Yowl to all of you on the DB Forum - I posted this last week to the Members site when I couldn't make my way onto the Public Forum. But since all seems working now, I'll repost here.
I am long past due putting my two cents on either forum. But as Crafty can attest, I have much happening up here in Canada land and I try not to use these confounded confusers unless I have to.
But what a weekend!! Crafty Dog came up to the great wet North to experience Vancouver in all its glory. A two day seminar was planned at the local Gold Lion Muay Thai Academy. Around 25 participants from around the lower mainland area came to learn which end of the stick hurts most.
And it was an excellent event by all accounts. Everyone I talked to left very excited and entirely satisified.
It's hard to recall it all by rote but the highlights included the prison riot (what a great warm up!), snaggle tooth entries with variations (drive-by, lower canine, and inner/outer diamonds), entry to standing grapples including the ever-popular give-the-dog-a-bone the Rico clench. Take downs and finishes were covered including a smokin' silat leg-over to head crank that I just have to try some time.
And that was just the morning of the first day!
Of course there was a solid dose of the attacking blocks drills, building nicely on what is available in the videos.
Of course there was the sinawali combos like the New York, Redondo 3, and the Bat. And then, the grand finale of Los Triques (very trique), offering the inarguably effective blend of Kali and Krabi-Krabong (in other words, the "three K's"). If you haven't bothered to learn any Krabi, you really really need to have a look.... before someone breaks your hand.
There was actually more but you lose track after a while.... I have to consult the notes.
What an great seminar though ! And very well organized I must say.....
Crafty stayed on for an extra day after that so I showed him a bit of the rain forest and what makes Vancouver a fabulous place to live (#2 in the world by last estimation). Unbelievably, it chose to be sunny and give him a real look at the place (it had been pissy and cold during the seminar). So I'm happy to say that he saw it at its best.
Dates for the next DB event are not set yet. But it can't be long!! All the feedback from attendees varied from ecstatic to hysterical.
Thanks for coming up Crafty!! See you soon.