the "Attacking Blocks" DVD.  Also, in the "Kali Fitness" DVD Guro Lonely Dog shows some nice getting up from the ground movement at one point.  I gather from what you write that you focus is on street application for yourself, so may I also suggest something that is not exactly stickgrappling?  "Die Less Often" and DLO 3 are quite focused on street application including getting behind people and clinch work against an armed man. 

That said, none of these DVDs focuses on stickgrappling.  For members of the DBMA Association, there is a Vid-Lesson that does focus on stickgrappling.

Does this help?
Crafty Dog

PS:  Kudos are still having at it at 65!  I am only 58 but I look to still be at it for many years to come.


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Re: Stick Grappling
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2011, 07:55:20 AM »

      Crafty said:
<<That said, none of these DVDs focuses on stickgrappling.  For members of the DBMA Association, there is a Vid-Lesson that does focus on stickgrappling.>>

Woof Crafty,
Thanks for the reply.

I already have most of the DVDs you mention. I especially liked, as you suggest, DLO 1; the "reverse X-block" is very creative, and I am practicing this as well. Integrates well with T'ai Chi "P'eng". I will get DLO 3. I also have Krabi Krabong, though I haven't watched it yet.

Can you tell me more about the Vid lessons for members? I can't find this info on your site.

At 65, a few more aches and pains, but I choose not to see them as "aging", but simply aches and pains. Some loss of muscle mass, which stimulates me to swing those kettlebells more intensely. Still resilient in recovering from injuries. I've studied Qigong and Alexander Technique for many years (I teach them both) & I give a lot of credit to this.

I have fantasies of becoming the oldest to fight at a DB meet, but I think you guys are a bit more tolerant of head impact than I (I work with trauma clients, and I've seen the lasting effects of even minor concussions).

When I next find myself in your area, I will definitely try to arrange a lesson with you.

Thanks for your great work
(and I still think your politics are off the wall :wink:)


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Re: Stick Grappling
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2011, 08:11:03 AM »
OK Crafty, woof woof,

I found the thread about DBMA membership, and I'm signing up right now.

 I also found your comments about politics, indicating that being an extreme left-wing liberal fascist commie pinko is not an impediment to participation--good to know :-D.

Thanks again


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Re: Stick Grappling
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2011, 08:49:55 AM »
 :-D :-D :-D


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Re: Stick Grappling
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2011, 11:01:07 AM »
Woof Peter the Pagan:

I really like the material in the Stickgrappling Vidlesson (VL), however, from your post, this material may not be quite what you are looking for as it involves BJJ. Guro Crafty neglected to mention there is another stickgrappling VL. This one concentrates on the standing stickgrappling, specifically the Stick-Clinch. Not to sound like a commercial, but I really was surprised at this VL because:

1) The sheer amount of material taught
2) The clear cohesive progression of the material taught
3) Last but not least, surprised Guro Crafty didn't keep this block of the DBMA curriculum private, that is, not even offer it to the DBMAA members.

FYI - there is a VL on healing, although it's not Qigong/Chi Kung/Hei Gung, IMO it's worth checking out.

Please forgive my post if it came across as a commercial. The VL's are awesome!

Very truly yours in self-defense and the martial arts,

"A good stickgrappler has good stick skills, good grappling, and good stickgrappling and can keep track of all three simultaneously. This is a good trick and can be quite effective." - Marc "Crafty Dog" Denny