Last Sunday the Bern Clan did an tree hours staff training with Guro Lonely Dog.
After a warm up with Yoga Staff, we went to basic solo training:
many repetitions w. Lameco 1
many repetitions w. Lameco 2
many Malayu repetitions
Malayus with spinning footwork against a massattack (St. Foom)
After we sweat a bit we did some basic partner drills (Weapon-range drills):
12 count
15 count
Umbrella Cycle
Roof Cycle
Then we went on to the Reverse staff game:
multiple thrusts with snake (?rings?)
the ?Drive-by One-hand-swing?
?Conan the Barbarian? (power caveman)
After that we did some rounds of sparring?..
With a barbecue and sitting around the campfire a very good day came to an end.