Author Topic: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home  (Read 58921 times)


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Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« on: February 18, 2008, 08:41:40 PM »
I am pegging out on a serious work out and I need to push the limits again. I am looking for something that I can do at home when I am not training or at the gym.

At my home gym I have the basics, Push up bars, Steel chair, two big concret blocks (Can be used for dips and I also put my feet though the holes for sit ups.) I have curl bar, Dumbells.

So any kinds advice that would take me about 3 hours would be a help.



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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2008, 11:01:15 AM »
Plenty of Crossfit workouts use minimal equipment ( ).

One of their benchmark workouts, for example, is 'Cindy':

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of 5 pull-ups, 10 pushups and 15 squats.

Push-ups should be 'gold standard' where your chest and groin touch the floor, pull-ups should be full range of motion and make sure the squats break paralell.

Kaju Dog

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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2008, 03:34:21 PM »
I am pegging out on a serious work out and I need to push the limits again. I am looking for something that I can do at home when I am not training or at the gym.

At my home gym I have the basics, Push up bars, Steel chair, two big concret blocks (Can be used for dips and I also put my feet though the holes for sit ups.) I have curl bar, Dumbells.

So any kinds advice that would take me about 3 hours would be a help.


Take a look here...


Kaju Dog


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2008, 09:45:08 PM »
Thank you for the links guys.

Dog Pound

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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2008, 11:08:44 PM »
Below are few circuits I like.  Remember - no breaks between stations or sets.


This is my latest:

2 min Tire flip
2 min Sledge hammer the tire
2 min Tire flip
2 min Throw down a sand filled basketball (25-30lbs)
2 min Outside swings w/ kettlebell
Repeat (2 sets of these and I need a break)


This next one doesn't sound that bad, but it sneaks up on you:

Jump rope until you mess up (or 50 jumps)
Farmers walk a set of kettlebells out and back about 50 feet
Jump rope until you mess up (or 50 jumps)
Clean (and hold) a set of kettlebells while walking out and back about 50 feet
Jump rope until you mess up (or 50 jumps)
Snatch (and hold) a set of kettlebells while walking out and back about 50 feet
Repeat for 15 minutes

(Hint - to keep it challenging, have various sized sets of kettlebells or dumbbells handy.  I like heavier bells for the farmer's walk or at the start and then use lighter bells for the snatch or as I get fatigued.)


This one is fun:

2 min Heavy bag
1 min Indian club swings (10 - 15lbs)
repeat about 5 times

(hint - you can replace the club work with KB swings or thrusters or set of 3-5 deadlifts.)
I don't know how many of them it would have taken to whip my ass, but I knew how many they were going to use. That's a handy little piece of information.
- Ron White


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2008, 12:22:01 AM »
I have been doing a Power & Speed workout that I saw on one of those Title Boxing vids ( achieving speed and power in boxing ).

You can use 2 dumbells ranging from 1 pound to 5 pound. You don't want to go higher because the speed required to get the benefits, you might injure yourself on higher weights. I am only using 2 pound and it completely destroys me so if you really need a badass challenge you can try 5 pound.

The idea is you do 4 sets ( 12 minute workout ). each set is 3 minutes . each three minute set is made up from 6 exercises. So you do one exercise for 30 seconds then without any break you go straight into the next one. When you finish one set you take a 30 second break. All the exercises in the first two sets were different and then set 3 and 4 is just repeating 1 and 2 again. 

The important thing is you use speed and power with the weights as fast as you can without self-injury.

Just doing this for the past couple weeks has made a huuuge improvement in my speed and power. Also, I have noticed after 3 hours of rigorous sparring I still don't drop my gloves.

good luck finding a new workout for yourself.


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2008, 07:22:24 AM »
These are pretty awesome. Thank you for the tips. I am gonna try them out. I had posted something last night but I don't know what happend to it. I was seeing if it was to out of control for normal humans to try or if it was in the realm of reason.

It was 10 works out ( Push up, squat thrust, Prison Squats, Dips, Curls, Crunches,Belly Blasters, Sit Ups, Leg lifts and Jumping Jacks and in each one of these work outs there was 6 sets and in that set there was 50 reps. After you finished one set of 50 you moved down the chain.

I found it on a website and I don't know if its possible to pull off or is it just the large numbers that are a scare or would it be safe to do this but lower the numbers down a bit.

I am however writting those other works out down as we speak so I can kindly steal them from you two  :-D :wink:

Any advice is much appercaited!


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2008, 08:48:35 AM »

You may want to read this article before starting what you perceive as an "out of control" workout:


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2008, 09:15:12 AM »
Oh God..Nevermind. That's crazy! I want to put my body though a Challenge but I don't want to kick the bucket!
I like the work out plan but those numbers it calls for might be alittle high in reps

Guide Dog

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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2008, 01:08:07 PM »
Just a short piece of info.  I went to a local Costco a few weeks ago and their tire center gave me a large, used tire for free.  I only took one, but they offered as many as I could cart away.  They also told me that they usually have to call a service to take the old tires and that they prefer to donate the used tires when possible.  They had recently donated 20 used tires to a local high school for their football team's training.  I noticed that C-Dog Pound had some tire work in his circuit training and I have been having a great time lately alternating between kettlebell rounds and rounds using my tire as a heavy bag for weapons.  I went in fully prepared to lay out money for a new tire, only to have a nice clerk suggest I get a used one for free!  I'm sure the thought of getting a used tire for free is not new on the forum, but this was a real positive experience.  I had my piece of (free) equipment washed and hung in my home gym within ten minutes leaving the store.
Dr. Bryan Stoops, Ed.D.
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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2008, 01:58:07 PM »
Just a short piece of info.  I went to a local Costco a few weeks ago and their tire center gave me a large, used tire for free.  I only took one, but they offered as many as I could cart away.  They also told me that they usually have to call a service to take the old tires and that they prefer to donate the used tires when possible.  They had recently donated 20 used tires to a local high school for their football team's training.  I noticed that C-Dog Pound had some tire work in his circuit training and I have been having a great time lately alternating between kettlebell rounds and rounds using my tire as a heavy bag for weapons.  I went in fully prepared to lay out money for a new tire, only to have a nice clerk suggest I get a used one for free!  I'm sure the thought of getting a used tire for free is not new on the forum, but this was a real positive experience.  I had my piece of (free) equipment washed and hung in my home gym within ten minutes leaving the store.

I was walking my dogs the other day and up buy the field I found a big truck tire. I need to go back there with the dogs and have them haul it back for me.


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2008, 11:17:06 AM »
Below are few circuits I like.  Remember - no breaks between stations or sets.


This is my latest:

2 min Tire flip
2 min Sledge hammer the tire
2 min Tire flip
2 min Throw down a sand filled basketball (25-30lbs)
2 min Outside swings w/ kettlebell
Repeat (2 sets of these and I need a break)


This next one doesn't sound that bad, but it sneaks up on you:

Jump rope until you mess up (or 50 jumps)
Farmers walk a set of kettlebells out and back about 50 feet
Jump rope until you mess up (or 50 jumps)
Clean (and hold) a set of kettlebells while walking out and back about 50 feet
Jump rope until you mess up (or 50 jumps)
Snatch (and hold) a set of kettlebells while walking out and back about 50 feet
Repeat for 15 minutes

(Hint - to keep it challenging, have various sized sets of kettlebells or dumbbells handy.  I like heavier bells for the farmer's walk or at the start and then use lighter bells for the snatch or as I get fatigued.)


This one is fun:

2 min Heavy bag
1 min Indian club swings (10 - 15lbs)
repeat about 5 times

(hint - you can replace the club work with KB swings or thrusters or set of 3-5 deadlifts.)

Nice routine.


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2008, 09:06:34 PM »
I have been doing this and I am not sure if I should up the reps and do less sets or should I stay at the same..I do one right at the other
1) push ups x20
2) Squat thrust x20
3) Prison Squats x25
4) Dips x25
5) Curls x10(Ezbar Heavy) then next time the set comes up I do single Dumbbell at 30lb and keep switching
6)Crunches x100
7) Bellyblasters x30
8)Situps x20
9) Leglifts x20
10)Jumping Jacks x100

I have been doing this is sets of 6 at the end I work the heavy bag for 3 mins with out rest and then switch down to a big heavy tire. One of those lifted ford truck tires. It weights about 65lbs...I work ground work on that..Like mount it and work on my strikes from a mount and then from the sides..Then shoot back and squat it right up to the air..Turn my body around and slam it on the ground and repeat the process..I do that for about 3 mins with out rest..Then work on Kali Baston stikes and work on hitting my tire rack for about 3 mins..Then switch to Knife for 3 mins and one more set of heavy bag and tire. (These 3 mins things are songs)

So back to the the top..More reps and less sets or stay the same?


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2008, 09:24:59 PM »
What's your heart rate?  What is your mission?


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2008, 09:39:47 PM »
I dont know my heart rate but it does not seem to be fast. I sweat alot..My mission is to tighten up the body more muscle tone/hardness along with endurance and strength...Not the fluffy puffy "I lift alot of weights" look but the You dont want to mess with me Punisher! On that note, a guy from Sayoc trained the actor for that movie.  :-D When I started this stuff I was at 225lbs..I started doing super work outs and I went to 170lbs So any helpful advice on what I am doing right now would help..


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2008, 10:11:49 PM »
Here's a couple more for ya...although you want to scale them down (lower weight or lower reps or both):


Run 1 Mile
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
Run 1 Mile

21 OH squats (95 lbs.)
42 pullups
15 OH squats
30 pullups
9 OH squats
18 Pullups

For Time:
25 Walking lunges
20 pullups
50 box jumps
20 double unders
25 ring dips
20 knees to elbows
30 KB swings
30 situps
20 hang squat cleans
25 back extensions
30 wall balls
3 rope climbs


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2008, 11:02:24 PM »
SB_Mig...Thank you for those man..You seriously always come though and help me out either on the forum or in private message. These workouts are great and I got to try them..


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2008, 09:40:31 AM »
Just take these slow buddy. I don't want you to blow yourself out...


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2008, 09:21:23 AM »
Marine Corps combat fitness routine,look in latest issue of MENS a set of perfect pushup,by a Navy SEAL.


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2008, 10:43:36 AM »
I don't know if anyone has tried this but I tried the 300 work out and it was pretty awesome.

Has anyone else tried it?

Dog Pound

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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2008, 02:34:27 PM »
Which part of the 300 workout?  There are some good idea from the videos.  One of drills in one of the videos is throwing a 25 lb D-Ball/ heavy ball (a basketball filled with sand is about 25 lbs).  You throw in 6 different ways:
right side,
left side,
chest level push,
overhead, and

Throw from the right side, chase the ball, throw from the left side, chase the ball, ....  This also works well with a car tire instead of a heavy ball

I would like to know more about his ideas.  One of the things he talks about on the videos is working the legs first to draw the blood down and then working the upper body which is made more difficult because all the blood has to be drawn up.
I don't know how many of them it would have taken to whip my ass, but I knew how many they were going to use. That's a handy little piece of information.
- Ron White


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2008, 04:10:33 PM »
This one

Pull Ups   25   Floor Wipers   50
Dead Lifts   50    Dumbell Thrusters   50
Push Ups   50   Pull Ups   25
Box Jumps   50      


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2008, 12:53:25 PM »
Rest Period for biceps. Training them Monday and Friday. Looking for advice on that Rest period.


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2008, 09:08:17 AM »
Just Started This one and it kicks ass

Sledge Hammer Tires 6 sets of 100

Squat Press and slam the 50lbs tire 6 sets of 10

Burst Crunches 6 sets of 30

I will do one set of 100 tires then move on to a set of tire slams then on to the crunches..Repeat

After those I move on to kali drills. 4 songs on my ipod total before moving on to the next. 2 full songs no stop hitting the tire with a steel Pipe Measured out to a Largo Mano stick. Hitting from all angles and flow...3 song I move onto Rattan and what C-Guide Dog showed me..And the Last song Drills with my brand new awesome Gijo Iron wood fighting stick that I got from a great site and a great person over at

This work out has been great so far...But before I start it I do about 5 excersises and 1 Super set of Bicep stuff..To balance everything out. The biceps are for my Lady  :mrgreen:

I will be working on a work out today that I will post up.


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Circuit Ideas.
« Reply #24 on: May 02, 2008, 12:39:37 PM »
Circuit Ideas.

I have been having alot of success and results with this one Training set that I do to start out my week. I thought I would throw it down for anyone who was interested. I usually use this On Monday and Saturday. Wen, Friday and Sunday are something totally different.

Jump Rope a total of 100 times (repeat 4 times) After you finish the first set of 100, Drop down and hit 25 push ups (Repeat 4 times) When you hit the 25 push ups. Move to a Clean and Press (50lbs or higher) and smash out 10 reps. Repeat this 4 times , One right after the other.

Next. Same amount of Jump Ropes. Replace the Push Ups with Dips and replace the Clean and Press with Squats. Total of 4 sets for each station

Next - SledgeHammer Tires and Sit Ups.  I hit the tire with the sledge hammer 100 reps then drop and do weighted sit ups for a total of 40 ( as as many as you can do) Repeat these 4 times. ( Sledge, Then Situps and back to sledge)

Finally move to Kali Drills. I like to start off hitting the swinging tire with a 30 inch Steel pipe the same thickness as a Kali Stick, So I suggest if you try this to do the same. I swing power shots 50 on the right, 50 on the left and then drop and hit Non weighted sit ups, fast to 30 and reapeat the process 4 times..Then move to Kali drills Knife or stick on the bag and tire and when you start to max out hit the sit ups again for a total of another 4 sets.

The end should be a guerrilla card dash, I usually take around the block.

This really helped with my Kali Game and My other Work outs I blend in Empty Hand and ground work along with the exercises. Hope this helps anyone.  :-D


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New Work Out To Try
« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2008, 08:54:14 AM »
I have a new training log that I put together and I hope these ideas are something that other's find to be of use. So here is a new one to try.

I rather like this one because it builds up alot of face paced movement and motion and also adds in Alot of the DBMA power shots into the work out that Guide Dog has been showing me.

1) Jump Rope ( Weighted Jump Rope) (10 x 100)
2) Sit Ups ( 10 x 30 )
3) Push Ups ( 10 x 10 + / 10 is the min your should do but attempt to push it..Clean push ups are better then sloppy pushing)
4) Ezcurl Bar 10 x 10 @ 30lbs Plus Bar ( Fast and Clean)
5) Upright Rows ( 10 x 10 @ 35 lbs Grip weight) again..Fast and Clean
6) Bent Over rows - Switch right to the bent over from the Upright  ( 10 x 10 )
7) Clean & Press ( 10 x 10 @ 30lbs Plus Bar ( Fast and Clean)
8 ) Kali Power Shots Both right and left side ( 10 x 10 ) ( You can work stick and then switch to knife and throw in some Kali Open Hand)

Do one station right after the other. I know the sets are rather high for a begining person so please lower the sets..Or you can pound it out to 5 then take a 2 min break and then hit it again for the last 5.

Have Fun!
« Last Edit: May 07, 2008, 09:15:19 AM by Maxx »

Kaju Dog

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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #26 on: July 26, 2008, 03:58:48 PM »
Just thought I would bring this back to the top.

Here is a breakdown of a routine that I rotate in and out of when I feel the need to take a break from my normal weight lifting routine.

*Note 1)
Examples of these can be found at this web site.

The way I do these:  Set a "Round Timer" (or any timer) to 2 min's ON / 1 min RESTwith "X" amount of rounds to match your desired number of exercises (ie 12 rounds, 2 min ON / 1 min OFF.  I try to do as many reps of each seperate exercise before the bell rings to rest.  I track the number of reps on my log and aim to improve on that number.   After 1 month of doing this, I increase the weight amounts for the applicable exercise(s). 

It's an ASS KICKER - have fun.

Day 1:  Chest/Shoulders

Dive Bombers -

Hand Stand Press -

Prone Ball Walk Outs -

Prone Ball Push Ups -

Cinder Block Push Ups -

Close Grip Bench Press -

Dumbbell Fly’s -

Weighted Dips –

Brick Drop/Catch –

Dumbbell Floor Press –

Leaning Side Raises –

Shoulder Cleans –

High Front Plate Pulls –

Front Straight Arm Raises w/ Plate –

Truck Drivers w/ Plate –

Behind Head Press w/ Plate –

Around The World w/ Plate –

Straight Bar Overhead Press –


Day 2:  Arm/Hand

Finger Tip Plate Pick Up –

Plate Pinch –

Farmers Walk –

Tire Flip –

Sledge Hammer –

Arm Over Arm Rope Pull –

Lift And Carry –

Fat Bar Hold –

Standing Curls –

Standing Pull Downs –

Gi / Towel Seated Row –

Gi / Towel Chin Ups –


Day 3:  Back

Plank w/ Forward Body Pull –

Gi / Towel Supine Rows –

Twisting Turtle Pick Up –

Partner Swing –

Partner Scarecrow –

Partner / Heavy Bag Flip –

Fireman Pick Up –

Chin Ups w/ Various Grips –

Pole Vaulter Pull Up –

Back Extensions –

Dead Lift (single/double) –

Supine Dumbbell Pull Over –

Reverse Fly w/ Dumbbell –

Good Mornings –

Day 4:  Abs/Core

Seated Press Up w/ Backward Slide –

“V” Sit Up (fingers to toes) –

Leg Triangle Hip Raise –

Partner Leg Throw –

Partner Hip Exchange –

Cinder Block / Med Ball Toe Touch –

Supine Single Leg Kick To Med Ball –

Triangle Crunch w/ Med Ball –

Explosive Sit up / Get up w/ Med Ball –

Seated Figure 8 Around Legs w/ Brick –

Physioball Exchange –

Physioball Knee Tuck –

SL Planks w/ or w/o Single Leg Abd –

Prone Plank w/ or w/o Single Leg –

Superman Abdominal Plank Press –

Supine Cable Knee Tuck –

Olympic Bar Twist –

Olympic Bar Bus Driver –

Olympic Bar Single Hand Snatch –

Olympic Bar Single Arm Punch –

Physioball w/ Cable Twist (s/u/d) –

Physioball Suplex –

Weighted Side Bends –

“V” Sit Up w/ Speed Twists –

Forward Straight Bar Roll Out –

Alligator Crawl w/ Foot Plate Pull –

Day 5:  Legs/Heart

Burpees –

Lunges –

Physioball Squat –

Step Up –

Plate Push –

Power Curl –

Physioball Hip Pop Up –

Physioball Hamstring Curl –

Hamstring Raises w/ Partner –

Toe Raises –

Band Guard Pull –

Groin Plate Slide –

Ankle Band Lunges –

Physioball Hip Twists –


Day 6:  Fight Cardio/Conditioning

Shadow Boxing - #2 – 3 min’s

Jump Rope - #2 – 3 min’s

SEAL Jacks - #2 – 3 min’s

Bag Work - #2 – 3 min’s

Tai Chi w/ Bricks - #5 min’s

“Poison Palm” Conditioning - #5 min’s

Shin Conditioning - #2-3 min’s

Forearm Conditioning - #2-3 min’s

Dance Of Death - #1-2 min’s

Foot Tag - #1-2 min’s

Hand Slap Push Ups Game - #1-2 min’s

Rope-A-Dope - #1-2 min’s

Duck Walk - #1-2 min’s

Burn Outs - #1 min

Tap-N-Go - #3-5 min’s

Med Ball To Core - #30 sec’s

Physioball Neck Press –

Supine Neck Flexion / Extension –

Neck Band Extension –

Bridge - #30 sec’s

Weighted / Resistance Boxing –

Dog Dean
« Last Edit: July 26, 2008, 04:01:02 PM by "Dog" Dean »

Kaju Dog


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #27 on: September 10, 2008, 06:22:47 PM »
Thought I would bring this back up after Dean was so kind to add some of his methods.

I started working on this new work out and went the first day today and was able to finish it in almost 2 hours.

If anyone is looking for something new AGAIN. Take a look at it and give it a shot.

Dean, I am curious on what your thoughts are on this.

To The work out.

There are 6 blocks and a certain amount of excerises in each block. After One Excersise and Set is done move down the line, One right after the other till you complete each Set.

Block 1
1) Pulls Ups - 3 sets to Fail
2) Dead Lifts - 3 Sets to 10 Reps
3) Push Ups - 3 Sets to Fail
4) Sit Ups - 3 Sets To Fail

Block 2
1) Sledge Hammer on Tires - 5 Sets to 50 Reps
2) Plyometric power-over pushups - 5 Sets To Fail
3) Weighted Foot Work - 5 sets at 100 seconds each set

Block 3
1) Dumbell Swings (Replaced with Cinder Block) 5 Sets to 15 Reps
2) Dumbell Thrusters- 5 sets to 10 Reps
3) Sit Ups - 5 Sets to Fail

Block 4
1) Clean And Press- 5 Sets to 10 reps or to fail
2) Wide Elevated Push ups - 5 Sets to Fail
3) Dips - 5 Sets to Fail
4) Crunches - 5 Sets to 50 reps Fast

Block 5

1) Pull Ups - 3 Sets To Fail
2) Big Truck Tire Squat and Press Slam- 3 Sets to 10 reps
3) Push Ups - 3 Sets to Fail
4) Sit Ups- 3 Sets to Fail

Block 6 Final Block
1) Pull Ups 3 Sets to Fail " Weighted"
2) Push Ups - 3 Sets to Fail "Weighted"
3) Sit Ups "Weighted to 35lbs" 3 Sets to Fail


MMA And Kali Training.

Drills, Conditioning and Sparring

MA Drill on Heavy Bag/ Burn outs, Weighted Punches, Shadow boxing, Footwork, Timing, Distance, Weighed footwork, Sprawling Drills, Shooting take down drills

Ground Conditioning

Shadow Boxing and Shooting drills mixed

Shadow Boxing and Sprawling drills mixed

Ground Poung drills

Weighted Resistance Back to feet Drills

Kali Drills- Heavy Pipe Drills, Light Pipe Drills, Contact Hits on Tires ( Only for a few) Then I move to Knife Drills- Impact Drills on Tire with Trainer, Speed Drills



1) Normal Grip Barbell Curl ( Heavy ) Start @ 100lbs + - 3 Sets to Fail
2) Wide Grip Barbell Curls - 3 Sets to Fail
3) Narrow Grip Barbell Curls - 3 Sets to Fail
4) Rotation Curls - ( Heavy) Start with 40lbs first set, 50 second set, 60 Third set

5) Ezbar Curls ( Light Weight ) With Reverse Ezbar Curls Super Sets @ 30lbs - 5 Sets to 10 Reps

6) One Arm Bent Over Rows @ 70lbs 3 to 4 sets to 10 Reps
7) Bent Over Barbell Rows @ 110 - 3 to 4 Sets to 10 reps
8) Dead Lifts @ 140lbs 3 Sets to 5 reps
9) Weighted GoodMornings 4 Sets to 20 Reps Mixed with a Calf Raise Super Set - 4 Sets to 50 reps
10) Crunches- 3 x100
11) Leg Lifts- 3 x 30

Later that Night a good Run


1) Bench Press @ 200+ Lbs
2) Dumbell Press @ 80Lbs 3 Sets to Max
3) Pulls Overs with 35lbs Plate 4 Sets to 10 reps
4) Dumbell Flys 4 Sets to 10 reps
5) Dips With Dumbell Kick Back Super Sets - 5 Sets to Fail each one
6) Isolation Triceps Extension 4 Sets to 10 reps
7) Standing Skull Crushers- 4 Sets to 10 reps
8) Laying Skull Crushers- 4 Sets to 10 reps
9) Shoulder Lateral Raises- 4 Sets to 10 Reps
10) Shoulder Barbell Raises 4 Sets to 10 Reps
11) Around The Worlds - 4 Sets to 10 reps
12) LIght Military Press- 3 Sets to 10 reps
13) Light Behind the Neck Press- 3 sets to 10 reps


Repeat Tuesday's Menu but just the MMA part of it all

Later that Night a good Run


Repeat Tuesday's Menu but just the Kali part of it all

Later that Night a good Run


OFF But anyone of these Days is Subject to Change with a Second Work out at night that would be Mma or Kali Training and Sparring or if my Girl wants me to leave my Man cave and hang out and not to mention that this is Subject to change with my Soon to be Deployed ass over to the Sand Box.

I should also mention that the Pull Ups should be done with all different grips.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2008, 08:28:48 AM by Maxx »


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #28 on: September 11, 2008, 12:31:25 PM »
Here is another one I add to shake things up and mix up the mondays instead or Do the Mondays and then do this one on a Friday

Each one has Three Sets. After you finish one Set move down to the next work out, So on and So on OR You can do each set one at a time

1) Pull Ups - 3 Sets to Fail ( Various Grips )
2) Push Ups - 3 Sets to Fail ( Various Ways)
3) Dips - 3 Sets to Fail
4) Sledge Hammer on Tire - 3 Sets to Each Set 1 min/ 60 secs
5) Kettle Bell Swings ( Replace with CinderBlock) 3 Sets to 20
6) Dumbel Thrusters @ 40lbs - 3 Sets to 10
7) Clean And Press @ 50lbs and Above, Stack the weight to fail - 3 Sets
8 ) DeadLift @ 100lbs + - 3 Sets to 5 or 8 or 10
9) Squats ( If Alone @ 40lbs to 50Lbs. If with Friend 100lbs +) 3 Sets
10) Truck Tire Press and Slam- 3 sets to 10
11) Lateral Rasises - 3 sets
12) Weighted Sit Ups with 35 to 40lbs Plate - 3 Sets to Fail.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 01:19:09 PM by Maxx »

Tony Torre

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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2008, 07:05:37 PM »
Max try this puppy.  The set up is for time 30 seconds each exercise repeating the circuit with out a break for 5 minutes. Do this 3-5 times.

1) Burpees on a medicine ball exploding into a swing(aka wood chopper) on the way up
2) Pushups alternating hands on the ball
3) Lunges with ball touching down in front of feet
4) Standing twists with the ball

Enjoy  :evil:
Tony Torre
Miami Arnis Group


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #30 on: July 19, 2009, 11:39:16 AM »
I found this online. I was studying some of Mikes boxing moves to work on some of my own for MMA and I stumbled across this

Any thoughts on it?

Tyson in the 80's when he was under Kevin Rooney was under a strict exercise regime that he followed working out like an animal!
This was his training regime!
Iron Mike Tyson's Training Regime (in the 1980's)


Up until he fired Kevin Rooney in 1988, his ONLY diet was steak, pasta and fruit juice. How's that for discipline?

Daily Regime (7 days a week):
5am: get up and go for a 3 mile jog
6am: come back home shower and go back to bed (great workout for those huge legs of his)
10am wake up: eat oatmeal
12pm: do ring work (10 rounds of sparring)
2pm: have another meal (steak and pasta with fruit juice drink)
3pm: more ring work and 60 mins on the exercise bike (again working those huge legs for endurance)
5pm: 2000 sit-ups; 500-800 dips; 500 press-ups; 500 shrugs with a 30kg barbell and 10 mins of neck exercises and 100 Pull Ups
7pm: steak and pasta meal again with fruit juice (orange i think it was)
8pm: another 30 minutes on the exercise bike
then watch TV and then go to bed.

(Before jogging in the morning he did a lot of stretching followed by 10 jumps onto boxes and 10 bursts of sprints, then he went jogging. At 12pm he sparred. At 3pm he did focus mitt work or heavy bag work inside the ring. He warmed up for all ring work with light exercises such as skipping or shadow boxing or speed ball. At 5pm Tyson did 10 quick circuits, each circuit consisting of: 200 sit-ups, then 25-40 dips, then 50 press-ups, then 25-40 dips, then 50 shrugs, followed by 10 mins of neck work on the floor. What an animal! Tyson said that the shrugs "built his shoulders up" to help unleash punches with his short arms whilst at the same time building endurance in the neck. It should be noted though that Tyson couldn't do any more than 50 sit-ups a day and 50 press-ups a day when he was 13, but gradually increasing the reps each week got him to a higher level over many years, so that he was doing 2000 sit-ups inside 2 hours every day by the time he was 20.)

Mike told Ian Durke (Sky commentator) his above workout regime when he visited England to watch a Frank Bruno fight in March 1987. Durke told Mike that Bruno trained like a bodybuilder and asked Mike about this, but Mike said that floor exercises and natural exercises work better. Mike explained that his punch-power comes from nothing more than heavy bag work "works your strength through the hips" he said, despite doing shrugs with a barbell he said that lifting weights has about as much resemblance to punching as "cheesecake" (contradicting himself though due to doing shrugs). But his mentor Cus D'Amato realised that, due to Tyson's style, he needed punch-power (not that he didn't have it naturally anyway). So Cus got Mike very heavy bags to hit for a 13 yr old, and Cus gradually increased the weight of the bags Tyson used over time so that by the age of 18-19 Tyson was banging bags that no other man could budge! Also, Cus used to order Tyson to go jog 3 miles with 50lbs on his back because he didn't want Mike growing any taller (because it didn't suit his style)!
He did mostly bodyweight exercises but did use some barbells to do his 500 odd shrugs with lol


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #31 on: July 20, 2009, 09:53:56 AM »
I think that type of workout is typical of old school boxing.


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #32 on: December 31, 2009, 12:23:09 PM »
Wanted to bring this back and see what everyone was doing these days to keep healthy and strong..Guess I'll start..I have come along way since I first started. When I started these forums I was 163lbs @ 5'8  :mrgreen:  Now I am at 200lbs or maybe a tad more..So this is what I have been doing as of late

Monday- Chest/Biceps/Forearms
1) Incline Press
w/u - 2 sets of 120 x 12
work Sets
150 x 12
160 x 11
170 x 11
185 x 10
210 x 8

2) Flat Bench Press
w/u - 2 sets of 110 x 12
work Sets
170 x 12
180 x 11
200 x 10
240 x 9
260 x 8

3) Flat DB Flyes
30 x 12
40 x 12
50 x 8
55 x 8

4) Standing BB Curls
60 x 12
70 x 12
90 x 10
100 x 9
110 x 8

5) DB Curls
35 x 12
40 x 12
50 x 8

6) Isolation DB Curls
40 x 12
40 x 12
40 x 12

7) Wrist Curls - 4 sets to fail

Tuesday - Legs/Abs

1) Prison Squats w/ 100lb weight vest - 4 x 25
2) Squats
W/U weight - 120 x 2 sets to 12
Work Weight
150 x 12
180 x 10
200 x 9
250 x 9
280 x 9

3) Sitting Leg Press
200 x 12
220 x 12
250 x 10
280 x 10
290 x 8

4) Leg Extentions
110 x 12
110 x 12
115 x 10

5) Leg Curls
110 x 11
110 x 10
110 x 10

6) Incline Sit Ups - 4 x 25

7) Cable Crunches - 4 x 140lbs x 15 reps

Wednesday - I have off but I am starting to work on my ground and pound stuff again..I think I put up reply to a topic here where I had been in some shit at a night club and I started Bjjing a guy and he pulled out a pen and started stabbing me in my leg..I used to work ground beatings alot but stopped for some reason..I am going back though. I am also starting to work on some of my Dirty street boxing again and some FMA knife( Back Ground/Pekiti and Prison lol)..I used to speak to Guide Dog alot about a guy who was a inmate at chino penn who was out and was talking to me about how knife goes down in the penn and was willing to show me some stuff on defence and attack..I need to call this guy again and team up with him if he has not been locked up again lol!

Thursday - Shoulders/ Triceps/ Abs

1) Over Head Barbell Press
Warm Ups - 2 sets @ 60lbs
work Sets

100 x 12
105 x 10
110 x 9
115 x 9
119 x 9

2) Front Upright Row
60 x 12
70 x 12
80 x 10
90 x 10

3) Clean And Press

120 x 8
130 x 6
140 x 6
150 x 5

4) DB Side Laterals

20 x 12
30 x 12
35 x 10
40 x 10

5) Skull Crushers

60 x 12
70 x 12
75 x 12
80 x 10
100 x10

6) Cable Tricep Press Down

100 x 12
130 x 12
150 x 11
160 x 11
170 x 10

7) Leg LIfts - 4 x fail

8) Sitting Torso Twist - 4 x fail at 100lbs

9) Weightes Side bends with 45lb plate

Friday - Back/Traps/Legs "Again" / Calves

1) Standard Pull Ups - 4 x fail

2) Hammer grip Pull Ups - 4 x fail

3) Reverse Grip Pull Ups - 4 x fail

4) High Close Grip Pull Downs
100 x 12
140 x 12
160 x 12
180 x 10

5) Sitting T - row
100 x 12
100 x 12
110 x 12

6) Deadlift
W/U weight - 135 at 2 sets to 10

Work Weight
200 x 6
250 x 5
280 x 4
350 x 3

7) DB Shurgs

70 x 12
90 x 10
90 x 10
90 x 9

8) Farmer Walks
I keep the weight at the same cause I dont wanna hurt my lower back after those dead lifts

190lbs for 25 steps x 4 sets

9) Standing Calf Raise

225lbs for 4 sets to fail

My cardio has been jump rope on monday, Thursday I do 4 sets at 2 mins..Didnt want to hit to much cardio cause I was bulking phase and Hypertrophey phase.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2009, 12:57:23 PM by Maxx »

Kaju Dog

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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #33 on: December 31, 2009, 09:22:43 PM »
Brother Maxx,

In regard to your wrist curls, do you do both flexsion and extension? 

Sounds like you found a regiment that suits you. 

Keep Training Strong and Remaining strong...   

Hope to see you at a Gathering sometime soon.


Kaju Dog


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #34 on: January 01, 2010, 03:27:15 AM »
OMG!  I simply do not have any time for that sort of workout.  Maybe 15 minutes here and there.......   I just do the old school daily 7 stuff.   Push ups, sit ups, burpies, standing and laying down torso twists, bend and reach, bridge stretching.  Take the stairs when given the choice and time. If occupancy (and driver) on the bus allows, I balance surf (look ma no hands).


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #35 on: January 01, 2010, 11:20:29 AM »
@ Dean Kaju Dog - I do both and sometimes I do wrist rollers and reverse curls work the forearms. I would like to fight in a gathering but I dont really bother with sticks and hardly to never train with them..AND I have not trained in a awhile...Most of the knife we have been using in the Military and light sparing is bull doging.

@ Rarick - ahhaha No time? You should see how much I have to eat as well - 6 times to 7 times a day and that takes alot of time as well but if you manage your time well and have a good trainer you can make it happen.

My time get shortend on weeks I do Power lift, pulls and pushes.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2010, 11:23:58 AM by Maxx »


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #36 on: January 02, 2010, 07:46:30 AM »
@ Dean Kaju Dog - I do both and sometimes I do wrist rollers and reverse curls work the forearms. I would like to fight in a gathering but I dont really bother with sticks and hardly to never train with them..AND I have not trained in a awhile...Most of the knife we have been using in the Military and light sparing is bull doging.

@ Rarick - ahhaha No time? You should see how much I have to eat as well - 6 times to 7 times a day and that takes alot of time as well but if you manage your time well and have a good trainer you can make it happen.

My time get shortend on weeks I do Power lift, pulls and pushes.

Those statement speak "professional athlete" of some sort to me, and I am not one.  If I ate like that I know I would start weighing 400 plus pounds since I do not have that level of calorie burn.   I am a big breakfast, meal for lunch, and snack before bed type, otherwise I start gaining weight.


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #37 on: January 02, 2010, 06:46:17 PM »
@ Rarick - Ya right now I have some good time and will in the future.. Here is a example of how and what I eat

1) Wake Up - 1 full cup oats, 7 to 8 hard boiled egg white and one full egg, 1 apple or banana
2) Before work out - Pnut butter and Jelly sand
3) Work Out
4) After work out - Mass Gainer protein shake that has 50 grams of protein in it
5) A hour and  half later-  2 hamburger patties, 1 full potato and one green
6) 2 hours later - Pnut butter and Jelly sand and 2 hard boiled egg white
7) Dinner - 2 Tukey patties or 2 chicken breast or 2 cans of tuna/Fish , 1 full cup of brown rice and a green
8) Before bed I have Cottage cheese

Every meal has a large glass of water that follows it

Suppliment list I am on

1) Coffee
2) Creatine
3) On Mass / Mass Gainer Shake
4) Vitamin c - 500mg wake up , 500 mg after work out, 500 mg before bed.
5) On stack - 1,000 mg Tribulis, 500mg ZMA
6) Fish Oils - 1,000 mg in the am, 1,000 MG before bed

Gonna try Methylmasterdrol OTC supp in a few weeks after my Growth starts to peg out.


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #38 on: January 03, 2010, 01:24:07 PM »
I have been digging this:


It took 2 weeks to even make it through all six rounds. I highly recommend that you take his advice and use a weight that you can manage. The first three are not much of a problem, but each round after gets harder. Now that I can make it through all six I have already noticed a marked improvement in muscular endurance and cardio.
When life gives you lemons make lemonade
When life gives you hemlock, do NOT make hemlockade!


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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #39 on: January 03, 2010, 04:14:16 PM »
That looks bad ass! I wish I was still doing that type of training but that training did not suit my goals to get larger. I used to work with stuff like that back in the day..

So question... Kaju or anyone.. Does anyone here understand what I ment about doing bull dogging knife work that We in the Army and Marines have been using? If nobody know I can open a seperate topic for it and talk about how we train with it on and off base, Defence and attack.

greg jah

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Re: Anyone have any good Circuit Ideas for home
« Reply #40 on: October 22, 2014, 12:41:31 PM »
I thought I would bring this topic back to the top. About 50% of my training is done at home, generally in 45min - 1hr increments. Thus my goal is always to get an intense workout in as short of a period of time as possible.

My two favorite (and most often used) pieces of home equipment are a hanging tire (to hit with a stick) and a home-made T-Bar (to swing). For those interested in making their own T-Bar (which mimics the motion of a kettlebell swing) you can find instructions here: Check out Master Ross's embedded link for a tutorial/ demo. One addition suggested by Master Ross which I second is to add a hose clamp to keep the weights from sliding up and down the bar.

As for circuits, here is a circuit I like. You will need an interval timer set for 1 minute rounds/ 15 second rests. Do each exercise for 1 minute, then take 15 seconds to transition to the next one.

1 Round =

1. Burpees
2. Pushups
3. T-Bar swings
4. Ab wheel roll outs
5. Power shots to the tire w/ krabi sticks

Rest for 1-2 minutes between rounds. I usually go for 5 - 6 rounds per workout.

